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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Magnaflow, flowmaster, borla. Use a chambered, not a glasspack. If you want volume, get a single chamber.
  2. Keep it up Jacob. She's really coming together. I wish I had another car to drive to I could rip up my truck. Maybe one day I will.. I'll just keep enjoying your build until then.
  3. So I've found myself under the hood of a '90 S13 hatch that a friend just bought, and we're trying to sort out a few things. I'm likely going to be buying the drivetrain when he swaps it for a DOHC but I wanna sort some stuff out first... The car will not rev past 4900... period. We've researched a little bit and a lot of people are pushing for vehicle speed sensor, but I wants some of your opinions first. Second, everytime you shift, the car backfires loud like a sonovabitch and it's NOT timing related. We have no CEL diagnostic codes to go off of and I don't want to inherit stupid KA problems if I buy it..
  4. Totally OWNED the court today. lol

  5. Been looking, but no luck. Most Datsuns around here that are in yards are there because of front impact and are in no better shape then the one I have. There has got to be a way to straighten it out. I'm just not thinking very clearly right now. Going off minimal sleep and distracted since I'm going to court in a few hours.
  6. Been there done that. Payed a friend to rip it out and repair it. Best bet is to get a friend to weld a nut to the left over stud, and apply tons of heat to allow the head to stretch around the bolt. The extractor's made out of hardened steel, so you won't drill it out anymore.
  7. Hey guys, I'm looking for a little advice here. I got the 620 apart and I'm trying to get the front end pulled straight. The rad core support is sitting about 1/2 inch higher then where it should be relative to the grill, and the boxed crossmember (I guess???) that the grill rests on is pretty well destroyed. I'm trying to best reconstruct it and pull it out, up, and flat. It's currently sitting about an inch lower then it should be and is still pretty well knocked in. I'm trying to avoid cutting metal out to repair is, bit I'm at a loss. I need to knock it straight but leave it boxed. I was able to use a slidehammer to pull it back out (somewhat.) I don't want to continue to weaken the metal.
  8. Started reconstructing the front of the 620. Not going as planned, but I'm hoping to get it better straightened tomorrow after court.

  9. DO NOT PART IT OUT no matter what people offer you, please. Finding a Datsun that's physically in that good of shape is difficult. Please make sure she gets a good home. It's in very good shape and probably doesn't need much to run.
  10. What size heater hose is on a 620? 5/8ths?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Better then me. I wasn't really looking in the right places. lol


    3. DaElv


      i did my top heater hose recently. i just cut a peice out and took it to napa and got the same size thats braided with cotton i believe which helps it bend with no kink. works great just measure out length

    4. DaElv


      i did my top heater hose recently. i just cut a peice out and took it to napa and got the same size thats braided with cotton i believe which helps it bend with no kink. works great just measure out length

  11. Is the race motor an L20B?? Can you PM me more details on it? Any 5 speeds to go with it?
  12. Hmmm... I suppose it makes sense to a point, however it seems like if it were that simple these companies would be out of business. I suppose it's always possible that my 30+ year old ign coil was on it's way out the door. I really need to brush up on my knowledge of electronic components like ign coils. Anyways, on with the updates... I think I need a new caster rod... But just new bushings for now. lol Got sick of that funk under my hood so I spray bombed it. SEXY BISH. MOAR LOWER. SUPER SHINEY Last but not least...
  13. I don't think that's gonna fit with the torsion bars. I had a long tube very similar to that with the collector in about the same place that was too wide and ran into the torsion bars before it ever made it down far enough. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/40039-header-clearance-issues-620/
  14. Trucks are lookin good
  15. Before I throw it away I wanna see if anyone's interested. I only have 1, not matching set. All I'm asking for is $2 to cover shipping.
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