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Everything posted by pope_face

  1. Very nice... I love the detail put into the underside of the truck. Looks like someone really loved it... the paint on the frame looks great. I think the exhaust is too low though... if it ran right underneath the frame it would be ok, but right now it just looks like it's hanging on and it's kinda out of place. As for canopy vs no canopy... the way it stands now, I like it with the canopy. Maybe if you tucked the exhaust up higher and put the rear bumper on it would look good sans canopy. Do you have a rear window for it? And maybe it's just me, but it looks like the paint on the driver's door is slightly off... Was it designed that way, or is the paint a bit faded? Or am I just seeing things? Looks great though... can I ask how much?
  2. Alright, looks like I need to look into the cables... hopefully it'll work out.
  3. The dryer is in the house, about 30 feet from the garage. An extension might be doable... I wonder what the cost would be just to run a new line from the panel. Put in a circuit breaker, buy a length of cable, run it to the garage, and install a plug in the wall. Is there really that much of a difference between a 110V and a 220V MIG?
  4. pope_face


    '04... I'm still young... =P
  5. Nice, I need a welder myself. I was looking at the same one, but I don't think I can get a 220V due to the wiring in my garage... I think I'll have to stick with a 110V. Hopefully that'll do well enough...
  6. That looks like Jason's wagon, but there's no nasty dent in the back... I saw a 620 today next to Metrotown Center at around 11:30 AM... Gorgeous red paint, white canopy... I was going to follow it, but I was stuck in traffic...
  7. I've had a couple times like that... first time I got pulled over I was driving my best friend's dad's car in the middle of the night pretty much without a license... They gave us a warning and told us to go home. Second time I got pulled over for no headlights on at night, no front plate, and no "Novice" sign on the back of my car... ticket for no Novice sign, $100. Speeding and cut off a cop, ticket for unsafe lane change: $140. I've been pulled over a few other times, but they tend not to ticket me for anything. I don't know what it is, but I think it's mostly about being straight with the cops. I don't lie to them, I don't argue with them, I just answer their questions and be polite. But, I suppose it depends on the cop as well.
  8. Pac, thanks for the post about how you lowered it... it looks great. Shame you've got to sell it, but good that you're using the money for the 620.
  9. Fisch, very nice... I love the catch can or whatever it is on the front bumper too. Rat-rod FTW. I've got a couple skeleton grim reapers I picked up in Mexico a while back... I'm considering mounting one of them on the dash in the 521.
  10. I know it probably won't make much of a difference, but keep in mind how much these mats weigh, and how much you're using. On a car that weighs less than a ton adding even 50 lbs will make a slight difference in feel.
  11. Lol, Shithead... My Ex's middle name is "X", and I was at a grad ceremony a while back and they called up someone named "Kitty Sit"... I thought that was pretty cool.
  12. pope_face


    Magnaflow! That's what I used on my Ford, and that's currently what's on the 521. It sounds huge on the Datsun... and I've got the J13! I went with Magnaflow rather than Flowmaster just because of the straight-through design. I'm planning lake pipes on my Datsun... but, only on one side. I don't need dual exhaust, so I won't bother with it. But, that's still a ways off... I need to get an engine first.
  13. Nice, I liked the blue stripes too, but a rising sun hood is always a nice touch. I like the "510" in the sun. Very cool. I've always wanted a wagon myself... maybe I'll convince Jason to trade me his for my 521... Welcome to the board.
  14. I agree with everything here... I don't know whether to classify myself as old-school or new-school though. I've been here a few months, but I still consider myself a novice as far as Datsuns go. I do appreciate a lot of people on here though... I've gotten a lot of help and managed to figure out a lot since I joined. Looking back, I know I made a few stupid posts without searching, but everyone was really helpful in pointing me in the right direction. Especially Mike (Datzen)... He's put up with a lot of my irrelevant, long-winded questions, and I appreciate that. It's unfortunate that there's so much stress on here lately... I know there's no one particular reason for this, but there has been a lot of talk about the number of "useless/repetative" threads lately, so maybe people just aren't taking the time to read and think about individual posts, and something that was meant to poke fun gets taken seriously, and that's what causes problems. I think most people take it seriously when someone starts wasting their time. Perhaps this is not the real reason, and perhaps I'm just saying this because I've been on here for a while already, but what if we put in a short waiting period to try and discourage repetative posts by new users? Nothing too long, maybe a day or two? Something that gives them access to all the forums and the search, but not to post. Perhaps they could also PM people, in order to allow them to use the buy and sell section of the site without waiting. Just an idea... hopefully someone comes up with some reason why it sounds either great or terrible...
  15. I think this is what the spirit of Ratsun is all about, being here for people when they need it. Sometimes something happens, things get blown out of proportion, things get said... but at the end of the day, we're all here for the same reason, and we do our best to right our wrongs and keep things in good nature. I know I make stupid or rude comments sometimes, and I don't mean to... usually it's other stresses that leak through when I'm on here. I still love it here though. :D
  16. pope_face

    Junkyard Score

    If the one in the 521 was a ribbed "Datsun 1600 OHC" with a threaded cap, then I suggest you go back and get it... Those are the fancypants expensive ones...
  17. I've never done that. Mine tend not to act up all too often, but next time they're giving me a hard time I'll try this... :D Ted, what convinced you to get out? Was it people constantly begging for parts? :o Like mentioned above, there are more important things in life, so good luck with whatever your future endeavours. Will you stick around on the board, or are you going cold turkey?
  18. Headers wouldn't make a difference... I'm not exactly sure how cats work, but it's like a second "detonation chamber" used to clean the exhaust of unburnt fuels and whatnot... I've never learnt how it works, but I would assume through chemicals. Since Zinc fouls your spark plugs/valves, I'm assuming it leaves a deposit... deposits in headers mean you've got dirty headers. Deposits in cats mean the cats won't work properly. And, according to the above, you don't need zinc unless your car is constantly sitting at high RPMs for a extended periods of time.
  19. If you've got the L16 intake then take a look at it and compare before taking any hoses off. If any of the lines on the L16 manifold match any ones you've got on the current intake, then just replace them. No need to pull anything off this intake if you're installing the L16 anyway. As for the wires, I've got no clue... but, you could always trying applying some 12VDC power to them and seeing what happens. :D
  20. I think size matters in terms of how much the pressure is increased... I think Mike or someone else might be the best person to ask, but assuming the amount of pressure stays constant (brake booster operates off vacuum pressure), as you increase the size of the booster, you increase the surface area of the diaphram. More area at a given PSI = more overall pressure. I suppose bigger is better, but the larger you go, the larger the volume of air you have to move in order to maintain correct pressure. If you go too large, your stock lines may not provide adequete pressure to keep up with demands, meaning you may actually lose power in the booster, as well as throwing off all the other components that require vacuum... and I think most people here have had experiances with faulty vacuum lines. So... don't go any larger than you need. The late 620 boosters should be plenty good enough.
  21. pope_face

    carbed ka24e

    Mmm, sounds like you could get away with it. To be honest I know very little about fuel injection, so I didn't realize you didn't need individual injectors. I had just assumed that each cylinder had its own injector. A hood scoop would be cool, but I'm not too much of a fan of tall scoops, so I'd go just high enough to clear the filter, and I'd get the shortest filter I could find. But, all that is personal preferance.
  22. Mmm... maybe measuring the throat diameters might tell you something? I think that's how they're classified... 36/38, 44, etc...
  23. pope_face

    carbed ka24e

    Mmm, I suppose you're right... I've never taken a look at a stock hardbody intake, so I've got no idea how it looks. You'd probably have to create block-off plates for the injectors though. The other thing you have to consider is the height of the setup... I know that if I went with sidedrafts in my truck they wouldn't clear the hood... I'd have to modify the hood to get it to close. A downdraft setup would likely have even less clearance, especially once you try to mount a filter. Just something else to keep in mind. Is the stock intake aluminium, or steel? You'd have to get a carb spacer of the same material... wouldn't you need a 90 degree elbow as well?
  24. Pics maybe? And is there a number stamped somewhere on it? Other than that... I don't know. Isn't there a couple different models of Weber carbs as far as the secondaries go? Doesn't one of them open both throats simultaneously, and the other opens the secondary after a certain RPM? Have you measured the throat diameters? I would suggest just going to the Weber site (or something that has the info) and looking at the spec sheets for each of the carbs, then try to determine it that way.
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