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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. 200sx. I don't care what anyone says. Those things are cool as hell.
  2. Thank you sir for the suggestions! As far as the lighting, I've been looking into getting a different off camera strobe or attachable flash, because I can't control the output of the pop up flash, so i can't use it as fill light It's way too overbearing. Datsun parts are keeping from from that at the moment. I appreciate your suggestions! As far as the odd differences in contrast, i'm not sure if you're familiar with Nikon in particular, but my Nikon has Active dynamic lighting that controls contrast and I forgot to turn it off prior to the meet. I wasn't in tune with the camera at this meet, so I kinda dropped the ball on some of the pictures. I'm always trying to improve on my technique. I've gotten a lot better about manipulating my shots VIA the camera rather then tinkering on the PC but practice makes perfect. I've gotten to the point where now I'm able to shoot everything in completely manual more (other then focus.) I do however have some manual lens's that I use occasionally. I have a nice 200mm lens that I didn't bring to this meet. I'm trying to talk my mother out of her 1930's Leicha for a day so I can get it repaired and shoot some cool film pictures of my truck. I have the light meters and original len's, but there's no way that will work. Heres a few pictures from the previous days meet in this thread. There's quite a big difference IMO between my two days pictures. If you could give me a little feedback on these pictures, I'd greatly appreciate it. You give good constructive criticism. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/42751-welcome-to-atlanta-2012-coverage/
  3. I hit a big ass toad once. Wasn't really sad. I was driving in my 210 down a rainy road in bum fuck nowhere, and I saw a HUGE toad (this was at night) hopping around. As I drive over him he decided to hop and a fucking butchered him with my oil pan. I was laughing for days. Sorry about the cat man... I'm an animal lover, but sometimes for your safety and the others on the road, theres nothing you can do. Better them then you or the people in the other lane.
  4. dude, where the fuck have you been? you disappeared off the face of the planet when your truck broke down.
  5. Not without a bit of work. Beebani sells brackets that allow it with Honda Passport rotors I think? Gotta find the thread..
  6. For the metal hose, just get a piece of exhaust pipe. For the rubber, get radiator hose.
  7. Weren't KA SOHC and DOHC motors a slightly different bore too? I'd love to see that build documented. It's a very clean motor in the video and I bet it's rev happy. For your ignition, why not ditch the points all together and set up a crank trigger ignition?
  8. Not sure if serious or......................
  9. Are you my twin? Something very similar happened to me today. Were you able to trace the cause?
  10. Cars looking fantastic man! White line tires look a little bit funky, but it's defiantly different.
  11. The fall meet is coming man! You're gonna have to be there. Also, the NC meet may have a big attendance from the GA guys The camera is a Nikon D3100. I used the 18-55mm kit lens and on the longer shots, a Soligor 135mm with a skylight filter. All the editing was done in Adobe Lightroom 3.5. Probably should have spent more time with it though. lol
  12. Damn, I must have missed it skimming. Probably a little ways from that aspect anyways. It's gonna be cool seeing how it runs with those carbs
  13. Coming along good. I haven't seen any discussion of it yet... what are the drivetrain plans? KA? L20B?
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. What I think I'm going to do for the rear is 3'' blocks on my 720 springs and some air shocks to stiffen up the rear and. For the front... welll... undecided right now. Thanks man! I see you're in GA with a 620 as well. We'll have to get together some time! We're pulling a 620 crew together soon :P Thanks man! Good stuff coming soon :P Here's a picture from Import Alliance last week that someone took.
  15. As some of you know, I've been picking up on amateur photography the last year or so. I'm improving little by little, but I'd like some feedback on this next set of pictures. EX: whatever you like most or see that needs improvement. You don't have to be a photographer, just pick your favorite and least favorite and tell me why, so I can improve upon them... For those that don't know what Import Alliance is, it's very simple. It's one of the biggest Import showdown's on the east coast. Import Alliance has been going on for a few years now, but our recent meet in Atlanta @ Turner Field was the biggest to date. Datsun's, Toyota's and everything in between showed up to have a little fun. I got there around 8.AM ish. By around 2pm Atlanta PD had started kicking people out of the meet. According to one of the APD officers, the permit we had was for 4000 people. We had around 16,000 people. This single meet had a larger attendance then all of last years meets across the country put together. The Atlanta car scene is growing, especially the old school scene. We all love oics, so here's a few pictures that I snapped from the recent meet. Goonie by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Herrafrush by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-4 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-5 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-7 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-11 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-15 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-16 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-19 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr WTA-1-21 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr Just to show you how big IA was.... http://vimeo.com/41021445 http://vimeo.com/41214315
  16. ^^I agree with this the most. In general, I think you did very well. The lighting on the majority of the pictures seems to be spot on. This reminds me, I need to get my recent pictures up.
  17. 1st gen Maxima is amazing VIp car. Lex had one with an RB20DET on ZX suspension recently. It was a pretty amazing car until the diff blew up. lol
  18. Installing Crysis 2....... can't wait to see what's in store!

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. DAT510


      Sniper Elite V2 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    3. DAT510


      Sniper Elite V2 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    4. DAT510


      Sniper Elite V2 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  19. Nice score! How do you like the front disks?
  20. My $0.02 New hydraulic parts aren't hardly worth the bags/boxes they're in these days. I bought a new slave a few months back and actually had to re-use the old seal/piston in the new housing. The new seal was much too small and the fluid was blowing right by it.
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