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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. We are surrounded by large stands of trees but we are also at a weird crossing area for those huge ass power transmission towers ... So we are triangulated by them ,, and the power companies keep the land around them clear of trees and fences ... So the coyotes use the huge paths as runways to get around and hunt rabbits and shit............ Some nights you can hear them all around you as their barks echo insanely,, pisses our German Shepherd off somethng fierce some nights................And they shit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this crazy purple/black gooey mess that stains your leather boots if you step in it.
  2. Seen that Z quite a few times in person ,, although i respect the huge amount of work he has put into it,,, it just seems just too sanitary in real life. I enjoy the "mechanicalness" of stuff and that engine bay just seems to lack a soul,, for lack of a better word..
  3. When the boy is ready,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there are others ,,,, , and they are waiting for him there.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/50263-a10s-u-nite/ B)
  4. Does it have an optional 8 track player??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBn2ux5vRHk
  5. Today i got lights all to work correctly and put in an alternator my fucking idiot friend gave me ,,,,,,, So after i cut out the melted wires :sneaky: i am going to install 93 pathfinder alternator we had laying around... Just have to go to the picker of pullness in the morning to get a pigtail as my dingleberry of a son has lost the ones he had as extras..
  6. That car is fast as fuck,,, has Mklotz front brakes (ad says 240 but he has kids put ad up ) and a 85 720 5speed so it could easly be driven on the freeway .. He had this at the airport drags in Elma and it kept up with almost every car there ,,, 1/8th mile.. Interior looks really good, The TLC the ad mentions is it needs radiator,,, Owner is a really nice guy,, if you are even thinking of looking at that thing you should go over to his place,, you will be pleasantly surprised at what he knows about 411s . and datsuns for that matter.
  7. Sooooo let me get this straight,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you ,,,,,,,,,,,, told someone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, else... That since they own a Datsun,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They would have to attend local meets... Is that what i read??? You wrote that??? you?? Jrock ,,,, aka ,,,,, Mr. was that yesterday? :poke: .
  8. Dude i started going to the dentist again last year,, first time since 1986 .... The weirdest thing was feeling the real shape of the inside of the front bottom teeth...... I bet it took 4-5 days to stop freaking out about them being round shaped... and yeah Datsenmick is right,,, the technology they use is light years better than anything i experienced before.... Even the amount and placement of the novacaine seemed more precise and work better.
  9. No not that mouse turd,, this was a 81 310 with most likely a normal pattern ,,, extremely valuable ,, 5speed that you guys were looking for.. That's why i was wondering why you would have bought another,,,, at i assume not cheap price. When me and Donodildo went over there, someone had taken just the hubs off that ZX probably to stash in a broke ass way of calling dibs. .................. . I bet they never found the other shit they left laying there though.. :rofl:
  10. I think ,, Fucking Ted :sneaky: was with me when we came across it .. I was looking for something that required heavy lifting and i had him to help me, lift it.
  11. You guys didn't scoop the 81 5speed at Tumwater pick n pull a few months ago?? I assumed it was you, it was gone really fast.
  12. I aint feeling the black grill... maybe if it had a black bumper too
  13. Oh and i got the fuse box soaking in the old vinegar bath of science,,, so fingers crossed.... But Ted dropped off a really nice 521 fuse box that will work if i change the 4 and 2 inputs,, into 3 and 3 using a copper jumper bridge.
  14. Thanks i will copy that off when i get a new color cartridge ( have been running on black for awhile cuz i'm cheeep) :lol: The one my neighbor brought over was in a service type manual ,, the drawings seemed bigger than on the PDF so it has quite a few more pages,, but it looks the same other than that.. I went to Fedex express (kinkos) and had them blow it up a little bit and laminate ,,, when i get that color cartridge i think i will blow that one up bigger.. :thumbup: And thanks for the encouragement,, :) .
  15. Well not much but ripping and tracing wires .. For some reason Datsun used the exact same plug end on the heater and head light switches and they are within inches of each other in the car,,,,,,,, yeah good thinking on that one. anyways,,, got to go to kincos and blow up a wiring diagram my neighbor came up with.. Old new harness I have a new and improved version of the gauge unit but i'm going to install later
  16. You still got that short hunk of bent pipe............. Bam!! You have an exhaust.
  17. Went looking after i saw it and i stil don't know,,, someone guessed it was the liquid in the bottle tuning the liquid propane into a gas and expanding and causing thrust ,,, and in doing so it also aggitated the carbonated soda,,, making for extra thrust............... but i'm not sure
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