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Everything posted by motavated

  1. So if I hook up the white wire with the blue stripe with the anti diesel solenoid I am golden? Nothing else is needed? Sweet! as you can see I have the return line blocked off since I dont know how to connect it. This pic also shows the fuel line going into the carb. and this one is a pic of the wires... Also how would one install the solenoid to the weber carb? I probably would have to ask the carb's direct guys to help me out with that one.. Or how would one hook up the fuel return?
  2. Well thanks for all your advice. I went today and see what is up. Timed it to around 12 and it idles are 750 rpm. But when I flog it for a while it starts to idle at 1000rpms once I let go of the gas. Another thing I found is that my carb could probably accept the solenoid. There are two copper/brass screws and on the side were the choke is at. It is bigger! So my question is how can I integrate it into the 1974 620? My truck had this on it. Is it needed for the solenoid? Datsunholic. I had to cut the pipe down since I could not connect the stock fuel line with the weber. So I cut it down and added maybe like half a foot of fuel hose. Look. If my truck has a solenoid stock. Which wire was it so I can hook it up?
  3. I shipped it out. It was good or else he would of said something. LOL!
  4. HAHHAHAHAH! Almost done finally. Well at least you know more about your engine. Good job man did you paint it? Congrats!!!
  5. I looked at old Datsun.co and it said factory is sorta 12b timing advance and 750 rpm idle speed... I will keep it like that and buy it the pressure regulator. If not then I will buy the carb... :(
  6. I is seriously fucken confused. I will try that fuel pressure regulator and see what is up... Maybe I need someone to tune my car i guess... :cool: I wish you were local yello...
  7. Simple fix buy mine for 100$! Its on my car running and all that!!!! Honestly how much did you pay for that piece of shit? Let me look it up... 50 with core and 70 with out? Fuck... well I hope they replace that shit and good luck... Better yet. Once you get the part ask for a refund somewhere else and upgrade the alternator to the saturn/gm one...
  8. Thanks! I will see if my has it plugged. Or new weber time!
  9. Ahhh! Thanks mike! I did more research and i found a smog legal weber for the 22r 20r toyota engines. I am betting these have that solenoid. ALSO! If a person wants a LEGAL weber why not buy the 22r legal weber, buy the appropriate adapter for the l20b engine and run it... It should pass smog right since it has a sticker... Right?
  10. BTW I bought this carb no more then 3 years ago. Were would a weber have this solenoid if it had one. I found this online... I am willing to buy a new carb to make this go away... This is how pissed off I am... http://www.lceperformance.com/Weber-32-36-Idle-Cut-off-Solenoid-p/1035032.htm
  11. I bought mines from autozone for a 620. Why not try a 720 hose and integrate it. Its not that hard to make one fit...
  12. Your right I guess... I have a w58 peanut I just bought so maybe some came peanut???? I will change the sparks when its time again to the NGK. :(
  13. Maybe an 160 degree thermostat? Will that cause problems if I change it? I have one some weres....
  14. Thanks everyone! Datzen mike would there by away to integrate this idle cut solenoid? I have checked and there is no spark when the engine is turned off. I guess I would have to deal with it... If the pressure regulator does not solve it then I will give up..... But I honestly cant stand it. Well I have been doing the clutch thing but damn it! I want it to turn off proper! I is also using platinum Denso plugs for a 1979 620. I tried to look up the part number on Kragen but they dont stock them anymore? Only NGK? So my question is... Should I use spark plugs from a L18 standard copper or the 1979 l20b ones. I have a l20b with a peanut head.
  15. How much fuel pressure can an l18 fuel pump produce? I read this online wiki 1200 "The 32/36 requires a low-pressure fuel feed (2.5 to 3 lbs). This matches the stock Datsun 1200 pump (2.6 lbs)." I will check next time it diesels if spark continues to shoot after the ignition is turned off if there is a fault.... I need help guys... My brain is confused... This has been going on for years!!!!
  16. I also read some where that a weber can only take so much fuel pressure and a fuel pressure regulator is needed? What is the max fuel pressure the Weber 32/36 can take? Thanks!
  17. I read online and found this... * A carburetor that does not close entirely can contribute to running once the engine is off, since the extra fuel and oxygen mixture can combust easily in the warm piston chamber. Similarly, hot vaporized oil gases from the engine crankcase can provide ample fuel for dieseling. Does the weber primary have to absolutely closed at idle? I have it open maybe a hair width.... I might bring the rpms down to 500 or less but might idle like crap. Any ideas?
  18. The engine was not tunned right and dieseled every time I turned her off. So today I went on craigslist and bought me a timing light and timed it at around 8 degs and had her idling at around 700 rpm. BUT THE FUCKER STILL DIESELS!??!??! Ideas? Has a weber 32/36... Maybe to much gas pressure? Thanks!
  19. Actually, illegal aliens receive quite a bit of money in the form of welfare and food stamps. According to the US Government Accountability Office (http://www.gao.gov/products/HEHS-98-30), in 1995 households headed by illegal immigrants were awarded about $1.1 BILLION in AFDC and Food Stamps benefits. The loop hole exists in that if they have a kid on US Soil, the kid is a US Citizen. And thus the parents of said kid can apply for (and receive) welfare regardless of immigration status. Also you might want to note that those were figures from 1995. 14 years later, I'm sure the numbers are MUCH higher. Sooooo... Yes. Yes you can! Don't be hating at my Mexican robbing skills! It sucks cus now mother and father are now both U.S. citizens and have to pay the GOV back this tax season.... Probably... We are currently trying to figure out a way not to! LOL! My mother could of gotten welfare when I was younger. But Father used a H*T social and was making way to much money... So yes... Illegals can easily make it big here if they plan it out. My father and mother did and they could retire RIGHT NOW if they want to...
  20. What I did was I found a think piece of plastic and cut it down and glued it on. Painted it to match and your done. You can even use f'n gum to hold it in place until you find the part yo u need. Then just remove...
  21. l20b.. OHHH 20B!!! is it turbo!!!!! WOW!!!!! How did you swap it in? Your a genius!!! Its actually stock... Whahahahaahh?????? Its also a four cylinder.. .... Oh... Your lame... BYE!
  22. Hey! My parts had warranty.. Under the old owner.... LOL! You cant do this with mom and pop stores. THEY REALLY CHECK IF ITS FROM THE SAME MANUFACTURE! Chill out man... Its true that 2/3 of the workers at autozone are MEX. I seen a few blacks but I think they got hired cus they know perfect spanish. That freaked me out. YOU KNOW SPANISH?!?!? Pues claro! Que necesitas... Una manguera de agua? Que ano? 1974?... Troca o caro? troca 620. Esperame... Este es la parte? Holly shit you do know spanish! WOW! HAHAHAH! Common man. Its in your blood! We are cheap and we steal... ANd then we brag about it... If your straight then cool. But I is just doing it cus they stupid... No harm in that right? Shit when I used to work at autozone all the Mexican workers stole parts from the store all the time! they damage them out. Trow them in the bin. Take it out and pick it up after the shift... Missing waterpumps and chevy fuel pumps you name it...
  23. motavated


    LOL! I seen a guy place a truck 4x4 frame on the bottom of a 510 wagon unibody.... Never finished though...
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