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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I would say,, more of a place where younger generations come to learn the phrase,,, nope not selling that either .
  2. With lots of pictures cuz i'm stupid sometimes,,,,,,,,, :lol: ,, would be great.. Here, i think they fit a L motor distrbutor to run carbs,, but those are getting to be almost 40 years old now..
  3. I think you missunderstood ....... Apparently there is a winery going in about 1/4 mile north up my road,, they are almost done building the warehouse and the giant tasting/dining "house" ..... Assuming they won't have grapes for at least 2-3 years,,,,,,,,,,but after that there is going to be some serious tonage of used barrels somewhere around here soon. I was car hunting out on the coast a few months ago and am pretty sure i saw a few of those cable spools in a guys yard............ I might have to trade them a few bald tires to complete their set and make the yard really "pop" but i could probably find some.
  4. So i googled and came up with Langley as a Nissan Sentra front wheel drive type car?? You have any links to that distributor modification? I came up with none,, but i might be wording it wrong. I really like your cars man.. They look fun to drive.
  5. Ted as in ,," fucking Ted :sneaky: " came over to bum a 620 seat i was tired of moving back and frickin forth for it's runners,, and helped me get this mess of wires out of the white 411 ^^ up there. Over the weekend i thought i could easily run the painless style wiring the guy had started,,, but when i touched a hot wire to the wires with tail light written on it................ The starter started to turn,,,,,,,,,, welp that shit is fucked up... So went back to original plan of attack.. It may catch fire but at least i will know it was my fault.. About all i got to show is a mess of wires on the floor.
  6. That is in your thread??? I don't remember seeing those pictures before right this second, Or am i stupid? Why does your lower ball joint look so new??
  7. Hey weiner head do you have a full set of valve cover bolts?? Zach ( robopineapple) needs a set and my shit is stacked up something horrible in the garage lately so the ones Donodildo has i can't find.. We could replace them when in about October when i make him drag all his shit out and put that motor together.
  8. The guy just above you ^^^ might be able to help locate you one. But i'm going to text him,, and tell him not to, till you post at least one picture.
  9. Well as i see it,,, if he needs someone to babysit his kids he has gotten lots of great references ,,, if he wants his money,,, not so much. For what it's worth when i had heart surgery i spent 3 days in the hosptal.. :geek: . But i believe the technology must have been better back then.
  10. You will have to hold it pretty high in the air to get it in the picture though.
  11. Actually an off street, off the of street off 44th.
  12. It wasn't shark week last week it was just a couple discovery shows doing shark theme shit.. Got this album cranked up to eleven right now !! Live a little, be a gypsy, get around, Get your feet up off the ground, Live a little, get around.
  13. Don't let these guys scare you man,,, they are always sending out negative waves.. QTip has a set of these on his yellow 510 and i can't imagine him ever wanting to switch back to boring stock lights cuz that would be a ridiculous thing to do.. Just take your time and measure a thousand times or make a very accurate cardboard template if you have to so the hole ends up the right size.. and your golden.
  14. I love clevelands but they are expensive when they break , and that one is broken already... i would find old car forums ie. The HAMB or oldsmobile forum and put the 455 in their classifieds as i think trading for the 351 is a bad deal for you.. Tread lightly in those old hot rod forums as most they are crusty pricks looking for someone to complain about.. BUT most are also older guys willing and able to pay full bore for what they want.
  15. Oh and one more thing,,,,,,,, smoked turkey leg,,,,,, oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh yeah.
  16. He was there yesterday ,,,,, again?? We never saw anyone we know there yesterday... , i seem to do alot more bs-ing with the vendors about crazy shit while the wife is shopping,, than ever really buying anything at all. Didn't buy one but you can bet your ass i'm gonig to have me one of the wine barrel, cable spool, BBQ pit things in the near future though.. Damn those were cool.
  17. Heard this playing at an old mans booth at the swap meet yesterday... Guy looked at least 70 ,,,,,,,
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