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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Can't you still buy that connecting hose from Nissan??
  2. We are going to pull from bottom because the cable just happens to be lower than manifold.. It's funny you post those pictures as those were the pictures we have been working with to figure out what we need. Those pictures show parts numbers that also helped me find out there are kits being sold by my local Nissan dealer in stock .. :thumbup: :thumbup: From this thread ,, and "your shit" thread . http://community.ratsun.net/topic/59502-prefferred-su-carbs-flat-or-dome/ Many drama queens criticize this place with every breath but with a little research this place is a treasure for Datsun guys.. We have been lurking 720world quite a bit lately though. :ninja: :ninja:
  3. I really appreciate the answers We played with it and stared at it made a couple weird test samples on notebook paper and i swear we just couldn't come to an answer. :wub:
  4. So we tried working this out using paper and felt pens but i can't seem to think it through correctly. And before we cut/grind it off to weld onto middle bar ( don't know technical name) between carbs. My question is, if my linkage cable can only pull from A to B which circle would rotate more ,,as in turn farther.. The pink circle or the blue circle I understand it is probably a simple answer but my brain is fried from measuring a million other things to use original cable that is just barely long enough.
  5. I think it would make it to busy and lose some of the mechanical-ness of the rims,, and for the record trust me no one ever asked for my opinion ,,, ever , but i am more than happy to follow them around telling it to them. :lol: Hey!! remember this? http://www.seahawks.com/videos-photos/audio/Audio_Raible_calls_Malcolm_Smith_interception/12514e94-fa90-4752-9fdc-d0a67557f0f4
  6. I'm not that hot on the sticker on the cap idea.
  7. Redbanner made a music video,,,,,,,,,, lol but that is not why i am posting it ,, but you will have to watch from about 1:30 And the sign said ,, long haired freaky people need not apply
  8. at the Golden Gardens meet B17 ,, Freakwonder pointed this out going up to the event also. And right here Was her Giggity
  9. Here is some of my others as one of the cameras ran outta space and the one i switched to had a dead battery,, and what is up with photobucket?? It's like the biggest memory drain ever now.. My windshield is separating so ignore the haze.,, bro. And even though i gave out maps and directions to almost everyone of you buttlickers:: THIS is the only shot i got of any Datsuns-for-history in front of me on the viaduct,,,,,,,,,,, THAT WON"T BE THERE IN A COUPLE YEARS!!! JEEEEZZUUUSSS!
  10. I'm pretty sure i saw a couple sets at Franks when he had his yard sale,, I don't have his number but i'm sure Icehouse or DatWifey or even Tristin (god please say it isn't so) could tell you a contact number of how you could send him or a family member a text.
  11. That's why i'm usually a total DICK about going to golden gardens,, i almost got banged coming outta Tukwilla on the way there by a Ford expedition.. Kingston it would be better for everyone.
  12. My son (FAT510) replaced his 79 internally regulated with a 92/93 pathy alternator ( looks exactly like the one you pictured) and it hooked up exactly like the original one did,, meaning the little wire went to dash light and big wire went directly to battery,,, in a round-about way of course,, but still. (edit) his was single V grove belt style The big question is what in the hell is on your shorts man?
  13. You have to use acid core if you want it to bond worth a shit. Wow ,, what in the holy heck?? :rofl: :rofl:
  14. yep http://www.rockauto.com/ is the way to go for most of your Datsun needs. You can get most things delivered to your house cheaper than buying at retail outlet. There is a pinned thread at the very top of,,, get this ,, the 521 section, but it is probably more for dealer available parts.
  15. So i want to say that the stereo type of American Indians having a bunch of broken down cars up on blocks in front yard is completely and utterly inaccurate . We keep them in the back behind the fence the county made us erect.
  16. Zinn book is very good read indeed ,, freakanomics is pretty intriguing also,,, not sure if their numbers are anywhere accurate but intriguing none the less.
  17. With sweet tang of ingredient made from round sacks of tasty liquid that hang gently from a central vine,, then cut off!!,,,,, and dried in the sun.
  18. Are any of you old enough to remember when a guy in California had all his stone statuary painted flesh color and pubic hair ,, i think to piss off his neighbors? Can't remember if it was the Hustler guy or someone else.
  19. We will probably just make a quick stop at Ballard market and load up some round meat products covered in animal intestine to burn on grill and bread product to lay it on afterwards. Most likely scoop some vegetable like matter covered in mayonnase in a container also.
  20. Added quick north and south end caravan meet points and approximate times, to calendar at top of this page.

  21. Maybe Dora the Explorer.com is a better site for you than.. Rather than constantly whinning about seeing things that are to risque for your eyes ,, on this site..
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