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Everything posted by Stupid_fast

  1. You will need to bypass the electronic fuel pump... No idea how that fuel tank will work with a mechanical pump. Should be straight forward? Since L28 drops straight into a 240 or 260z, it should be straight drop. I hope you have a 3.90... that motor isnt going to be happy with a 3.54 diff. Its not that strange, after all the JDM 280zx did have an option for an L20e!! You could even probably bolt all the EFI stuff to the L24 and it'd run pretty good... You really don't have something to drive while the l28 is getting a rebuild ??
  2. Looks sweet but your shackles are almost on the ground.... Shackleflush? Is that a thing?
  3. Thanks. :thumbup: If only you could have seen the way it corners with those new leafs. We weren't going nearly fast enough to push it on the fun run.
  4. http://springworks.com/auto-bushings-nissan2-buy.html Part no. 7.7102
  5. I took some pics... too lazy to embed! https://plus.google.com/photos/117951877298041393183/albums/5846124053404493985?authkey=CP7n4JLl1d_K7AE
  6. No, I was going to the hardware store and walked across the street to get a picture. One of the employees there walked up and told me it was for sale. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RRL8r19xs5M/URveDw2QgHI/AAAAAAAABIY/U--eLINyJ-g/s2048/IMAG0144.jpg
  7. Theres a clean looking light blue S30 for sale in oakland. has turbo swazies. like $2500... gas station near lake shore across from ace hardware.
  8. Put 195's on it. Call it good. Does she like datsuns? @tristin;
  9. Positive votes. Bitches love positive votes.
  10. That is a 300ZX (Z31) with a VG30E
  11. How late are you guys usually out there? I'm probably going to be really late coming home from work ... I remembered to take pics! I didn't take many.. I just have to get more obsessed with taking pics. I usually don't mess with a camera.. so just trying to make good looking pics with my cell. Maybe next time I will get everybody's car!!
  12. stretch reduces movement of sidwall, may increase tire responsiveness somewhat.
  13. I wear driving gloves, and my sunglasses are color matched to my car. Goes with my skinny jeans and stretches tires. YOLO!!!!
  14. My office just did a harlem shake video...

  15. ^ I've had mine off and on probably 30 times and it just barely started leaking.
  16. Does the starter click loudly then stop? My ZX did that .. was bad starter.
  17. Can I bring My civic it does mad burnouts.
  18. Sorry, my bad they are 2.5" ... been a while.
  19. New wagon leaf spring setup on the cheap!! I still can't believe how much turn-in response and less under steer i'm getting ! Its great! almost completely neutral handling with 200lb from springs. So a lot of people have been flipping leafs in their wagons, which made me think... what are truck guys with h190's doing ? I found a thread where somebody mentioned using the flat leaf from a 720 pickup. So I went to the yard and picked up 720 leafs. Also a while ago I ordered a truck add-a-leaf kit from summit racing, thinking I could use that to add to my pack but it made my wagon way too low. I started messing about with different leaf combinations, and this is what I ended up with! the leaf configuration i ended up with is, 1 - flipped truck add-a-leaf 2 - Stock wagon main leaf 3 - 720 2nd leaf 4 - 720 3rd leaf(flat) 5 - stock wagon 3rd leaf A new center bolt, and some leaf spring clamps(for more stiff) I ended up with a great ride height for stock drive tunnel and great stiffness level. 720 leafs- Setup sitting on the axle- Ride height-
  20. I would not run blocks... increase axle wrap. Only matters if your running a high torque motor like a KA i guess. How much are those custom leafs ?? My own setup cost like $250 ... im curious if its cheaper for my friend to just get custom leafs. You can't use those u-bolts, the 510 axle is 2" diameter. The 2.5" wide ones won't work !! The out of stock ones I have cut down on my goon right now...they're the only ones i've seen at 2" diameter. You can get them custom made locally at some shops usually ... spring shops? some truck place maybe ? That is the lowest you can go with a stock goon without bottoming the driveshaft ... is your drive tunnel raised?
  21. Oakland pick-n-pull last weekend! This Z is for sale. . guy walked up to me while I was drooling over it I think he said $2500. Its down in oakland near the grand lake theater, across the street from the ace hardware at the gas station. Some patina but pretty clean.
  22. Get a set of 720 or D21 leafs, mix and match until you find a good combination for stiffness and ride height! Or you can get a truck add-a-leaf kit ... can raise your goon 2 inches! This is what I did to mine! Except I flipped the kit for more low. I disassembled the leaf pack (using big C-clamps!) used WD-40 and a wire brush to clean the majority of the rust off of them(for more smooth!) and reassembled them with some brake caliper grease (mix of molybdenum and other stuff). I clamped them all together using a screwdriver to center them, then put a new center bolt in and tightened it down ... dropped in and then added the leaf clamps for more stiff. My setup, I used the 510 wagon main leaf, 720 2nd leaf as 2nd leaf, 720 3rd(flat) leaf as 3rd leaf, then the wagon 3rd leaf under it. I put a truck add-a-leaf flipped on the top of the pack to flatten out the leafs. If you put the add-a-leaf kit below the setup it will be 4" higher than mine.(thats the first setup I tried)
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