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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Wow you guys must have had fun , convoying down and what-not :sneaky: I have more Datsun pics but i will have to sort through them ,, so here is couple of random reasons Canby is always a great time.. And HOW ABOUT THOSE FRICKIN LA KINGS !!
  2. Sent you a PM as my answer is pretty long winded ,, to say the least. Good news, Jdong texted Donovan and may join us for the drive down..
  3. As described ,, $199. cash or 50 Mcchicken sandwiches and $142.
  4. Maybe give us a text as you wait on onramp to give a heads-up so if the Marys get hung up in traffic somehow. Just south of Dupont proper would be fine ,, just past the huge brick building you see off the freeway ,, that should give us time to get rolling and to the Maytown rest stop. You won't have to elaborate just a simple word or even just hit any letter so you won't have text and drive.. by the times sent we should be able to easily figure out what your saying. If you doods are somehow hung on road work through Seattle for hours (as you know they like to shut down all lanes abitrarily) on weekends,, we might bale.
  5. I will cut to the chase ,, Datsocal window gaskets are total pieces of shit!!! The window gaskets he sold us first of all didn't fit worth a shit,, then in less than three months of Northwest Washington sun,, cracked so bad they were absolutely worthless .. The website says they are life time guarantee ,, well if you think they will honor that shit you are as stupid as they figure everyone who has ever gotten screwed over by them ever was .. Why patronize this junk dealer if they are willing to fuck you over . Go anywhere else to by your window gaskets.. This is not second hand experience ,, this was my experience. So let it be written. So let it be done
  6. I just noticed this thread,,, sorry :blush: ..But the historics usually take place right around the forth of July in Seattle (pacific raceways) and a week after that in Portland international raceway. Lots of old handbuilt racers as well import sedans,, and the V8 Trans-Am type cars. Cars are required to be 73 or older i believe,, an have a documented racing heritage . Not sure if they are all racing,, as some of those things are obviously irreplaceable,, but they are roaring past at breakneck speeds for sure,,, going through the gears , if you can catch one it is well worth it... Since they are there for fun the pits are always completely open so getting up close is easy.. I'm rambling. :D Seattle (Kent) http://northwesthistorics.com/sovrenguild/racing/pacific-northwest-historics/ Portland http://www.portlandhistorics.com/
  7. Guyster,, i wouldn't worry about it as i think the fact that someone installed your steering wheel on the wrong side of car will be enough to totally freak the State patrol out to not even care if your driving around naked except for a Comanche headband.
  8. Nah,, i was headed down to Walmart later,, so i will just get my fill of ricers there.
  9. Judging on past road trips,, we usually travel a bit faster than 60 mph unless a goofy 411 decides to join in our party... :baby: . But i haven't heard hide nor hair from him in a few weeks. Although if Guy was to send us a text when you pass Dupont we might board the Marysville train at the Maytown rest area. ( you won't have to stop as we can surely catch you guys no matter how fast you are going ) I would rather drive a bit faster than 60 so we will see.
  10. Yes but don't know what time, , and i haven't talked to my brother in Auburn yet to see when/ if he could be here either.. Hell i haven't even looked for my old raggedy tent yet. :lol: Were you thinking of driving the corolla?
  11. What time were you thinking of leaving?? I got your phone number on my phone my friend so that isn't a problem... But i was wondering when we could expect others to roll by as well.
  12. FAT510,, his mom took these as apparently there is a weight restriction on the aircraft.. :sneaky: :rofl:
  13. Or maybe i just have a problem. Trays of used and new pipe type fittings and hoses i buy whenever i see them at yard sales.
  14. I really like Tim's chips but i really can't eat them any more,, as i get the feeling it will be like Brundle fly afterwords.
  15. I thought it was just my computer , but yeah it borders lock-up even having more than just Ratsun and Photobucket tabs at the same time lately ,,you add another forum and Youtube (i use as my radio) and it isn't if it's when it will lock up. I guess i need to just breakdown and just dump this 2005 PC
  16. You need a creeper?? Or you need THAT creeper.. i think i got an creeper ( besides ginger Albert ) lurking around here somewheres if you want it. I can't use because hair gets caught in wheels.
  17. You told him to go to event in another thread.. If it would be cool,, could i get a list of Datsun people that went to this event?? So i could make sure and not include them,, or edit them out of in any of my Canby event pictures as they clearly don't want to participate in the sharing of event photos Ratsun is known for..
  18. This was also done. Lower pcv pipe hit rear carb so i cut end off ,, went through box of old pre-bent hoses,, a toyota emissions part , and a hollowed out old PCV valve . It goes around carb and up to valve like it's supposed too. Used this set-up to catch shavings from cutting pipe Never throw anything away that can be repurposed Cut the pipe offa this Welded Pre-formed VW jetta heater hose looks like i was made for this. Next was power brakes ,, the intake wasn't drilled out so i took this fitting i had laying around so it would easily center perfectly,, after drilling i drilled fitting bigger in the drill press and in turn inlarged the hole in manifold also.
  19. Watched a movie called Ahh zombies ( AKA, wasting away) and this was playing in it, and i was like i so remember this playing all the time,, boys just looked at me like WTF? ,, god damn shit like that makes you feel old.
  20. It's way easy to just get it there,, hell we usually even buy our styrofoam cooler over at the Fred meyer there too. :lol:
  21. i make baloney sandwiches on that sum bitch,,, in that shit leaves a beautiful luster that lasts for weeks.
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