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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. ask him to take more pics. interior and engine. i dont know how fast your driving but i'm sure thats more than 2 hours from you. there has got to be a ratsun member around beaverton that could look at it for you and possibly take pics before you drive down. being that it has the j13 i doubt it will sell for anything close to $300. you would need to relocate the motor mounts just to do an l series upgrade. unless of coarse it's minty enough to leave stock with a good running non smoking non ticking j13. possibly all 4 hubcaps and seeing the antenna it may have the original radio but that one pic doesnt say shit. need more pics or a ratsun member to look it over. who's close to beaverton? someone go check this out.
  2. my wife is hard on every car we have. slams on the brakes, slams on the gas and she never tells me when something on it gets broke. i noticed a 12" crack the other day in her windshield and i ask her "when were you going to tell me that" it was like not a big deal at all to her. she said "oh i was going to tell you about that". yeah right. i use to make her drive our 65 dart years ago when our 89 jetta was down. now she has a 95 and is picky when it comes to wanting to drive the 89 as a back up when her 95 is in the shop. i've got the 89 as clean and maintained as it's ever been. she really dog's on her cars. you should have seen her granada when i met her. anyway i told her she couldn't drive the 89 when her auto tranny goes out in her 95. (it will go out sooner or later). i told her i was making her drive the hornet or volare. she about came unglued on that one. she cant drive a stick and i told her i would rather she drive my 71 521 than beat up on the 89. i guess it's time i plan ahead and find a tranny for her so when the time comes i'll have it. fucking jetta's are high maintenance. my favorite car we owned was a 70 torino gt fastback and she raked the rear quarter around a post at the fuel pump. i wanted to cry!! i will own another someday. should have kept the 65 dart and 74 scout 2. i finally stopped getting rid of our cars and the ones we have now are all junk. go figure. nice truck btw. where are you located?
  3. zenndog, my wife isn't an old car person either. well she does have a thing for fins from the 50's-60's, not that she would ever drive a big'ol boat like that. my hornet has disc's in the front but they are manual (no power booster) first car i've ever driven like that. thinking about the booster upgrade one day.:)
  4. rev engine and stick your hand over the carb to suck any debris through the carb. spray starting fluid around the carb base and vacuum and manifold to check for leaks. people say idle increases when this is done at a leak but my expirence is it floods and will try to die. either case you will know if there is a vacuum leak. points may be pitted. spark plug may be fouled. dirty distributer cap. timming light on each cylinder will tell you if a specific cylinder is missing. good luck
  5. my cable was good but something in my tranny was going on. i dropped down the gears and rotated the tranny using the rear tires off the ground and stuck a flat tip up there to turn the gears.reassembled. fixed whatever the problem was for a while. later my speedo cable broke my speedometer cause the cable was going in too far. take out the speedo gear with the 10mm locking plate and look up into the tranny with a flashlight. while spinning the rear tires see if the gears are moving in the tranny. that will give an idea of what's going on. you'll need someone to turn the tires while you look inside the tranny at the gear. oops do this second. first see if the speedo gear at the 10mm locking plate is turning while rotating the tires before taking it out of the tranny. if it doesn't turn pop it out and take a look and turn the wheels again. somewhere something isn't turning. good luck
  6. might even be from the same guy from last month who had a smashed 521 on craigslist. he wanted a crazy price. if it is the same the chances of the thing being a runner might be worth looking into, after a compression test. ask him if it smokes or the history on it.
  7. looks like the same one on seattle craigslist that was going for $500!! he came down $200. maybe he will come down $200 more next week.:D http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/pts/636892262.html
  8. welcome zenndog. i wish i had a 320. the older the truck the better, as far as i see it anyway. how about some details and pics? does it run? how much did you pay? what year? 320's rock!!
  9. yeah i dont think this opportunity will be coming again anytime soon. but one can wish. i see half a dozen 620 clocks and tach's a year, this is the first 521 clock i've ever seen. and as far as i know not a single ratsun member owns one.
  10. damn i hate it when this happens. i was ready to bid a crazy amount of money, then i went to sleep. oops. thats what i get for waiting till the last minute. this was the real deal too. i cant believe how cheap it went for. the guy that got it has a super smooth stock 521. have you ever been a jackass like me and missed out on something you really wanted? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160222101397&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=006
  11. looks like the fuel evaporate control system that the 521's have. do the 620's have a expansion tank or return line? oh wait i had a 620 once and took the tank out cause it had sand in it. that bloody thing had like 5 lines going to it.
  12. i like it. i'm always amazed that 99/100 datsuns dont have painted tailgate lettering. yes interior and engine bay pics please!!
  13. yeah my 71 521 is a real beater but i still cant help making it a better truck. i'll be posting a project thread on it soon. i love the fact i found these speakers in a 521 at pull-a-part.
  14. took me an hour and a half to get from shoreline to the convention center a couple times. 5 fuqing mph. i now understand it inspires road rage. cause let me tell ya i was raging.
  15. haha love it. the cool thing is they sound very loud in such a small cab like a 520,521,620 ect.
  16. nice ride you came to to the right place. any plans for mods or are you going to do the right thing and keep it stock:D please post interior pics.
  17. that would be the drivers/left side.
  18. as far as the hitachi goes use the dch340 not the daf328. or is it dhc340? anyway the 340 model is the better. i like the hitachi's when the are working but am currently using weber dgv's on my l16 and l20b.
  19. buy mine. although i dont know for sure that it will fit your truck. that's some homework you'll have to do. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=320234222600&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=011
  20. i wish some others would use your therapy. you know who u r. it's actually not that hard to read every thread on this forum, it may take a few days but it's fun and you learn alot. i've done that on a couple sites including this one and odpl,nwde,audiokarma. recently read a good chunk of the amc forum and saved me from asking a bunch of shit. it's not about searching it's about reading the whole damn site or most of it. at least the tech stuff and not so much all the bullshit threads in the general section that should be in the off topic section. IT SHOULD SAY TALK ABOUT ANYTHING DATSUN!!! and save your bullshit for the off topic section.:D:D
  21. unless someone you know bought your truck new and you want it for sentimental reasons you can get the nicest 521's for 5 g's. besides having crazy foose wheels they barely go for 5 g's completely redone or completely original unfortunately. better for me though cause as soon as i have 5 grand to spend i will buy the cleanest stockest 521 i can find. if you have crazy custom plans then yeah $5000 will work.
  22. a fuel issue would make it cut out like its dieing. if your just going slower while your engine is running smmoth without cutting out its probably your vacuum advance or centrifugal weights in your dist. does it sputter or just go slower? air/fuel mixture might be off. lack of fuel will make your engine cut out like it wants to die. other reasons you may go slower is not enough juice like a slipping alt belt. ever drive a car as the alt went out. your lights go dim and car goes slower until it stops. no sputtering though. my .02 good luck
  23. yeah check the plugs at the turn switch and the firewall. tweak the terminals tighter if needed or corroded. do your cluster signals light up at all. if they do you may have grounding problems at the sockets. try using a test light to track the problem. i have a blinker problem i haven't worked out. left blinker stops blinking when i step on the brake, but if it's raining it will blink very slow and tries to make the brake light blink. i'm about to swap the whole damn rear harness out. brake wire fell off the pedal switch and the blinkers worked fine till i noticed the brakes weren't coming on. back to the same old problem. and i dont think it always did it. i keep saying i'm going to visit a local member to help me on this one it drives me crazy:mad::mad: not trying to thread jack you just letting you know your not alone. my blinkers didn't work on my other 521 cause i didn't plug in the blinker plug good enough. generally wiring problems on these are ez. good luck
  24. i have had bad luck with the solid state reg's. i only use mechanical ones. i've seen original mechanicals still working on 521's. the mechanical units are adjustable on the inside for anybody that knows what they are doing. i sure dont.:lol: at least that's what the factory manual says and shows. mechanical's last so long i see people painting the outsides to touch it up including myself to last another 35 years. open them up and the points look new on the ones that still work. of coarse you may not want a 35 year old part like me but i still pick them up when i see them. the last charging problem i had on my 71 521 when i bought it i swapped out the whole harness. the volt reg and fuse box had the wires all cut up with butt connectors coming out the woodwork. i have still to this day heard about anyone adjusting the points inside to make their headlights brighter.:confused: i know it's possible. everyone would rather swap saturn alt's and put in crazy headlights in. oh well. take a wire wheel or sand paper to that bolt and where it goes on the fender to make the connection good. threads are dirty and paint/corrision/rust will give a bad connection. use a ohm meter if you hace to to make sure it's grounded. good luck
  25. they sound great. big sound from such little speakers. as the audio world says "radio shack could have been contenders".
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