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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Are those wheels ,, hubcaps or those aluminum spoke/turbine type ?? I don't know 200SXs at all so not sure if i'm wording that question right.
  2. Went to look at a bronco ii that has NO title ,, for an engine that could be easily dropped into FAT510s to get it running again without working at it.. Dude would not budge off $500. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i even offered $300. as a token amount , since if the rear windows break out they are extremely hard to find now and he wouldn't take it.. Kept saying ,,"well i backed it up into right where it sits now" .. Yeah,, in 2010!! https://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/cto/5186882829.html NO TITLE .. I wanted to scream ,, "am i taking crazy pills??" :rofl:
  3. Yeah but he doesn't get the "tips" he speaks of in actual cash,,,,, since the late 40s ladies he entertains at the winery have other ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, um,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ways, of paying their tab..
  4. Don't know what brand they ,, i just thought they looked fresh.
  5. Seems pretty tame at first,,,,,, but give it a chance it gets pretty insane. I listened to this instead of the music in the above video as it is pretty screechy at best.
  6. I'm in,, to make the odds longer .
  7. That you proceeded to disassemble like a tweeker that found a transistor radio.
  8. He's definitely not trolling,,,, intentionally anyway,,,,,, he actually wants more for it that that.
  9. To make up for it i will post this picture from probably the most epic build thread on the internets right now.. 1947 Vauxhall .... The guy has owned it since he was 15 years old.
  10. Weeeeeell since the elections aren't till ,,, um ,,,, next year.. The Donald Trump excuse may not work so gooder.
  11. I only stopped "liking" because i started looking like a stalker .. :blush: This thing is fricking cooooool ,, B),, and you got a really sharp picture of it..
  12. it is 12 volt but i don't know if it is a switched 12volts or not on your 86...( meaning turns off after truck has been running for awhile) . Pretty sure the truck will have to be running to check it though. Key on engine off i don't think it will have full voltage., We used silicon spray on the linkage ( assume WD40 would work) and leaned the choke out a bit when the stupid choke was binding up and that seemed to help. (edit) i hate Webers
  13. If the springs are different width and don't line up with new truck,, we have just welded a 1/4 inch plate on top of perch added a brace (farther in or out depending) measured for the hole and redrilled it,,, spaced the distance you need... You will have to notch new plate for U-bolts. But most of all a measuring tape is your friend and i have seen some seriously stupid shit done lately because builder couldn't use a simple measuring tape..
  14. Oh you were thinking ,,, the whole car painted as a sub sandwich,,, i was thinking in terms of a Jimmy Johns delivery vehicle. I shall run over to Harbor Freight to see if they have a green tarp to hang out the trunk
  15. I think he is still using it to get out of Canby 2015. .............. Somebody should really tell him it's over already.
  16. I think you are mistaken ,,, i am collecting one of each kinda wheel ever made (with accompanying flat tire) ,,, so i can open my " Wheel of one" museum of futility .
  17. I was going to go with a giant fiberglass one bolted to the roof for more exposure in heavy traffic.
  18. Fuck,,,,,,,,,, i only needed one more to finish my collection
  19. I accidently let it slip as to why i was digging out the mini trail bike ( it was over by lathe) at about 11:00 as i was standing in door texting the guy about it when he rolled over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this was about 6 o-clock,,,,,,,,,,, he is sleeping in that picture.
  20. If you can get the guy to cut it up into small enough pieces to fit in the minivan ,,
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