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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Shuddup dat510, don't you know I'm not Bieber anymore? I'm matt-lock :devil:
  2. Thank you Wayno, I'm glad you got the point of this thread instead of getting bent out of shape over it :confused:
  3. ^^^The most interesting thing said in the last 5 pages.
  4. :rofl: Surely sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet does it? I posted this thread for the lulz. If you don't like it, log off :poke: I really don't see you getting anywhere here
  5. :crying: Sorry, I keep forgetting that we're in a recession and the job market sucks right now. I'll update you on my lifes story when I find a job that pays better money. Kthxbai?
  6. :rofl: Dude, you're fucking retarded. So based on what you say, i should walk around with my thumb up my ass and put up with barely above minimum wage with low hours a week, just because some people don't have a job? Fuck that, I know what my time is worth and I know what I deserve. Some people don't have a job right now for a reason, and I surely don't give a fuck about that. Fact is, I have a job and I intend to make sure that as long as I work there, I'm treated with respect and get what i deserve. I'm not 'whining because I lost an hour,' I'm pissed that I'm cut hours after staying over the prior day, and not informed of the hour change prior to my shift starting. I plan on making a good life for myself, and if that means I have to take what I want, then I'll do it. I can afford parts for my truck simply because of just that. And guess what? These shenanigans have gotten me more hours the following weeks, AND my commercial managers pushing to get me full time status, so while you continue bitching because I'm working hard for what I want, I'll sit over here drinking my Dr. Pepper and chowing down on my Buffalo chicken. :thumbup: P.S: I think it's cute you came in here ridiculing me over my attitude, but started blowing shit all over this thread as soon as you entered. hypocrite much?
  7. Thanks man! :fu: I won't be in the club for long! I'm gonna be straightening the body out over the next few weeks and I'll have it painted in the next two months. Same exact color and paint scheme. Also, anyone have suggestions as to how I can increase handling on this old girl? I've got poly sway bar end links, and I'm doing poly bracket bushings along with it soon. Once I get my beefy tires on the front, I'd like to be able to take it for leisurely drives through twisty roads with my disk conversion.
  8. Have an opportunity to get a '74 Opel Sportswagon for cheap... very tempting.

    1. bananahamuck


      As funky-cool as those look i would stay away like it has rabies.

    2. peanutbuttercups


      True I have a64 opel cadet the thing can rust to death for all I care

  9. Ding ding, we have a winner! I got a call from someone thats in on it. She told me they've been setting it up all day. LOL They've been trying to set it up and the last 2 hours I've been hearing BS stories that didn't add up. It pulled together real quick.. SOOO I reversed it on them. I told them I wasn't calling in tomorrow. I told them I had an interview and that I called the district manager and left him a voicemail telling him to quit being a baby about hours and to go fuck himself. I got 22 calls in under a minuet in a half from my store manager, commercial manager, and assistant commercial manager FREAKING OUT because of what 'I did'. They about had a heart attack for about 20 minuets until i finally told them, and they finally blew the hell up laughing. My store manager promised me more hours. I still fuckin hate that place, but damn I feel good now.
  10. UPDATE: So my commercial manager just texted me... his boss texted him to tell him that he overheard a conversation with the regional manager at the regional office about 'Matt at store 0981' Turns out I've really set the AZ world to flames with this. It's going through all the local offices/stores.
  11. Looks good man. Glad it's not hellaflush like the rest.
  12. :sleep: You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out asshole. I'm off today! :geek: When he asks why I did it, I'll tell him I did it for you :fu:
  13. Let me work further into that.. If I don't get fired for this, it means that I've officially trolled Autozone without consequence. Again, you're reading into this too far. :poke:
  14. ^^Nuff said. On top of that, If I didn't have other potential employers lined up I never would have done what I did. Fact is, I saw the opportunity for a potential lulzy out and I'm taking it. If I don't get fired, I'm gonna be the happiest man on the earth :rofl:
  15. Yeahh we'll see shortly. lol They would have to be pretty damn good actors to be playing revenge tactics. He shows up from time to time, I just wasn't expecting it to be today that he showed up. lol Man, you're looking WAY too deep into this. Fact is, I can say I do a lot of work because I do and I know it. I won't sell myself short because I know what I'm capable of and I know that when something needs to be done, and no one else wants to, I'm always the one that does it. Again, I know what I'm capable of and I refuse to be taken advantage of. What do other peoples actions have to do with mine? Just because I'm around them and associate with them doesn't mean I act like them. My brother and I are polar opposites. Anyone that knows him, even my dad, will tell you that I'm way better set then him. My GF's situation isn't a result of her own actions, so don't try and bring her up and call her crazy. Primarily, $$$$$$$. It was an upgrade from my previous job so I took it. Fact is, when I started working for them it was an okay job. now that I'm seeing how they operate things around here, I can tell you they're a shitty company to work for. See, one thing you have to understand is that Autozone operates differently then YOUR company. It's not that Autozone can't afford the extra hour or two, it's that they don't WANT to. Autozones profits this year are one of the highest since they opened. They bring in more money then any other autoparts store for a reason. They've been cutting corners the last few months. My store is one of the most profitable stores in my region, though we're considerably understaffed and under hours compared to stores making less money.
  16. My time is worth more to me then what they're giving me. I'm trying to get my 'ins' working at the local Summit Racing retail store. MUCH better work envoronment then fuckin' Autozone.
  17. Nah, this is far from the first time which is why I'm pissed. I'm payed barely above minimum wage, getting consistently shitty hours. I do more work then 90% of the people in the store and get nothing for it. Autozone is a SHITTY company to work for. My managers told me on 3 different occasions that he wanted to make me a manager. This has been going on for nearly 2 years and I'm still in the same place, taking the same shit.
  18. I'm going down like a bawse :thumbup: :devil: AZ can't hold me back. They can suck my dick. I've got plenty of dirt to take that store down. :rofl:
  19. WELLLL fuck I may actually be looking for another job. LOL Turns out when they went in to open the store, the district manager was there (go fucking figure) and is LIVID. They want me to come in 30 minuets before my shift starts. That should be interesting.
  20. the alarm doesn't ring straight to 911, it rings to our alarm central who won't call dispatch without confirming an issue. They'll call the store phone first, and if no answer, they look at the cameras, and if anythings out of place, the call dispatch. This is gonna be one FUNNY ASS morning! haha
  21. It wasn't at stock ride height when I had it done. The torsion adjustment was temporary. It's back at a usable level now. i was just curious what the max lowest it could go was. It's back up now and much better. Current// I'll be painting very soon! Theres no turning back now..
  22. To be honest, I won't really get fired for this. He's gonna be STEAMING for a few hours, but in the end he will laugh at it. We play around at work in our spare time, but one thing no one should ever try to get between is me and my truck. (that means money)
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