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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Wow if we knew you were going to be a crybaby all 34 of us that are double digit posters ( not 5 ) would have ignored this thread as not worth bothering with,,, as OP will get a stick up his butt for us not posting to the high standards of what this was supposed to be... Randomness of thought is still random ,, there was no set rule at the start it HAD TO include pictures,, just randomness . Count the posters on last 5 pages and you will find it isn't just a "few bad apples" we like meeting here,, and we are going to do it even if you whine like an ex wife. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: (edited on request) It is very hard to make cat poop into french fries.
  2. if you retard the timing to much not only will it run like shit,,, it will also run hotter,,, which in turn will make it ping if it gets to high.
  3. From what i understand that is the song Izzo demands be playing when he is preforming anal sex on aardvarks at the zoo.
  4. Isn't that a electronic distributor? I didn't think the E dizzy had a ballast resistor. .. I was thinking it was a resistor wire in the system somewheres... But i'm stupid so that is almost complete speculation on my part.
  5. Oooh i love my kids ,, they are so fullfilling , i never knew i would be such a giving type person,,,,,,,,, HORSE SHIT!! Wait till the guy driving a mercedes benz G wagon shames you into paying for this shit ,, a month before Canby. Underneath, it's a hyperalloy combat chassis — micro processor-controlled, fully armored. Very tough. But outside, it's living human tissue — flesh, skin, hair, ...
  6. I hate to bust anyones bubble but with a few exception ,, every single thing anyone has ever done was a repeated action of some sort. The person just refined the movement or action in order to improve it. You can't say for a fact that any of those blues artists came up with everyone of those cords and rhythms themselves,,, did they ever give credit to anyone ever?
  7. It's just as well people from Tacoma would probably just steal them on their way to Portland anyways.
  8. If you only listen to the radio yes Led Zepplin seems pretty repetitive but the album (Physical Graffiti) HRH posted is fucking epic.. And jungle noises ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wtf? Well well well ,, so i can die eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy FYI my wife walked from the other end of the house and just yelled at me for listening to this song to loud,,,,,,,,, and i had my earphones on. :rofl: :rofl:
  9. I left a message in a for sale ad in the question box.. But if i'm not logged in i can't see it and it seems my son (who is logged in) can't see it either???? Why??

    1. laotsu


      nobody cares?

    2. bananahamuck


      I guess so,,,


      Are you ever going to hitch hike up or ride the bus or sneak onto an airplane, even send yourself Fed EX to get to Canby??




    3. Draker


      Because they suck.

  10. I sent this to DTP a few months ago but ,,,,,,,,,,, ok honestly i pm-ed it to a bunch of people .. Verse 1] After balling, I go clubbing Then I'm hugging Then I'm hungry and I'm walking on the street And I'm getting getting getting getting grumpy grumpy I see Chow, by my right I smell food in the air It's Chinese Food, my favorite So I'm getting getting getting getting hungry [Chorus x2] I love Chinese food (Yeah) You know that it's true (Yeah) I love fried rice (Yeah) I love noodles (Yeah) I love Chow mein Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein I love Chinese food (Yeah) You know that it's true (Yeah) I love fried rice (Yeah) I love noodles (Yeah) I love Chow mein Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein [Verse 2] Read the menu They got broccoli Even chicken wings Make it spicy And you like it Cause it's beautiful And it tastes so so so good I like their egg rolls And their wonton soup This makes me feel so so good Fortune cookie, tell my future Chinese Chinese Food [Chorus x2] I love Chinese food (Yeah) You know that it's true (Yeah) I love fried rice (Yeah) I love noodles (Yeah) I love Chow mein Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein Read more: Alison Gold - Chinese Food Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  11. But I’m trying Ringo, I’m trying real hard to be the Shepherd
  12. Me and my wife have lived in this house/place since i was 24 years old ( very near 48 now) so we have went from the driveway where all the black marks start,, to the older couple with kids.. My neighbors boys used to pop wheelies in their sprint cars in front of our house,, seen the younger brother a while back, and he is a old man now.. The moral of my story is when some young clown does a donut in my driveway a 2:30 in the morning, or a couple hondas are lining up for a drag down the straight away that is south of us ,,, i say meh :yawn: you will have to do better than that... I seen friends of mine hit trees in my front yard because they were drunk and missed my driveway by about 180 feet. :lol:
  13. I don't think it had gear reduction starter though,, as it was a Naperaction engine. There were a shit ton of pick-ups there but those run the standard starter also.
  14. Nuts touch :blush: :blush: Does it have a bevel at one end because the steering wheel we have is exactly that thick?? Hell it sounds perfect, just bring it,, and your best fighting midget,, and we will compete them in a best of three, barnyard brawl,, to determine the price.
  15. I get .609 mm at the thread .677 mm at the serrations + or - the fact i'm using a harbor freight digital micrometer.
  16. Does using a galvanized fence post for part of my exhaust count? :rofl: Honestly I believe the list would be so incredibly long, it could never be feasible to actually document it all in one thread... I use my favorited sites in my browser to store all the great things these maniacs come up with, ( because you can save from page info is on ) , and labeled correctly is like having a library of stored ideas in one place. :)
  17. All you have to do is take a gander at me and Fats builds to see we aren't real sticklers for perfection. :rofl: :rofl: I hope they still make them when we are ready to try one for science. Thought i better add ,, when Fat was going through their inventory on Ebay, he also spotted brand new repop A10 wagon tails,, now how cool is that!!
  18. bananahamuck

    v8 620

    Weeell with what was posted right under what you posted ,, quoting the exact thing as i did,, i get out of it that you think this place and it's members are a bunch of dildos . Not worth bothering posting on this site any more as you won't get any straight answers as we like to,, oh my god,, have fun and interact with each other. At least that is how i read the sentence you wrote , (quote) Unfortunately this might not be the place to ask much of anything anymore, If i missread it ,, ( i don't think i did ) , i apologize. but just barely
  19. bananahamuck

    v8 620

    Well if you aren't the spokesmen for all that is right and wrong with this forum these days.. There is plenty of people helping others hell some of us don't even preface our answers with pithy arrogance.. But like Drfeltersnatch eluded too if he wanted answers about AIR BAGS he probably should have worded it with something alluding to needing AIR BAG help. As i don't know shit about AIRBAGS but i clicked on here because ( we all know you are the only person to ever retro fit a Datsun with anything but stock running gear ,, ever ) but i have been known to have cobbled my fair share of shit together before.. ie V8 620s.. But that isn't what this thread is even about!!@
  20. You should have posted this a few days ago ,, there were at least 5 720s at the Pick n pull we went to Tuesday.
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