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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Ok ,, Chevy guys only attract fat chicks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, got it. :thumbup:
  2. The owner died ,, and from what i understand,, the business doesn't automatically get whatever documentation it needs to stay in business .. I think the state has to open some kind of bid process to get licensing or some other stupid law they thought up to limit license places in WA. ... But i only quickly skimmed the online documents.
  3. He's driving a Datsun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he probably thought you were fuckin with him.
  4. Oh he gave some bullshit excuse about his fenders scraping his tyres << notice queer foreigner spelling,,,,,,,,, Me personally i think he was afraid that if he got all his weight "rolling" it would be impossible to stop ........
  5. That was a great mellow little cruise Would have been better if Scalpum would have sped the hell up a little though. .
  6. Needs more radiator fan and a little better jerry-rigged muffler ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and drive it,,,,,,,,, for Christs sake.
  7. Pipes be all hanging down sparking and shit ,,,,,,, motor sounding like a cross between a McCormick-Deering tractor and the Challenger space shuttle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and big ole shit eatin grin on the dude at the wheel. ...... :rofl: :thumbup:
  8. I don't think i've seen that many muffler clamps bouncing down the road ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ever.
  9. Could you go over all the options again?
  10. My phone shows text didn't go thru ,, you must have got it cuz you texted me back.... But was wondering if you got name and phone number? :confused:
  11. fan won't fit,,, the upper radiator hose is way closer on the truck than it was on roadster,,,,,,,,,,,go figure ,,,,,,,,,,,, :geek:
  12. English muther fucker ,,,,,do you type it? If you are asking if i sent it to him ,, no,,, it wasn't a personal message it was out in plain view in a rat rod forum .. I didn't want to get too personal since was just commenting about a car show in Tumwater and i think the dude is local to me. and i don't want no rat rod fucks looking for treasure in my backyard. just posted a stock 411 picture .
  13. So a guy asked what my car looked like and when i went looking for a pic ( internet-paranoia made me not wanna post my real car) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i got this shit. http://seattlesparkedcars.blogspot.com/2014/02/1965-datsun-411-sedan.html Now aint that a kick in the nuts. :rofl:........... :rofl:
  14. Air flow yo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, air flow
  15. HEY!! Your bff was here a little bit ago and since he is using electric fan , he said he would loan you ,,,, (as in you have to eventually give it back).... A cut down 8 blade fan that he got off a NapZ and retro fitted to his Ka when he was bench testing it... it barely sticks out and i believe it will easily fit in that space. Here is it in the video i took .,,, it is spaced only about a 1/8 of and inch off pulley and cut down to miss lower pulley.. You want ?? .
  16. Nope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUAx_1agF0k
  17. I wish i would have remembered to take my camera over and get a couple shots of a 520 Scalpum bought ,,,,,,,, straight outta Miami vice paint job............ Would have made those sawblades look down right modern.
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