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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Went for a quick pic link of cam to cam tower notch but couldn`t find it ,, maybe something like that with short description of line-up points (with pictures) should be made,, then made a sticky with no input from us,, locked if you will.. I do think that reading so many threads about it not working sometimes has the effect of scaring you.. But think how many zillions have been done and had no problems at all.. Nobody asks for help if nothing goes wrong,, right? I used to use indianhead gasket maker on my head gaskets ( back in the olden days of the 80s) but if head is a wipe-n-slap i have used Hainzs copper spray gasket stuff he mentions in video on gasket, let it dry and it worked,,, but it might have without it to i dunno... If head is newly shaved i just put (FELPRO) head gasket on dry.
  2. Have you tried fitting it yet or are you just asking ? Cuz if you get it on and the marks don`t line up ,, you move it one number and see if marks line up better... easy as that.. If your marks never line up ,,,,,, THEN you have a problem. Your worrying to much ,,, like Frankie says ,,, Relax .
  3. :rofl: Ok,, we are going up there either for Logical1/Franks yard sale or the Carl`s jr meet so we could find Pineapplehead ( at his work if need be ) and the parts would be closer to your Portland connection than they are now.. Somebodies always rolling past here and could we probably meet-up and throw them on the parts train... done it before,, it`s no big thang
  4. Hey i'm going to Lynnwood also. No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no i'm not
  5. If your sending it back ,, what`s in the extra parts pile in back/? anything like smog except stuff that you could trade off........... Not to me ,, just in general.
  6. Thanks man that is generous :) , but i have two whole sets of 4door doors and an extra drivers door ( an orange smashed one :lol: ) ,, but i really need/want an orange drivers door .. I hear you on the having just to much stuff sometimes,,, it seems if you leave the junk Datsun parts outside they multiply like hobgoblins.
  7. He will probably need the headlight buckets to use it,, so he would need those as well.. Is the Lynnwood one a automagical? what does the rear seat look like?
  8. I could snag the grill but because it`s on the coast he hasn`t got anything else you would need like the buckets... and we were broke ass ,,,, i can guarantee it isn`t going anywhere

    1. bananahamuck


      Does your combination (headlight switch) not work?? Do you have to have another one to safely drive car? Or am i thinking of a different car?






    2. flatcat19


      Combo switch is broke.

      No wipers. No headlights.


      I'm trying to chase down an electrical draw

      I keep getting stuck there.


      Also, I'm using some aftermarket ign switch that is shorted.



  9. He had another 79 Toyota Corolla one that was missing the passenger side ,,,, i got you that one for you, and a clutch pedal out of a 79 Dodge Colt,, because i figured it would be easier for you to fix those than start with the right parts in the first place. ;)
  10. Up in the Quinault nation yesterday ,, or was it this morning ,, what was this thread again?? BAM!!
  11. How much for the Pumkin orange door!?? If it is stock color it would be a fricking crime against everything Datsun to sell it to someone wanting to change the color anyway...It would also get my car back to all one color ,,,, Soooooo ipso facto i would be fixing 2 cars not just one. If it`s a 2door,, well then,,,, i will just be sad.. To fix this poor little miss-matched guy. And why there is a lizard on the side of mine. Sad parts car driving guy is sad.. :crying: and needs colors back.
  12. that`s what the weird comment in your status was all aboot eh ,, As uncle Si would say,,,,,,,,,"But Hey! i love those guys over there ever since we were in Nam, and they probably want it that way.." :lol: Signed Heywood Jabloeme (who they assumed was flatcat)
  13. Oh he was on Imposter ratt,, when he banned me and deleted everthing i wrote cuz he thought i was you ,,, :rofl:
  14. 510freak= mod? Leacoan=mod? DTP=mod? IZZO=mod? how many is that?? All posted in this thread to say how they don`t post here because of uuuhhhhmmm ,, To much drama Mmmmmm Koolaide (edit) corrected again as i dont know how many mods are over there .. goody
  15. Really,, your arguement is all but one of the moderators were here so that makes it ok ??? Really ,,,,,,,,, REALLY?? 4 outta 5 mods were here i stand corrected,,, but not wrong.. Of course there`s less drama there they dump it all right on us.
  16. If you guys don`t agree that all ,, EVERY FUCKING ONE!! of the moderators on that forum coming over here to add their 2 cents to a thread that until they started personal attacks was a debate not a DRAMA, wasn`t trollish.,, ,then your pretty damn ignorant. And there was at least 4 threads deleted and 5 members banned over on NWdrama i can guarantee it as fact,,, and that`s a fact jack. Drink the Koolaide honey,, drink it all up.
  17. Same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world.
  18. Well,, it looks like you guys got almost all the cracks taped up before painting. Sucks about the top of the truck there`s probably a ton of windows at the junkers to go back in though.. :thumbup:
  19. Easily ?? ,, :rofl: :rofl: ,, Ok front end for sale ,,well some of it anyways...about half way down ,,, and don`t miss the Toyota stout at the very bottom.. http://www.banpei.net/tag/for-sale
  20. Yeah photobucket is being really hard to work with lately..and my mouse is hammered from playing flash games
  21. I will try to hunt down the picture but first manual auto [url=http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/iwtemwp/media/SchoolEndOfYear-Camping006_zpsed3955e9.jpg.html][/url]
  22. @ the tacoma/sr5 ,,,whatever bumper There`s a picture of one of those on 510 on here somewhere,,, it did look really good...has it`s own air dam and you don`t loose the blinkers.
  23. Is it this brown sugar?? ,, maybe this guy would know he does have a few pictures of show Datsuns http://community.ratsun.net/topic/5818-california-truck-cub-pictures-ziggy-star-dust-truck-too/
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