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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I read engine swap,, did he keep the engine?
  2. :sleep: The weight of the trunklid pulled the body away from the bottom of the window tape is bottom of window .. Tape and strap were for shipping. This hood was whole about 7 years ago it`s good side
  3. Yeah cuz nobody has ever done that ,,,,,,,,,, ever.
  4. No man they just spray a primer sealer on there that is compatable with the paints they are using,, and away they go... You throw a straight fender on that bitch and your good to go. Leave the windows down and they will paint the interior for free. Take it from someone who loves to paint cars but can`t do it for shit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, new paint almost always looks better than primer spots no matter how bad it is.
  5. Is this the same wagoon that made it down to JDongs party that was held on a Saturday because it was a better day for you to show up?
  6. Dear lord, this isn`t the car you were thinking of putting the Caddy engine in is it,,, please tell me it isn`t. You should bring this thing out to some local to you Datsun meets or Datsun cruises and you would find that thing is better than any "souped up" new car ,, seriously roadster guys hardly ever show up for shenanigans the guys will fall over themselves to get a look at her,,,, try it you'll like it you'll love it... (example) If i lived anywhere near the Wigwam hotel on 66 i would be there this weekend in my Datsun.. if only to aggravate those guys by eating all their food..lol http://community.ratsun.net/classifieds/item/1359-1969-datsun-1600/ We poke each other alot online but in person you will find a comradery that is not found in many other online car clubs...
  7. Pacific Northwest riders ,,,,,,, lol . com
  8. Is there any time the traffic up there doesn`t suck donkey balls? How miserable.
  9. Sooooooo,,, you bought a giant wing ? Hey i have seen MAACO advertising their $299. paint job again lately ,, but not sure if it`s at all locations, or colors you can pick from,, FYI we spent over $700. to paint a celica in our own garage a couple of months ago .. the single stage paint we threw on was over $300. alone. Sub in picture of sons car above is now removed because it is blown ,,, magnet fell off or something i don`t know.. Thank god cuz i had to wear earplugs when he drove me around.
  10. You Tacoma guys should post a time and place your leaving from so if the planets align we might meet up.. Date is just real close to harvest season (weather dependant) so that`s why we might not make it.
  11. Shonuffs suggestion of under the bridges is great idea and ,, if you take some under ( or artistically in background) the iconic 99 viaduct, that will be torn down sooon.. Gives your pictures something no future generations will ever be able to get,, ever. And when your looking at the pictures for your grandkids to post on some weird future meeting spot,,, you will no doubt blow their minds. (editorial) Fucking rich fucks are taking our view and moving us underground like rats.!!/ rant We used to go to a place we called chicken spot ,, i looked up the actual name and it`s called Jack Perry memorial park.. It`s cool because it`s very close to those cargo cranes and ships being unloaded and right off Hwy 99 ,, it`s hidden down this alley way and usually completly empty except for workers on lunch ,,, or what ever.. http://goo.gl/maps/lXX51 Although since smoking pot is now legal, Washingtonians no longer need to hide in shame.. But my favorite would be in front of the Oboy Oberto outlet store at night but getting a long exposure pic while dodging traffic might be impossible. And getting a pic with just you and your rig and not a bunch of new cars or transients photobombing in the background.
  12. Vol 1 issue 1 page 7 https://docs.google.com/folderview?id=0ByCvxnHNk90SYzc4N2E1MWEtMzg0MC00YTE4LTkxZGQtM2RjODA5ODA1YjU1
  13. But keep her away from your trees cuz she be makin dams ,,,, yo.
  14. Bellingham ,,,, what Oak harbor wasn`t far enough out in the tinglewigs??
  15. Yeah at the dragstrip your car will only roll about 3 feet past the starting line when your halfshafts lets go so the brakes and tires will still be in perfect condition as you load it onto the trailer,,,,,,,, you do have a trailer don`t you?? Not sure about your logic,, but carry on.
  16. Someone has probably mentioned it here before but,, why wouldn`t that vinyl like Crackerjack uses or vehicle wrap material work for fake chrome.??
  17. We're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you want to bail out. Well I'll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. You're gonna have fun, and I'm gonna have fun... We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles! You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of you're assholes!

    1. jrock4224


      Clark what number we looking for ......were looking for sex daddy ......Aubrey !!!!!! No daddie sex is six in German ..........rusty get your bags ....

    2. rattadat


      I gotta be crazy! I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose! Praise Marty Moose!

  18. I think the earlier one is a 4speed. ie: 72-1/78 = 1972 - january 1978 4speed 2/78 = Feb 1978 and later 5speed
  19. No not yet, it`s on the other side of Seattle traffic nightmare from us,, robopineapple might have seen it he lives up there. http://community.ratsun.net/user/19489-robopineapple/ Row52 shows there is two up in that area,, Arlington is a half hour north of Lynnwood but it is somewhat in the same place,,,, kinda. http://row52.com/Search?Year=1978-1981&ZipCode=98512&Distance=250&MakeId=113&ModelId=1575&LocationId=&Page=1
  20. http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/ratio.html
  21. The word power probe in that vidya should be a Ratsun drinking game. :lol:
  22. In my opinion the chevy 235 has pretty good towing ability, parts are plentiful , cheap,, and it`s all ready in there.
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