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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Winner winner chicken dinner. Phixius,,, 1st best import truck/suv Supercharged ! yo! What`s with the bearded dude behind him?? :lol:
  2. My buddy is showing up at my house at aboot 7:30 so we should be there a few minutes after that.. like i say man farmboy is to expensive for me so imma probably sneak off after we get parked ,, to Mc D for a $1.00 meal yo.
  3. We were thinking of the 720 bumper swap as well,, never came across a cheap(free) straight one to try it though... If you swap it will be the only one cuz we bagged the idea... I think i almost have FAT510 talked into a truck push bar.. :angel:
  4. Ahhh now i get the weird seat question.. The rear of the seat rail were on a pedestals made of 1/2 inch all-thread and nuts for height. And the matching back seats won`t fit anything newer than 1978 because the latch system is completely different, so they are of no real use to you, but he`s more of an accumulator than seller anyways,, so you would probably have to kill him to get them. What does it need?? there`s one at Lynnwood WA Pick n pull that is posted in wrecking yard report. It looks to have dent in drivers door like yours. Don`t listen to those knuckleheads that say take off the bumpers.. the car will thank you. and welcome
  5. If i had unlimited build funds i really would still run my 13" minilites but i would have them widened and find better tires and build car around them.. I'm not really into expensive wheels just because they are expensive.
  6. Well that`s cool cuz Qtips car will give the WRX sti guys something to sit on while admiring their own cars.
  7. Jesus tap dancing Christ!! here`s my new suggestion: ..... I will be at Farmboy at 8: o-crotch if you wanna meet earlier or later please type it into that thing with all the letters on it and then hit the black box with the word ,,, post,,, in it. what time do you guys wanna be there?? i can adjust cuz it`s only a couple minutes from my house... i asssssumed you guys wanted to roll in when the gates opened.
  8. when you fags show up and want to ,,, or we give up on you because it`s 8:25 and you still haven`t shown up which ever comes first... :lol:
  9. try an indoor outdoor vac that has been reduced to about the dipstip hole size,,,, and pray.
  10. I added Datstock to calender but it isn`t showing up on front page,,, anybody know why or how to fix it.????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DatWifey


      does it normally even show dates that far out?

    3. bananahamuck
    4. DatWifey


      It might just show the ones coming up a week or so out.

  11. And it would also eliminate getting responses like this..
  12. Well by looking at the last picture maybe they don`t want to give away their hiding place.
  13. They just said doodie roster on the TV :lol:
  14. Wouldn`t it be easier to hide hoses if it was here??
  15. I was there,,,, I am a shape shifter and i was disguised as a bush.
  16. i don`t eat there it`s to expensive, i haven`t for probably 15 years and i'm not sure they are open that early.. I might be able to get my wife to show up at track later and shuttle a few of us in the minivan to Mc Donalds/Dairy queen/ pizza joint and a AM-PM if your really cheeep in Grand mound which is just a few miles away..
  17. We could be there at 7:15 or so and just kick back and wait for you guys ,, is it even day light that early?? You guys make the call as to when we leave to go to show,, like i mentioned it`s right by my house.
  18. Not sure who that is but,, if you think this is disjointed you should have seen me around 2003. lol
  19. I have seen pictures of that meet from way back in the olden days when they had it in a park,, and it is sunny and warm in the pictures.. wth Anybody know whos blue wagon that is in background,, that fuckin things dope!!
  20. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful kelly LeBrock
  21. You still gonna take the backroads to get there?? We will be at the Farmboy at exit 95 west of freeway at 0 butt early and just wait ,, it takes about 10-12 minutes to get to track from there... If anybody shows that`s cool,,,,, if you don`t that`s cool to... You cant miss us we will be the guys in the old junkers in the side lot.. here>>> http://goo.gl/maps/HVaHm Farmboy resty-raunt 3840 Maytown Rd SW Olympia, WA 98512 ‎ 112 ft NE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Route we will take when we leave farmboy http://goo.gl/maps/yjmt6
  22. Yeah i bet one of his workers , labored a while on the part he told you i dropped off ,,, but notice the really straight pan on his truck?? Or was it conveniantly " being worked on at home " when you were there.. You know when you put,, what.,,,, maybe 3 miles on a vehicle back and forth to work they wear out so quick.
  23. I personally would go for the old school 70s look like the Southwest Datsun pickup guys do, with the ridiculous rake, super wide wheels and flares but i'm not sure that look is for everybody,,, especially a girl,, but i like it.. Since you haven`t offically closed deal with the one you found ,, have you seen that orange king cab in the want-ads on here,, that`s in Ashford ? ,,, if you can get brother rounded up and to licencing place your good to go on the one you found though.
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