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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Oh i venture out, i just aint a take my ball and go home cuz someone spouts crazy shit at me. I actually encourage it My wife gets so mad cuz i watch both, way the fuck far left ,, and way the fuck far right,, "news" TV programs,, switching back and forth between them.. Cuz if you don't listen to the hate they are spewing, how will you ever find out,, if what they want,, might be what you want. I don't give a shit if he's dead,, next election i'm writing in Pat Paulsen ,, Washington coast representing . :) .
  2. It also states it is wooden outer shell over oak bows ,, like a boat, so probably super thin, and dangerous as fuck.. I kinda like the look of it ,,, it in a trippy south Tacoma way. . ,
  3. OP If it's the short 26" one as mentioned ,, those trannys are fetching some pretty tall money these days and super hard to find anymore. So one laying in garage as a replacement ( even if no speed hookup) is a good idea .
  4. Your pictures are not big enough to see correctly on my computer. .
  5. Would love to see the truck that badass hood came off of . It must have been one crazy custom
  6. What in the holy body of Christ were you searching when you came up with that?? .
  7. I was going to say my brothers daughter lives and works at a high end lounge in Ashland,, but describing her as a fat mid twenties blond would probably not narrow it down at all. Maybe if you came farther north than bumfuck Egypt people might be more receptive of a night out. .
  8. Go over to insomniacs and post a mildly political / topical picture, that were always acceptable until recently., and come back and ask me again.. Or better yet go over to NWdouchebags and see where HRCry-an-stuff is in his safe place and then we'll talk .. It had nothing to do with Hillary it was aimed at a couple of snowflakes and that's their safe word. I wanna be mad at that stupid Johnson fuck but he's probably to stoned to even care i voted for him . .
  9. The whole exhaust system ? would be easier just having a local shop bend it up for you since shipping something that large might be really expensive. If just the exhaust manifold, look into a MGB manifold to see if it might work for you. .
  10. Speaking of the horrible proliferation of guns killing citizens of America, by the NRA and Republicans,,, i read this morning the documents about fast and furious Eric Holder was keeping a secret might be being released .. If we could have just elected Hillary like some snowflakes on here wanted cried about so much,,,,,,,,,,,,, none of this would have ever happened to us... Oh if we could just turn back time. . . .
  11. Around here it means one of the last independents parts stores still in business.
  12. I have a whole front end off of a 81 ,,,,,,,,,, except the most important part,,, the head light buckets.. I gave them to a numbskull that used them to make a 210 with a wall of headlights for logging roads driving.. :rofl:
  13. I took my ignition lock to a locksmith ( Always safe and lock on 4th in Olympia to be exact) and they pulled it out no problem.. Me and Nelson dropped off two of them one morning, and they called that they were done before we got done with lunch.. They both were from the dreaded wrong key in the hole ,,,,,,,,,,,, deal. Was just under $60. for both i think.
  14. I'm going to get someone to make me this shirt FTW !! .
  15. Technically it wouldn't be "misquoted" version... Since every word in new version is included and correct and in the right chronological order ,,, i believe it would be the paraphrased version of the quote. But i'm not the English major some people they are.
  16. On my tablet now and can zoom in on head,,, that number 3 exhaust valve and seat looks seriously fucked up. The upper part of chamber looks like something bounced around in there too .
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