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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. bananahamuck

    Bumper thread

    You know that's what's wrong with today's generation,,, back in my day we would do them both,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the cuter one twice.
  2. Yes that is exactly the song .. I love ELO so that vocal beat was right at the front of my brain but it just wouldn't come forward... I seriously listened to the Death version 200 times.. I was going to mention ELO version was later but if some other group released it that would account for a garage punk band playing a version of it.
  3. The red lincoln with white trim looks killer from the back ( first group of oics ) ,, but not feeling the love for the corvette style sides front..
  4. Yes another fellow on New Zealand forum suggested that, but the company has not gotten back to me for one reason or another so my impatient self,,,, aint got no time for that..
  5. Remember when this was an almost running driving car for half the price it is now ?? I guess good workmanship pays :rofl: :rofl:
  6. They can't be Japanese wheels ,, and if they were minilites someone on the internet would be able to post a picture of at least one more wheel .. These couldn't be the only ( almost( two sets in existence.
  7. You think he's salty ,, you should meet his mom . .Like a bag of god damn Lays potato chips, floating in the frickin dead sea .
  8. I really want to figure out what these wheels are .. The only identification marks are on back of wheel on mounting face ,,, says,, Made in England and the stamped letters SB .. They are very light and look alot like , alot of other wheels, except the way the spokes are cut out on front .. 14 x 6 Anyways here's the pics. And i/we believe they may be the wheels on this purple panel but not positive..
  9. I assume Hawaii's energy efficiency "standard" is factoring in the container ships that bring pretty much,, everything, using close to 200+ TONS of fuel a day ?
  10. HELP ME!! What songs does this song sound like ,, seems like crimson and clover at first but the vocals sound like a song i've heard a million times and it's diving me insane. Song #6 17:24 People Look Away It's a very popular song ,, It's like two smashed together actually You have to open it in Youtube to be able to easily fast forward to the song i'm referencing .
  11. There's only figure skating cuz Olympics haven't officially "opened" yet.. But yeah i hear you about American coverage ,, when they start rolling, CNBC has almost every obscure winter sport known to man running 22 hrs 7 days a week till it's over.. Canadian channel has just as much nationalism as ours but getting to watch things other than basically X-games bullshit.. is pretty cool. They also tend to show whole race not just the highlights of "our guy"
  12. We get station out of Vancouber BC so i watched the Norge beat Canada this afternoon in curling.. Maybe it's the sound of a woman screeching HAAAARD!! that makes it watchable i don't know.
  13. POST # 126 pictures in order from top to bottom .
  14. Going north on 5 in Chehalis today.
  15. Ring red arrow ,,,, needs to be machined down to shaft (blue) arrow for pickup to go all the way down. OR just small enough to fit the Pertronix ring on, I can't remember if there is a tiny step,, measure inside diameter of Pertronix ring to make sure a neighborhood garage/grandpa machinist might do it for as little as $20. These are soft metal and very easy setup in lathe I have seen people use a drill press and a sharp metal file if you are brave enough... Or cheap enough,, :rofl: it just takes quite awhile .
  16. With blue water balloons we can pin to the front of it. .
  17. Hey give the young handsome Kennedy boy a break man ,, he spent days memorising that gibberish language.. My sons girlfriend was second generation American,, from Puerto Rico,, and when we would go over to her grandparents house for family feasts,, we would just nod at the grandpa when he talked to us. God that girl was dumb
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