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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Yeah, and it doesn't even look like you could hit it with a big press and "fix" it either
  2. In that picture i read 1 1/16th to short Since you couldn't be "bothered" to ditch that shit job and measure your intake for "us" NO CHEAP PIPES FOR YOU!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or us :mellow:
  3. I have some Coke but my friend who is Chinese went pee-pee in it earlier
  4. I haven't forgot to ask about jack stick,,, he just hasn't been over in a couple days ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so why change that. I am almost positive he has something you need.
  5. So we should just plan on about 10:00-11:00ish and park farther out ,, see if we can get out of that park all day shit ,, and then hit that taco van over by the laundry mat with the indoor picnic tables.. 11 is still a 9am leave time for us
  6. Oh a liberal arts college thinks Hillary will easily win it all ..... har-har ....... Gee i wonder what those wacky kids out at Evergreen state university woulds say if asked.
  7. Well, I've got a brand new pair of roller skates.
  8. I aint selling but if we (Me, Tdaaj and FAT510) see something we aren't buying,, we could text you the stall number maybe a quick description .... what kinda crap you looking for? just general Datsun junk?
  9. It wouldn't have to if you live in Kelso Washington ,, Oregon smog laws don't apply .. And Washington has no smog for anything older than 26 years. If you buy it and move to Portland ,,, besides needing to get your head examined ,, i don't know
  10. If you are buying composite just because you can't find any steel ones,, contact this guy maybe he knows where a set of used ones are.. I aint trying to change your mind just throwing it out there... He lists alot of parts for your car even if he doesn't have / or you don't want ,, leaf springs http://www.datman.co.uk/
  11. Click link ,, click picture you want ,, right click,, select "copy image location" ,, click that green box under smiley face ,, paste in there,,, Ker-splat !!
  12. Pretty sure we measured 46 1/2 center to center but if measured some other way it would be different.
  13. You will be leaving your house way the fuck before 12.
  14. It's possible,,, i was probably going over to Jdongs ,, do you have to be there before 12:30 or at ?
  15. if you young guys were even faced with that uncut 70s coochy sticking all out her macramé panties you would be running back to yo mommas cryin.
  16. Nope , she is getting older and one of my buddies gave me shit while we were drinking ice tea one day watching her using her push mower,, so i traded work for a 20 horse last year . Good thing is,, she is done faster so it gives her more time to wash dishes and such.
  17. Oh and i just spent $150. plus tax,, on a starter for my wife's fucking lawn mower if that makes you feel less ripped off by the driveshaft guys.. That was just walk out price not put in or anything.
  18. So your being suspiciously tight lipped about what the lengths are,, and the what the right and wrong ones were. ?
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