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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I was in between my first jar of coffee and my second and thought someone had hit the dang report button which almost always leads to a post delete,,,,,,,,, but in the middle of the second jar,, i went back one more page. :baby: :rofl: i said i'm still pissed because i hadn't got all the unwarranted pissed-offedness out of my system even if i realized i was ,,,,, what's the word?? ,,, hell i don't know. Note to self ,, where am i? Is Hindi like Mindy only without the Mork character living in an egg?? There must have been a door there in the wall. When I came in
  2. He would probably have to knee you in the nards as he is freakishly tall also.
  3. Those mk1 spoilers are all over Ebay new ..
  4. I hope this dosen't offend any of you fucking pussies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54H3EUAzpVg For all those involved with my earlier rant.... It was father back in the pages than i thought.......... So never mind you dicks. I'm still pissed though
  5. Hey man i know you be lurkin all up in my e-mails. Jumbo
  6. I would have "served" any of the 6 people that said they were going to show up (last week alone) to look at my 68 2002 i'm selling.. If any of those asswipes would have even showed!! in your story you say it should be "first come first serve" but ,, wasn't the neighbor there before you??
  7. Well,,, maybe just pull up on the other side next time. You should have posted that in ricer sightings.. The hood is a hood scoop off a newer car bondo-ed directly on top of the stock hood.. the rear wing was bought from a place called (i shit you not) Rice Parts. How do i know?? He has no internets, , :sneaky: :sneaky: He sure is going at it,, in the picking of the nose action aint he??
  8. http://oregoncoast.craigslist.org/cto/4350119436.html
  9. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/56411-rock-auto-discount-codes-go-here/ And if Ratsun is down for some reason,, you can type rock auto discount codes into your browser there are many other forums with the same kind of threads..
  10. I get superfluous after eating broccoli.
  11. Yeah,, you should try it on a PC from 2004 with 950 MB of ram. It locked up so hard the TV started playing shows from yesterday.
  12. Wait fooooor it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOq_0Fg1yIs
  13. Whole new ones are about $25. delivered to you house. http://www.rockauto.com/ Don't forget to use 5% discount code in the where did you hear of us box .
  14. Is it just me or does anyone else read Dr. Feltersnatch in a sped up falsetto voice, in their head??
  15. So crazed with butthurt he didn't even read what you had quoted in your post,,,, that he quoted. RAGE!!! :rofl: :rofl: As for the Ebay car most Ratsuners couldn't afford it if it was $20,000. cheaper than it is,, so a grain of salt would have went along way.
  16. You can make the V notches yourself with a circle center finder that you could probably buy at a art store,, or maybe office supply store, and a cold chisel. The lower gear being to small i don't have a clue but they are kinda tight. Maybe get both gear and engine same temp or gear a bit warmer.
  17. I thought there was a cruise downtown waterfront and such?? Where is those oics?
  18. I think your using the direct link ,, you need to use img
  19. That is exactly the right color to have painted the car.. :wub:
  20. Fastenal collars are 20 bucks now,, but there are some on Amazon for 11.50 plus shipping (free shipping if you buy $35. ) Clickity the linkity http://www.amazon.com/Climax-Metal-H2C-200-Recessed-Clamping/dp/B003E7E9SU/ref=sr_1_2?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1390861447&sr=1-2
  21. Be careful if this could happen to them,,, it could happen to you.. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/80-year-old-twin-brothers-die-from-apparent-CO-poisoning--246916481.html .
  22. Try to find a late model ZX 5speed as it will make your trip to Canby Oregon in a few months,, a little more pleasant drive. :ph34r:
  23. Well if your just missing some figure out what cha need and let me know,, i got many bags of those bolts.
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