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Everything posted by Radim

  1. Datsuns in general are impractical! You throw all you're money into them. You do random shit to them. You lower the shit out of them to the point where you can't have more than one person in it. and that sir is why I love dem. Bottom line, yes it is Illegal. /thread
  2. Would be something sweet, but reverse hood latch + Fender mirrors + Tiny bay would be hard as hell to work on! Someone should definetly swoop this up and do it though.
  3. Swapped out interior, and engine harness just to have a working cigarrette lighter, just to have my 12v fan work. :)

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      My cigar lighter stopped working, and it has it's on wire and fuse.... Still haven't figured it out lol.

    2. Radim


      Check to see if it's grounded correctly, may be loose causing a bad ground.


      Since they ground to the dash frame.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      probably. Haven't even messed with it yet.

  4. I MAY have to pick this up, If you've still got it when i'm in Oregon.
  5. Been raining out here in SoCal (Weird I know) Apperantly something leaks into the glove box and while i was swapping out the interior harness on my truck the damn cardboard fell apart and I can't bolt the latch back on. =/ Instead of jimmy rigging it, I'd rather have a working glove box not just a glove box door that leads into nothing.
  6. That guy in the 620 needs to learn how to PAR..... uh oh yeah.
  7. Need either Barrels, Lips, or complete wheels. Any lug pattern.
  8. I'm not a wheel whore, I'm more of a Connoisseur

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Radim




    3. ryknot


      I dont use drugs, I self medicate.

    4. erichwaslike


      no george you are a wheel whore....

  9. Do these have pinion angle correction? (are they angled like in the picture?) EDIT: I'm a dumbass.... how much are they angled? I'll take them.
  10. Wheels aren't stolen! The truck is. wait wat?
  11. YOU TAKE THAT BACK!... No wait.... they're always funny!
  12. Hehe, No sorry It won't fit in the plane. Althought I've been thinking of taking up there for Canby either 2013 or 14. :)
  13. Swift GTIs have those loops in the headrest right? Still recline and all that jazz? I had a set for a bit too. :P
  14. Cammed engine, Dual Sidedrafts, Dogleg, and 4.3 gearing 15/55s I get roughly 14-18 MPG.... =/
  15. asking 220 they're only a set though.
  16. Those Fiero seats are made by Recaro by the way, they're Recaro NJoys, came some some Mustangs, 80s GTIs They are AMAZINGLY comfortable and hug you well, ran them on my 620 for a while.
  17. The blue lip is just a film they use for transportation/packaging, but it does look pretty damn cool!
  18. I'm down, I'll be with a couple of friends but i'm sure we can meet during or before..... Who wants my number?
  19. Got bored, threw this back on.
  20. Dang, I'll be in Portland on the 28th, then headed down to Salem to visit a buddy, then back in Portland on the 31st-1st for New Years.... would love to meet some Ratsunners!
  21. Too bad it's not on craigslist, I would have called for the chick.
  22. Sounds good, Hopefully tomorrow isn't a wash out so I can throw my oil cooler back on, and space my carrier bearing.
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