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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I hope so but last year it was posted months in advance so it probably isn't ,, but i still have my hopes up.
  2. We might go ,, we can really only make 1 event a month as, whoever stays home for the weekend takes care of the youngest.. Get yer shit dependable ,, there is usually convoy down and there is usually a convoy back. Might be different rollers in each as the curmudgeons leave about the time of the drawings and the mellowers stay till they are told to please just leave.. Traffic coming north as far south as Vader can be bumper to bumper on Sundays in August so have your cooling system up to snuff for sure. Markie Mark and the funky 510 ,,,, i sent you a PM about summer jam
  3. Mariner tickets on the lower level for a Tuesday game are $85. plus all the handling fees they tack on ... $275. for a team that has won the Stanley cup 2 of the last 3 years as compared to a baseball team that is more of a farm team than major league,, $275. doesn't sound to bad .
  4. You can't vote on these types of laws,,, but the laws were put into place to keep buyers and sellers from putting an unrealistically LOW price on bill of sale .. They are at least 15 years old,, back when we used to pay tag price based on car value. If you wanna play the game you need to read the rules better before you start... I did and i have only done the inspection thing once and that was on a shell of a 60 ford that only had enough body/frame to actually have the spots where the numbers were checked ,, and pictures of it parked in high grass for reference.. ALWAYS do your homework first,, Marcia Clarke and Christpher Dardin learned this lesson ,, just like you Smoke ,,, the hard way.. although being married to a paralegal makes it way easier for me to understand legal-eezz as i have an interpreter.
  5. i heard that can be an annoying after awhile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxRoXuPjAKc This is still in my firefox favorates as Dimetown abby
  6. It would be a specialized drag tire to fit that ,, i would think you better get ready to pay $170. a tire or more.
  7. Every thing is like that now,, i remember we used to get off work and go over to the Kingdome and pay $15. bucks and sit behind the dugout because there was so few people there,, now $15. bucks might buy you a seat where you can barely see the players,, and the same empty stadium.. And the Mariners still suuuuuuuck. On a related note ,, once we sat behind Tom Wopat (who sang the national anthem ) when the Mariners somehow pulled off a no hitter.
  8. See that blue car in the pictures ,?? Get off the computer and learn on that. No one and i mean no one is going to let you practice on their car. and at $85. an hour plus the liability of having a minor in the shop ,, probably won't get anyone to take the time as time is worth to much anymore.. If i had a son that actually wanted to work on a car ( ah to dream) i would let him do his worst,, and come through after words and explain why he fucked up.
  9. :rofl: :rofl: Nooooo only pictures i saw of the dude he had short hair,, aaaaand Mr. Antbully i read they were talking about a can't make it to Canby party,, in events. You know it's kinda cool to remember seeing him as the only guys with bigger grins on their faces all weekend were probably Denmarkboy and his crue.
  10. Maybe that pulley being Polish amid a whole bunch of German machinery made it return to its roots and just gave up.
  11. Yeah cuz any higher it it would be a Jimi Hendrix concert.
  12. I seen you by the truck but you guys were pretty deep into the convo so i just smiled.. Thought you looked kinda skinny even for you when ( apparently not you ) got into car and left. Sucks to get so old you can't see 25 feet away
  13. How about Don't be cranky ,,come to Canby for a handy 2015
  14. Nope I like sneaking up on people . But i must say, was blown away when the cool dude i was talking to turned out to be Rollover Red I was like no shit!! your that dude !!
  15. Then who was the guy in the blue Z that looked like Jacob?
  16. But honestly MHub probably offered the guy a half drank Pepsi throwback, pack of matches and a banana peel.
  17. That is who i was trying to "smoke out" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so to speak ,.. Finally finished editing the video i made of Saturday and Sunday on my Go Pro in Canby www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWz9VN40nCA Damn commercial fucking my shit up.
  18. Awesome !! I felt so guilty till you showed me that Saturday afternoon,.. :thumbup: :thumbup: When you start digging out stuff and throwing it out on the table,,, you really can kinda see how those guys that make their whole yards huge metal monuments to nothing,, get started... Donovan was like " How's that??" i was like "LOOK I FOUND SOME MORE STUFF FOR YOU TO WELD ON!!!" If it wasn't for him ,, the trophy you won would have been the size of a car.. :lol:
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