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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Everyone that is older than me in my family is from Oklahoma, the place is horrible.
  2. Yeah good call on the patients thing ,, good body/paint work doesn't usually come under a demanding customer.
  3. Our next dedication goes out to all the milky lickers that haven't got their Datsun by now and think they are still entitled to a cheap one.
  4. Wyoming, granted it's Wydidimovehereoming ,, are paying right at $3.30 right now.
  5. The news was running a story on driving over the pass in winter,, and in the audio you can hear the state trooper telling the two people in Subaru " You are allowed to have it in the car it just has to be put away in the glovebox or storage container,, not just laying out in the open." "It" i am assuming by the tone in his voice is marijuana, strange new world we live in up here.
  6. This doesn't really help either BUT . the 195/ wasn't mounted and was full of frogwater. 205/50/15 on a verified 6 inch rim,, a 195 should in theory be .49 smaller width wise. So that would be only a 1/4 inch on each side.] [url=http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/iwtemwp/media/493rs%20suck/ONION006_zps0679bd53.jpg.html]
  7. The other day my wife made me get up from watching TV and get my own dinner from the kitchen,, can you imagine the gall that takes? Unbefuckingleaveable!!
  8. 3 guys that are coming with me aren't even members at all,, and probably never will be. There is quite a few really cool guys that keep to themselves online, that will very likely show ,, so don't think that only us ( me included) few post whores are all your going to meet there. We are here keeping the thread doors open with our stupidity ,, but there will probably be many more if it is a nice day. B) Except for Rick i think he said he's going to a chevy chevette/antique roadshow meet at an over 55 retirement trailer park .
  9. It's Alabama ,, can you even prenup a Oppossum?
  10. I have noticed the price of bacon cheese burgers has started to climb also.
  11. I believe so, i think they had a last time ever party last year. They went and parked their cars under the Spruce Goose, or something like that. .
  12. Not sure if you were joking about brake pads but if you weren't ,, here is your stash of new parts. http://www.rockauto.com/ Those floor pans are outstanding!! hope to see you at goldens gardens on the 10th
  13. We have 4 teenage boys and i think we pay more than $800. for all of us for food every month, and we hardly ever go out to eat. You have to pay to play. Ask your UPS or FED-EX guy to keep an eye out for you ,, it sounds crazy but they get behind houses you could never see, and have a reason to talk with owner.. try it.
  14. No, she's not done working me out in the yard , till i'm just a nub of a man,, then she will probably flush me down the toilet..
  15. For the record i was trying to say we are all the same in the grand scheme of life, love, hate and death.... i have no control over what others type as they instigate for their twisted pleasure. I learned all i know from watching this documentary on the subject a few years ago. _________________________________________________________________ . And to get us off to a more up-lifting comradery type morning,,, here's a inspirational video about Texas.
  16. Things far more addictive than that. Sweetpeas i looooooooove sweetpeas and tomatoes,,,,, , big tomatoes for tomato sandwiches ,, small tomatoes for salads and tiny grape tomatoes for standing eatin tomatoes till you pass out right there in the lawn.
  17. Does Hawaii have open carry ?? Yes they have the law,, but has anyone you know been granted a permit? If your going to get all bent for reasons i have no idea why ,,maybe i shouldn't mention in Washington i can go to a gun show and carry the gun out that day, , Hawaii has to register it within 5 working days, with the police.... Here not so much. Tibet ? don't know how to even debate that. I guy i knew in high school ( a few years older ) blasted his girlfriend with a shotgun,, Hawaiian My very good friend Jerry shot his uncle cuz he was drunk,,, again you guessed it.
  18. bananahamuck

    Jesus tap dancing Christ!!
  19. Probably not by choice as Hawaii has some of THE strictest gun laws in USA.. If they had access to guns like people in Baltimore have i can very much assure you fists wouldn't be flying at the drop of a hat. Shooting someone has absolutely nothing to do with your "heritage" ........... Nothing.
  20. They look pretty good if you jack them up a tiny bit. Just north of Seahawks stadium.
  21. Just some genericallogical ones a guy was selling here for i think $35. bucks plus shipping i think. I believe we still need to drill holes for the upper carb holes but haven't researched that much yet. The carbs came with the stock filter unit, that in all reality probably works better,, but these look cooler for sure.
  22. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    Is this thing in Cowafornicating with you ?
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