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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Just FYI Mike, Pumpkin aka Slick started the Ratsun FB page. moderated by me and a few other good Ratsun guys including Bonvo, etc.
  2. Hooligan, I don't see anything on the Ratsun.net FB page (I'm a moderator) like what you described. But if you'd like me to look into it and handle it, just PM me here... I don't know what moderator you 'might' be having an issue with, but I'm curious... As far as the Ratsun.net vs Nwdatsuns thing... it's no competition. I love both. You just have two different groups of people who disagree about the way things should be handled, so they went opposite ways. I've been on Ratsun for somewhere around 4 years I think and I can tell you it's changed a lot. A lot of the old guard is gone leaving the forum to a very select group of people. Hell, I don't even frequent the forum anymore like I used to. Maybe I'm just bored, or maybe it's because I'm busy. Hell, I don't really know. But still, I love Ratsun..it's a great community. Stick around man, give it some time. I know you seem to be frustrated a bit with the way it's been going, but that's just the way of the world sometimes. This site is great and full of information. It has a lot to offer YOU. Even if you don't post, stick around. I promise you won't regret it.
  3. good to see you're still around man
  4. Too true!! 90% of "photographers" cringe when I ask about F-stop, shutter speed, ISO, etc...
  5. Kudo's on your English man. You're doing excellent. Can't even tell the difference! Also, very nice truck.
  6. While we're talking about before/afters..... this also emphasizes 'getting it right in the camera' to minimize post processing. beforeafter by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  7. FWIW I have poly T/C bushings, but they were also drilled with about 20 holes front and sides. Been 2 years now.
  8. ew............ it's like posting one of these....
  9. 2eDeYe" post="1005213" timestamp="1384105366"] When do we get to see it on the truck? :lol: When you put one on your own truck :fu: True story, NOT A TROLL. lol Me and him have been...er....up and down the last few days. I haven't even been down to see it in person to be honest. He had already painted it back black (so he says) long before I would have gotten down there anyways. He claims to have left the actual vertical 'grill' pink so it would be like a (in his words, not mine) "Black pussy, hehehehehehehe" When are we gonna stop bitching about something that happened 1+ week ago? I've already spoken to his smokin hot 29 year old daughter about it and hopefully I'll learn of everything he hates and more. OH AND FYI: Painting his shop door PINK and I'll be stenciling some Datsun related shit to go on top :fu:
  10. dang hitch, I saw you were selling her. I hope she went to a good owner. I'd love to have the Maxima if it was in the cards for me right now.
  11. lulz Autozone updated firefox browser. Ratsun at work ftw!

  12. You can do a lot with a cellphone now. My HTC One X lets me adjust all kinds of funky settings. ISO, exposure, saturation, contrast, etc.
  13. I don't have many moving/action shots :( But I'll toss this in here. Fun by metalmonkey47, on Flickr 510 2door by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Zed by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0232 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  14. Long story short... he thought it would be funny to paint my grill pink, instead of black.. (see pic below) I'm thinking either I: -Sell a Honda on CL using his shop number and a random picture of a sharp 2 door Civic for $1500 -Sell an S14 Kouki on CL advertised as 'Red top SR w/ blown head gasket' -Post a M4M add on CL with his number attached -All of the above. Either way, his phone will be ringing off the hook with annoying cunts for a week +, Also totally going to spray all kinds of annoying shit on his DD using plastidip. Fuck this guy and his bad jokes...
  15. Might want to remove that last part from your post^^^ I'd hate for someone to use it to steal a car after reading it here.
  16. Beyond happy to see you with this! I can confidently say that after seeing what you did with the 510, this will turn out just as it should ;)
  17. This is what happens when the car world is encompassed around these 'sheep.' The car must be perfect they said... buff your paint they said.... make sure your trailer is clean they said.... Fuck JCCS. I'd rather drive my ratted out Datsun anyday. Bet my truck gets more love and attention then a lot of the cars that are there.
  18. I forgot what it's for. 'Field' I think is what my info shows at work. Output is somewhere around 6-8V IIRC so just don't hook it up to anything. It's not a ground.
  19. Friends Scooby I took pics of.
  20. Got it figured out! The little faggot took a shit this time and died and this time, didn't start back up. Turns out my brand new fuel pump.....yeah..... mechanical piece of shit stopped pumping. Hooked up an electric pump (4.5PSI 30gph) and it runs without hesitating now. Fucking cheap parts.
  21. Man this car is gonna be tough as nails when you're done man :fu: Right on. I always thought this was one of the coolest goons. Even though it's got a 2J
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