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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Not sure where, but i just saw your sister a few months ago she looks pretty beat-up and over weight,, but at least she has that bi-polar under control for the moment. The chick ended up a real mess man,, probably all stemming from the having a famous daddy really. So is your real name Chad?
  2. We are all your friends now,, there is some pretty hardcore 521 guys on here so i'm sure if your questions can be answered they will try their hardest to help you. Welcome ,, new guy.
  3. Aaahh ! That's where that "If i buy a white 4door can i do this to it" dude that started that thread got that idea.. Sad he didn't even have enough creativity to think that shit up himself..
  4. Doood you should separate that shit out , if your giving it away . I don't need or want it,, but just saying.
  5. You know that looks exactly like me and my wife ,,, for every Ying there's a Yang acting like an ass right behind them. :)
  6. ^^ that is probably the answer. FAT-ster had the the weird inbedded nut problem also , fixed it just the same way except he drilled original nut(?) like thing out and resused it instead of using washers.. His has came loose from the front plastic holder thing-a-ma-bob too ,,i think he used double sided tape or some kinda heavy doody glue i had laying around. P.S. Fatboi don't sell shit.
  7. THe Pick n pull website shows there is a bunch of 720s at the Portland south and Sherwood locations ..
  8. Doods really?? The long tail auto ( and 5speed) is 5 3/16 inches longer than the square pan 4 speed. Soooooo without even plugging in my OTC computer code reader / analyzer or my $30,000. Sun diagnostic machine, ,,,,,, i get ,, length of 4speed trans driveshaft. minus 5 3/16",,,, divide that by the goofy look on your face,,,,,, carry the 3,,,,,, 5 3/16 inches shorter.
  9. There is quite a few guys that can tell you everything about every single JDM part ever installed on a Datsun but can't even do the simplest actual job of fixing one in real life... Don't trust him knowing anything about mechanicals of truck if you can't see it running. These things are simple ,, and anyone can get on the internet and bullshit their way through conversations,, with enough research. on the second truck Hell ,, a screw driver start switch is no big deal at all really. but the motor being a J limits easily upgrading power train considerably.
  10. I put a capital there but my auto correct must know the pecking order of Datsuns and changed it i guess. I do this :rofl: :rofl: because i'm picturing you flipping the screen off right now.
  11. What's crazy is didn't we ( i voted no because of the DUI rider on it ,, ) pass a law making pot legal more than a year ago,,, then why do people still need a doctors prescription to get it?
  12. So you don't believe in the second amendment to the constitution either ? As, like you say, it was written more than 200 years ago.. :confused: :confused: .
  13. One of the two biggest Datsun freaks i know has a b210 and even though he has big motor 510s jacked up 620s with dual Webers and what-not ,, the car he seems to always be driving,,,,,,,,,, the b210. :thumbup: :thumbup: Let us see some shots from farther away than 2 1/2 feet after the polish.
  14. Your build thread can be found here>> http://community.ratsun.net/topic/36659-fat510s-79-a10-warthog/ Your photos can be found here>> http://s1093.photobucket.com/
  15. I was thinking of posting on Celica-GT-S as my sons will probably drive his 85 GT but i'm to lazy to follow up if they have any questions.
  16. Weeell on the 4th of July 1776 ,, that is weird it's kinda like that firecracker holiday,,, anyways ,, on that date the founding fathers submitted a Declaration of independence and in that document was this. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. As the 7th reason we needed to be free of Englands reign . Kinda weird A guy from one of the states most aggressively passing laws to harass immigrants is complaining of a government taking away rights seems kinda hypocritical to me. Z-Trains over the top response was exactly the one i was expecting so i'm good. :lol: :lol: I was commenting on the quote i posted nothing else (edited 7th)
  17. There's a heater core on ebay right now $75. free shipping.
  18. Have you facebooked this?? how was the response? or was there any?
  19. Aaaaaand 50+ MPG i would totally rock that.
  20. And Arizona is ranked like what in the voting of freedom by Hispanics?? Oh the voting is only conducted by and for whites.. carry on.
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