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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Ditto! I just now saw this thread, and I'm interested for sure!
  2. This is the dumbest excuse for a thread jacking. Rubberman, grow up. Go join SOPA in the other thread. /////out.
  3. Welcome to RATsun. Welcome to Ratsun. Thats fine. If you made your logo, cool. I respect that. Ratsun has a logo as well. Rat & Wrenches. Do you realize how many people use that logo? Yours consists of two of the most iconic visual figures. The BRE stripes, and the Datsun name in the center. You realize that's how they appeared on John Mortons 510? That logo has been around for 30+ years. MAYBE he used the outline as a basis to his logo. If he did, you should be flattered. It just means you did a good job. No need to get emotional.
  4. A!! Dude, the truck is sick. I can't wait to see it done!
  5. Way to come off a total dick bud. I'm not gonna go clown shoes and say the dude stole a logo without any input. Jesus, it's dumb that you go outright and make accusations. Do you find it hard to believe that someone else put BRE stripes over the Datsun logo? They're iconic for fucks sake. Don't get emotional because I wasn't going to go outright flash mob on the guy. Until you own the copyrights on it, I don't think you have any rights to place blame for theft. The guys just trying to better the Datsun community. Isn't that what we're all here for?
  6. Perhaps. I suppose there is a resemblance.
  7. Pretty sure he didn't "steal" it, since Nissan holds the Patent on the name and BRE has the stripes. He may have used it as inspiration more then anything. Welcome!
    1. Stupid_fast
    2. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      i totally agree with that. we need to help us first, then MAYBE whoever might want to actually come and be a CITIZEN...

  8. LOL snow pics.... you funny DTP! It's currently 60 degrees and raining Last year this time it was snowing like a bawse in 20 degree weather. I commented back on your profile, but for some reason, I guess it didn't post
  9. That's scary. lol I'm having a new exhaust bent soon after taxes, so a resonator and glasspack are in the running! If you ever need anything from Summit that you don't feel like ordering, let me know! I feel like this thread needs updating... I'm lowering the truck more soon. Haven't yet because the tires are too 'bubbly' and won't fit. Also now sporting EI and some new stuffs soon!
  10. Probably pretty damn good as well :P D21's are pretty cool
  11. You're so deceiving... that Hako is gorgeous!
  12. One of my favorites... Ford RS200
  13. I did a headliner in a Chevy C1500 with cardboard backing and some nice foam used as sound deadening on the other side. Then wrapped it with some vinyl material found @ your local quilt shop and stuck it up there. Worked well!
  14. Ron Paul 2012

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Was craigslist rants and raves closed this morning??

    3. josh_t


      Go Paul. BOO Romney. (the republican Obama)

    4. MicroMachinery
  15. My cup holder has blonde hair and answers to the name Amber.
  16. Shit happens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkWaxSztbBg
  17. ^^this is exactly where he got it from. Thats a local friend of mine. lol
  18. Alright, so I put in a new 192 degree t-stat and stove tested it and the new one. Both opened around 190 degrees (not exactly 192, but good enough.) It was still no better so I blocked 50% of the radiator with 2 ply cardboard and it helped, but I'm still not heating up. I drove hard 20 minuets @ 45-55 mph and it was still only about 1/4 on the gauge. It ran pretty good, so i suppose I'll take what I can get.
  19. The cyl head should have a casting on it under the rocker assembly. Should be H85/89 for that year I think?
  20. Loosen the drive and passenger control arms at ride height, and re-torque. Quoted directly from Nico Club.
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