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Everything posted by bananahamuck

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phixius


      You sir. Have way too much time on your nondatto working hands...

    3. Fat510


      A ZX still counts

    4. izzo


      LOLOL... My old truck!! And my picture.

  1. That is a Morris minor not a Chevy ,,,,,BUT ,, 30 some bucks isn't really that much to try them ,, and it would probably be a heck of a lot easier to modify that design ( if needed) than to start from scratch. Since they already have the arch you want and what-not. Sometimes holding something in your hand that is almost what you want , will start the wheels in your head turning.
  2. Except one morning you wake up and think your being run over by a Chrysler 300. I just don't find huuuuge teeth attractive.
  3. 28 days left ,,,, so please be sure and submit your lame ass excuses as soon as possible. Example: I can't make it this year , because $40. in gas and nightmarishly high $5. entry fee is just more than i can afford.. << lame
  4. We can only hope the next generation learns that a Bic lighter to the ass of someone in low head clearance area,, is comedy gold for the whole shop.
  5. 280z calipers are fricken huge , and even if you had money,, finding that size 13" ( street legal) tires would be impossible.
  6. Randomly cutting some angle for a battery tray.. Doo-biddy-doo I uneasy moment you realize your putting it out with your bare hands,, cuz you ain't pulling that sucker over your head without major hair loss. :rofl: :rofl:
  7. I missed Lou and a his heavy metal rampage, last evening ?? I guess i should never let anyone use this computer at night ever again. :sneaky: mash-ups are my heroin
  8. The Denis Leary, version of this scene was alot shorter.. Blah, blah, whine, whine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SHUUUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUPP!!!
  9. You think we get spam here?? Someone posted this earlier today .. Every category is all spam since December except one guy looking for Patrol parts,, Yesterday :blink: http://www.forum.clubnissan.co.uk/default.asp :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. That comment was aimed at other goof balls on here that unless they are somehow dead,, will be there. To get reaction.
  11. What makes you more Mexican than American?? Does it take having a name like Carlos or Rapheal or Antony,,( without the h) something like that? And he waits
  12. Sorry there won't be any money in the budget for us to roll up,, because we throw money at Canby .
  13. That orange. :hyper: :hyper: Do it!!
  14. Dude has braces so he will have to pick and choose his customers ,, maybe he could sell it as S&M type deal.
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