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Everything posted by motavated

  1. is it a GS-R stick? Sorry. The 1990 didn't come gs-r. I misread and saw a 1990's acura teg...
  2. Honestly I think its pre 74 since it has the smaller brake booster.
  3. I wonder if some one really knows about it history.
  4. AHHAHHAHHAHHAHA! Were the fuck are these pictures found?!?!?!? O geez.....
  5. What is wrong with those welds....... How would you weld it? all of it in?
  6. Did you guys know that Rivrat has not log in here for over a month? Food for thought.
  7. Oh? You have a new runner. Those are hard to find in the yard...
  8. What type of 4runner do you have? I can find something locally at the yards.
  9. WOW! I was seeing a documentary about it and can they recycle rubber now?
  10. It depends. but they are worth good in 100 range I soold one for 50 but if your is oil starved i'll give you 30...

  11. They are cheap. Get them or someone else will. They even have beauty rings!!!!
  12. cracker white paddy Who even uses this anymore... LOL!
  13. 05 i had a ticket for going 45 on a 20mph zone. Won it since the cop was a no show. last year I got two the same month. One was for getting on the truck scales. "It was a mistake! I messed up and was caught paid 300$" The other is for not having my lights on at night. " I went to court today and pleaded not guilt. Going back 4/22, Wish me luck!"
  14. Fixed the engine bay light. Fixed cleaned and painted the rear tail lights. Fixed the steering wheel, fixed the doors weather strip. and almost installed the retractable seat belt. I just need a drill bit to make a hole and install it.
  15. SSS I buy those off you. I dont even own a 510!!!! But just having them would be awsome!!!!!!!!!
  16. The box is made in the USA! The parts might say something else. No lie!!!! I think they switch boxes... A company makes them and they just slap on the box 1/2 of the time. This is what i know. There have been some suspension recalls from there parts they have sold. Cant find proof on line but I have seen the store announcements. I had had some parts go bad on me but they keep changing suppliers its hard to know if the parts is from the same maker the second time around. For example! I have a 1966 ford mustang with lower control arms that I bought with them with lifetime warranty. The first time around they were garbage so I brought them in and got the warranty. The second time around they were of a better quality! It just depends i guess... Buy it. If it looks cheap then it is and ask for your money back...
  17. OHHHH! Not a bad Idea!... LOL! Here are some ideas for you guys as well. I was thinking an old couch or some shit. I live in the ghetto! It blends in and shit. Also about removing a license plate and they get ticketed. Maybe even change the phone numbers on the for sale signs to a sex talk line. Calling them and pretend to be potential customers and make them drive up here to show the cars. (Done that already many times) But the cars for sale is not the problem its the idiots who pull over and take a look and double park there cars in a single lane street... Or block my driveway...
  18. Right now there are people selling cars on front of my driveway! People stop and block my driveway and shit. FUCK!
  19. That why its great to have a beater car. Block me with trash cans or a car. RAM THEM OUT!
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