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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Alright, in that case I'll check into it. If it fits, I'll take it
  2. Ouch man! Sorry to hear that. You're dime is one of my favorite. At least it's still repairable and isn't in too bad of shape.
  3. What tranny is the speedo cable for? Assuming L series. You know if it will fit a A series 5 speed?
  4. Yup! I did a little testing on my car when I painted the fender. Used the steps above to cut down some annoying orange peel. Before and after...
  5. Start with 2000 grit sandpaper. Sand till fairly smooth. Follow up with rubbing cmpound, then polishing compound.
  6. Hmmmm all useful information! Except, I don't break rocker shafts :P I need to go torque my head down and adjust the valves.
  7. Silly ricer, useless wings are for penguins.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      shouldnt it be on the front and not the rear


    3. ariascarlos1990


      ^Can't wait till they start doing that. hahh


    4. UDunGooned
  8. why not get S13 struts and hubs, then use Z32 rotors and brakes?
  9. New house is on Hulu. YAYYYY!!!

    1. Pumpkn210




      And then I have a clever responce....

    2. Laecaon


      Woman! oh wait you said House not Bones. Scrubs!

  10. I gotta clear it with my dad, but I might just do that In fact, if you're really looking to find a nice home for it, my GF needs a truck. She has a soft spot for 620's since I met her. lol
  11. Ahhhh so there she is Looks like a beauty! I say tastefully mod it. Some nice rims and seats would be very nice.
  12. Chokes are for winter drivers :rofl: TOO much. lol It's pure faggotry. Mine's just adjusted to fully open
  13. HELLA gay^^^ A little less and it's perfect^^^
  14. LOL I googled "Datsun Camber" and this came up Isn't this your ol' street figher at Canby Skib?
  15. Honestly, I think people are getting too serious in this thread. Okay, you've stated your opinion and supported it, but seriously guys? No need to go to the grave against negative camber. Everyone has a different sense of taste. If we were all into the same thing and no one took a step to the side to be a little different, what would we have? Hell, look at Pumpkins car and tell me you don't see something on it not practical for the street. But it's still cool right? Fuck yeah it is!!! This whole forum is about fucked up mods and crazy Datsun's, why not let him have his? At least he's saving another Datsun from turning into a fucking whore of metal being raped by retards at a junkyard. A little neg-camber isn't such a bad thing. It looks a little cool. I wanted it on my car for a while, but probably will never go through with it. FYI- Neg camber (in the front) = better cornering. More rubber in contact with the road during heavy cornering. That's why most high performance track cars have neg camber up front. Had an SCCA guy teach me that not long ago.
  16. So the guy at the dealership tried to sell me a GTR. Um.. WTF I'm 19 broski. And BTW, he looked like Gary Busey. Indy, tell your dad to quit stalking me.

    1. INDY510


      ima let him finish

    2. FoxyRoadster


      should have asked him for a test drive.

    3. 78kingcab
  17. I'm assuming the block is vented, since I didn't screw with any of that. Where is the factory vent at? It may have been slightly overful, however, there was water AND oil, so I can only assume it wasn't sealing. Which I can see after my compression test that it wasn't. 50PSI is WAY too low. Theres a slight ridge, however I'm not too concerned because it is very tiny. I ordered new headbolts from Nissan today and have a B/A head gasket ready to go back on when I get the new bolts Friday. I also have some of that Copper Spray-A-Gasket stuff DTP recommended. When I ordered the headbolts (coincidentally happened to be a Ratsun member working there) , Nissan's system showed two different size head bolts. 9 of one size, and one of another. I hadn't noticed this before, so perhaps I had the bolts in the wrong place? Do you know anything of this? Perhaps have a chart on the location of the one odd bolt?
  18. I'll have to see if my boss is still going to give me the day off work, but yeah I'd love to if I can make it!
  19. Hows the one on the top right mount? I may want that
  20. At this point, I don't think it's the rings. The head gasket didn't seal hardly at all. DTP has convinced me to go for new head bolts. BTW, I'm not as dumb as she thinks I am ;) I know her secrets. lol
  21. Pictures are encouraged, price & location are manditory. "best offer" is not acceptable. "$100 or offer" is just fine. Ads placed without a price & location are subject to removal. Auction style postings will also be removed. I imagine it wouldn't be any different for services.
  22. Yeah, lol JUST posted earlier. How'd you guess?
  23. I spoke to a few people about it earlier and may have a home for one. What years are all the cars? Any with A15?
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