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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Couldn`t be that rare there was a guy trying to sell one about an hour ago.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/51990-only-one-in-oregon-rare-beautiful-ride/ .
  2. If that is all black and pretty loud ,, i am almost positive that dude lives down the street from you...Down one of those driveways that you cant see the end of,, and huge gates made of pipe,, to keep redneck tweaker pigs from dumping garbage down them.. ...I don`t actually know him i just traded Cleveland parts with him ,,years ago.
  3. Yeah your right,,,,, i had completly forgot how many different push rod engines there was,,, and like my shed if it aint marked when it comes outta car who know what it could be..
  4. So what`s the deal with 2 different push rod sizes ?? Are they for different heads or something??
  5. So Zach was here at the encampment the other day,,,,,,,,, and I may or may not have told him that he should roll his Silvia nosed behemoth over .. And that his buddies like it may be welcome :geek:
  6. Aintihero if you have an auto the dogleg trans will probably be shorter and you will need a longer driveshaft... Measure your trans from engine to end of output,,it will most likely be 31" inches-ish long and a dog leg will only be around 26" 27" ,,,, A Z , ZX or 620 pickup 5speed might be what you need The trans in the 78 we got for parts had a 4speed in it (which is same lenght as dogleg ) and the driveline was longer..we used the shorter auto one,,,,like you might have already.. maybe,,,, but you need to measure The clutch slave and the rubber hose if it`s still good ,,and cheap,, might be worth getting ,,one less thing ,, you know It`s also to bad sending the prebent clutch line probably isnt feasible because that made it a ton easier for us..
  7. Jrock ,,, Speaking of sending you work,, my son has been on his way over to talk to you about his cover for a few weeks now ..I was telling him he should get you to show him something crazy and he could spend a few extra bucks over your base price,,,,but,,,, Replaced my broken tail lenses ,,,finally,,, with a couple i bought off Ebay a year or so ago.. They are the same ones that come from Mexico but at the time i bought them they were coming outta Texas... They aren`t exact, in they are smooth all the way across without the square reflector thing in middle,, but they were super cheap,.. and the fit wasn`t that bad.. My lenses were pretty banged up to say the least.. New lenses difference in them top one original.. Way cleaner looking than before And adding this in case Adam_Eagle stops by ,,,, to show my mad entertainment system hook-up skills.... Dude i can totally set you up :lol:
  8. Maybe PM him i'm sure he must have it loaded somewhere because he had it on a website that disappeared and now it`s on Vimeo... Maybe he would burn one for you for a few bucks..
  9. Look inside door jamb on that plate to find the year ,, does it have round or rectangular head lights,,, If it`s a 79 and has matchbox distributor that would be worth your time to scoop up,, someone is always looking for one of those. As for me; .. does it have a stock tach ??
  10. I don't care im just messing with ya new guy... :D Where`s the damn pictures of this thing we have heard so much about..
  11. Yeah,, ignore me and spend a thousand(s) of dollars when he`s ( by his own admission ) not even getting full power out of what he`s got now.. :lol:
  12. Yeah your right because chroming that would probably be to gawdy.. What i really need to do is figure out what in the hell is keeping my front loader from starting so i can move it inside..
  13. I heard the all iron Chevy 307 is the hot ticket for drag racing .. I`ve seen that setup on You tube and apparently i can make it wheelie ..
  14. I think he posted he`s still on dial-up ( which boggles the mind ) so it takes forever ,,, so he wants us add description..
  15. ^^^ Those pictures kinda show what i mentioned but failed to capture in all the photos i sent you ,,, that they weren`t really isometrical..
  16. Also i have been asked on a couple of occasions why this is called "slam" dunk go when my car isn`t that low...Weeeeeell i ment it in basketball terms ( for you nerds ,, it`s a type of sport not involving the internet or computers ) meaning to do it quickly and with as much force as possible ,,, not in the flatbill,, ricer ,, drifting fanboy way,, that everybody seems to use nowadays.. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.. :)
  17. So after almost 2 years my older brother ,, tired of seeing the mess,, gave me a piece of hard line to fix my clutch line correctly :sneaky: :rofl: .... The line i had is out of a 76 620 and it was a bit bent and ran all over the place under there ,, it also didn`t go to bracket so it just kinda hung in there.. I was also using a slave that i had just found in garage when buildng car , but me and Izzo disassembled a ZX and i swiped the slave off it..... ....Changed out end fittings for ones i had saved and double flared it again,, bent it,, installed it .. all i need is a hoop bracket to secure it to firewall but im way to cheap to buy one at the hardware. the slave i was using.. " New " slave Tah dah ,,,,,,,and it even goes through the bracket for the first time in the life of car , since it was originally a automagic
  18. Nope ,,,, you have unreliable information i have a 521 ,,,well more like a 347.2 ,,but driveshaft is 521 2 piece..
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