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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. No one i ever heard of even makes an adapter plate to mate a 5speed onto a j13 and i hang around enough truck guys if anyone would have jerry-rigged one up it would have been those guys... if you want more forward speeds you gotta change engine.
  2. like i said no-way to get there earlier than probably 8-9 pm for us even if we jumped the Kingston--Edmonds ferry.
  3. Read minds??????????? Jesus tap dancing Christ Ted ......... Me telling her over and over they needed to leave that night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as i kept giving you dirty looks and emitting growling noises whilst waving my hands in a shaking motion like a monkey on crack ,,, every time you said she could easily make it.......... Might have been the ever sooo subtle hints you were looking for If you recall i even knew what the exact hotel/motel rates were in both Ritzville and Moses Lake,,,,,,,,,, now why would i ever know that?
  4. Ted came over pretty amped the other day talking about maybe, finally, coming down to Eaglerock with Datsun parts ,, and his dads got this big ass dodge he could load tons of parts in... I said he should totally do it even if he only breaks even ,, ( he loves to buy as much as sell :lol: ) ,, If it ends up being in October there is no way i can ever come,,, but November , that could be do-able ride along keep the driver awake situation. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  5. You know if YOU would have HELPED me convince my wife to travel to the university with the boy the night you were here ,, instead of saying " yeah you can make it if you leave early,, cuz i can drive to Spokane in 5 hours" or some shit like that,,,,,,,,,,,,, they wouldn't have the money for the extra night in a motel down there ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :sneaky: Fuck!!
  6. Don't know about The Jcockblock-ers® but the south Tumwater chapter of Ray'skids are motoring up the 101 then up 3 straight there,,, We are going to leave Dougs moms place and make a nice mellow cruise along the bay from Purdy down the 302 over to hwy 3 on the way homes.... I haven't got any clue what time we are leaving here in the morning.. .
  7. Aaaaaaand when i texted hobgobbler about going to canuckville i asked Him if he needed parts delivered or wanna meet for lunch out by the freeway IN BURLINGTON!! THERE,, ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY?? cuz honestly both those towns are so in the god damn tingle-fucking-wigs most locals haven't learn to read so they guess at what the words say on the freeway by the number of letters ,, so not even people that live there know the difference,,,,,,,, but i digress ........ but never once in those texts did i ask him to come with us , join us , follow us or any such thing .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so,,,,,, there's that.
  8. Nah,,it was that orange hulk out in the field Tedward tentacles found,,, was in that area again just driving around......... Basically a pile of garbage in the shape of a 510
  9. Yeah BUT we don't wanna rush up there Sunday morning ,, we can all do 65+ but it would be more enjoyable to mosey up,, and we were thinking we might add my middle sons 85 celica if my wife rolls up there with us ( since he leaves to go to University in the middle of Aug) as well as a couple last gen RX7s,, but they will probably fag out on us ,,,, and bend is Datsun specific.... Same distance 4 1/2 hours from us either way.
  10. You're not the only one that lives there,,, my wife's family has owned their 20+ acre Horsey farm on Hwy20 about 4-5 miles outta town since i was in high school. But ok.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we will keep that in mind..... :rofl:
  11. Three of us from Olympia area are going up to 2016 All Japanese classic an if you wanna roll with the El Douche crew,, let us know.. SHOW IS ON THE 28th We are leaving sometime Saturday ,, maybe stopping,,, maaaaaybe,,, stopping in Sedro wooley to stretch the legs and then heading out and going up near Blaine-ish area and camping for the night.. Making a run for the border at O-butt-early and maybe finding do-it-yourself carwash,, in Vancoober. ........ And somewhere in there maybe trying to track down Ratpatrol66 in his rat,, patrol ,,, up by Marysville Show lasts from like 8am till 2pm so if you live north of Seattle shit you would be home in time for your Matlock tv stories on the entertainment console http://the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=28977 official website http://alljapaneseclassic.com/ Entry fee was only $15.81 today because of the exchange rate You need a EDL or passport so yeah,,,,,,,,,,,, you gotta get off your ass if you don't have either of those. Our Enhanced Drivers Licenses came in about 2 weeks and only cost 3 dollars per year left ( before it expires) on your current drivers license ,,,,,,, mine literally cost 3 dollars . .......... no shit
  12. New struts are 510,, struts in/ came out of car are what he's asking about.
  13. Why do you think they are A10 or B210 struts?? I had a picture of A10 and 510 next to each other but i forgot where it is Both B210 and A10 have really small diameter springs compared to 510
  14. Don't mind him he's been watching Howard the duck on a continuous loop for 3 days now
  15. That air conditioner in that rear window is worth more than most datsuns,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so my guess would be none of those people in that van would be caught dead driving one.
  16. It's an old Native American saying that roughly translates to,, "one who find many part for you" Or in english,,,,,,,,,,,,, Fucking Ted
  17. Cool let us know,, and if you give a fuck FAT can only do Fri/Sat/Sun because he works night shift .. Dick's Hobo hangs out at ,,,,,,,,,, well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, https://goo.gl/maps/XeAkPW35fCx
  18. What are the hours for this training ?? The only way we could ever make it up to a meet-up is if you do after 7:00 at the earliest ,,,, as going i5 north to anywhere has gotten insane in the last few years,,, and going through Seattle downtown anywhere near rush hour,,, fuck that.... When were you heading back ?? Maybe we could catch you and hang in a parking lot at the XXX in Issaquah.. Since we could backroads it down holbert rd.
  19. My guess is that is what Jcocks underwear look like in the mirror The scary thing is they didn't start out that way
  20. Went to extremely north Portland YO!! Why we went there is none of your damn business but there were tons of Porsche 356 type vehicles in that location Hazel Dell,,,,,,,,,, :thumbup: [ Plates on both van and trailer were Californy It actually flew by us and we caught up to it just before Indian waterslide ,,, thing was dancing all of the place behind there
  21. Prefect,,,, everyone knows you are following blindly anyways......... :thumbup: :thumbup:
  22. They are trying to get him to stop putting his hand down the front of his pants in front of customers ,.
  23. I would think as long as you tone down the "Hubble" a bit a can't see why they wouldn't expect a little haggling on stuff they wanna sale ,,, it's the American way ..
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