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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Nice Ratsun addition Where did you get the mirrors from?
  2. So the dash swap project is starting in the morning! For those of you who havn't caught wind, I'm mounting a dash from a 1982 Mazda RX7 in my datto. Should be interesting.
  3. Good luck! I've been looking for Sunny parts for a while now. I can't find jack shit.
  4. Didn't think about that. Check your cam timing. If your valves are opening during the compression stroke, you won't have the compression you need, nor will it fire.
  5. Valve seals also cause a lack of compression, if I'm correct. What exactly was the compression?
  6. Anyday now, I expect to see a post here saying "HES AWAKE!!!!" and I'm guessing that during his long nap, hes probably dreaming up a bitchin new 510 design for his new ride. He is a rocket scientist after all.
  7. Seriously? How do you have any right to come in here and make wild accusation's on someone else's behalf? If he owed someone money, its that person's responsibility to collect their debt and handle the situation. NOT your's. Ratsun is NOT meant for this type of bullshit, so why don't you get the fork out of your ass and go play in the street. From what I can tell since being here, Lynch is a good guy. I've never met him, never really spoke to him, but it's not hard to tell who is a decent, respectable person and that's clearly not you. Also, you have 68 posts so I don't think you have any right to come in here bitching at members like Lynch. Good day sir.
  8. I got an old Sega Saturn if ya want it :P Just gotta find it. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  9. http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=Mercedes+300D+foglight&_sacat=0&_trksid=p3286.m270.l1313&_odkw=1982+Mercedes+300D+foglight&_osacat=0&bkBtn= Ebay my friend :)
  10. Yeah, I always liked the looks of the older dashs, and ANY Nissan dash really, but I couldn't find any car around here that measured at 49'' perfect. The next closest was a Pontiac Fiero, but they wanted more for that one.
  11. Thanks! That's kinda what I was looking for, but the problem is most car's that I could find were WAY too wide. The dash had to be a perfect 49'' to be a secure fit. And that just happened to be the RX7. I was wanting to stay Nissan, but I need to fix all my dash wiring and lights and such, and finding dash parts for a 210 is hopeless :(
  12. It's my understanding that you can actually buy them for some Datsun's. There was a thread somewhere about this... damn. lol
  13. haha God I don't have to be embarrassed riding around every time someone see's the interior now. THANK GOD. I have Mazda parts in a Datsun. If thats not Ratsun, I don't know what is.
  14. I'll have the right to be cocky about my car now. I can see it now, That random guy at a car show, "What kind of Datsun is that?" Me, "It's my Sunny bitch."
  15. lol ain't that the truth. The bastard that had it before me did a good job of fucking it over for me. lol
  16. Got it!! What do you guys think? I already started painting all the trim over again and cleaning it up. Going back for the steering wheel soon. I want the rotary. And I started the deconstruction on the dash of my car.
  17. Very nice! You got some work ahead of you, that's for sure. Be sure to make a build thread so I can keep track :P
  18. I saw that picture a while back. Poor little thing :( Here's another.
  19. Tell ya what, I'll trade you a 300ZX shifter knob for it :P
  20. Got enough interest yet? I think everyone on the site wants one now. INCLUDING ME :)
  21. Seen this bad boy up from time to time. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/cto/1695632659.html
  22. Damn I thought I was going to see a bitchfest when I opened this. Glad to see it wasn't so. lol
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