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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Sure, the FBI/CIA Report Conclusion was that the .380 ACP was just too light. The real change is that you can fire 9mm +P ammunition in most 9mm platforms. The +P had a substantial increase in pounds per square inch of force. This increased force by the additional powder allows for a slightly heavier load which can cause increased wound cavitation. This slightly larger wound channel was more likely to penetrate sufficient circulatory system flows to provide for the necessary drop in blood pressure (and or blood volume) to take an average sized adult male out of the fight in a relatively short period of time. Also, the increase in traditional powder will normally pass through leather riding jackets and heavy canvas. In the study they found both could impede a .380. The study recommended the Glock 17/19, Sig Sauer 226/228/229, SW M&P 9, and the HK VP9 for duty. I don’t remember what else, and the only gun I remember them saying “not recommended” was the Springfield XD. I’ve found there are many others that meet the criteria. The HK USP, FN 509, Sig 320, Beretta M9, HK P2000, and others. We did a tremendous amount of testing at the police department to evaluate gun/ammo combinations. Does Castro’s Bastard son even let you participate in this thread? I’m pretty sure he’ll send his purple haired minions to BC to haul you before a human rights commission for saying “the ‘G’ word”.
  2. Honestly, having a tool for self defense is better than not. I’ve not shot a Taurus.
  3. You gotta go back to the 007 Books to get into why he carries the Walther. as for the .380, I was an EMT and a Police Medic. I’ve plenty of real world experience with handgun wounds in humans. While I have seen a .22LR kill an adult male when fired at the correct distance and angle from a Walther P22, it’s uncommon for this to occur. As an interesting study on handgun rounds the FBI/CIA did a joint study in the mid 2010’s on the efficacy of handgun rounds in defensive situations. keep in mind the FBI data estimates that there were more than 1,000,000 shootings involved in this study. I have a hard copy of it in a box but it’s stamped “do not decimate”. I’ll give you the Cliff’s notes. Handgun rounds suck at killing stuff. The vast majority of people shot with a single handgun round survive. The minimum round they considered “adequate” to stop 1 adult male from continuing criminal activities is a 9mm/.38 spcl with a minimum of 3 rounds on target. I’ve seen 1 adult male take 7 on target .380 auto rounds to the chest and they were stopped by a leather motorcycle riding vest. The rounds were fired at 10 feet to point blank. All struck the target in the upper abdomen to upper chest. There were zero misses. The crime stopped when a bystander rendered the attacker unconscious by way of a modified gable choke. I have also witnessed a determined defender take a .44 REM Mag round to the left knee the beat the holy living f*** out of the attempted child murderer. From that report and my field experience I recommend that you carry a 9mm/.38 spcl or better caliber. I recommend you train with it at least once every 90 days. As for which make/model? Find what you like. What fits your hands and carry style. A frame size and caliber you’re consistent with. In the US Air Force I carried a 9mm. As a cop, 9mm. You do you though. my personal opinion… based on these experiences… The more armed, trained, capable patriots we have defending our population the better.
  4. This is probably a REALLY stupid question… but… consider the source. ok, so, I recently picked up a car with a KA24E, and an Auto Trans that I’d like to stuff in my 74’ 620 for $100. You think I can pull this off with those mounts? The car is a 240SX with an 8/88 build date. Or do I need a hardbody D21 KA auto?
  5. They say dogs look like their owners… Those who’ve met me can attest.
  6. John… I’ve worked with a lotta members of the Fucking Bunch of Idiots. If we’re ever in person ask me about some of them. I’ve got hundreds of stories. Including two where agents “accidentally” shot themselves.. with… their own service weapons… while “cleaning them”. I’m confident in saying your run of the mill Wyoming small town Detective is orders of magnitude more competent than the FBI. In Law Enforcement the FBI is commonly referred to as the place people who fail the mall security test.
  7. Well, yes and no. Turnbull is an “approved” restorer so they can make a gun worth substantially more money. For instance I know of several WW2 firearms sent to then that were acquired through the Civilian Arms Program. They were 1911’s and M1 Garands in “field grade” condition. Turnbull restored then to “excellent” condition and made them all parts matching to the original manufacturers. This made the asking price 2-4x higher. It wasn’t a cheap endeavor but they are absolutely beautiful pieces of history. However, in this case I don’t think that 1911 is a good investment firearm.
  8. https://nypost.com/2021/04/22/usps-reportedly-tracking-americans-social-media-posts/ aaaaand now the post office is tracking my dick pics. How about you get my Costco catalog here on time and stop giving me junk mail first, then focus on my internet shit posts.
  9. Humorously, they called us Wire Dawgs in the service. Since I liked wiring up hidden harnesses and quick disconnects when I was around the car scene that’s what I did.
  10. The first school shooting, and attack I’m aware of was the 18 May 1927 Bath, MI shooting and bombing by Drool Cumhole. Maybe I’m misremembering the name of the sick fuck who used surplus WW1 munitions to murder 38 children. 6 adults also died, plus, in the classical mass murder cowardice, Cumhole took his own life by shooting his truck which was laden with explosives. In response to this teachers started teaching weapons safety in schools and guns were common on school grounds until the mid to late 1990’s. We had very few school shootings from 1927-1995. Cowards won’t attack armed targets. Now that schools are “gun free zones” the schools are perfect choices for mentally ill cowards. aaaaaand here’s a 1911 to drool over.
  11. Thanks again guys. I actually know what I’m getting into with this. I’ve got a college degree in electronic systems, and probably 5,000 hours hands on building wiring conversion harnesses. I get teased about the harness in my truck every time people that know my work see it. The last few I did were full military spec with the all-purpose weather resistant plugs and all weather wiring. These were for buggies that are used for rock crawling competitions in my home town. Talking to @banzai510(hainz) I’m sure that’s overkill on this truck, but getting some solid Painless Wiring kits and all weather splices will do the trick here. I really appreciate the Vintage Connections tip from @yenpit and @KELMO. I’m sure I’ll need to blend new and old here as much as possible. I’m going to draw out a plan for a harness then order all new wiring and connectors to the degree I can. Then, this winter, I’ll tear this puppy down and freshen everything up.
  12. I name them all “layer 1”. Or switch the names, background being the “lighter foreground” layer, etc. So you’d have to guess which is which, just like Christmas. Oh, and adding layers with very detailed names that don’t change anything in the image. For instance “model makeup enhance”, and make no changes in that layer. Honestly I haven’t been paid for design... in this millennium. That’s how good I was. I retired my design software when graduated high school.
  13. It’s good to know if my retirement doesn’t work out I have a future in graphic design and lay out.
  14. You made it a good 15 years longer than me. This whole COVID vaccine shit is nuts. I was driving the other day passed the COVID vaccine station and there were three tour busses filled with migrant farm workers from Mexico there all getting shots. All under order of WA State Gov J Inslee. Washington citizens who want the vaccine can’t get it, and non-citizen workers must get it before they can work... outside... what a time to be alive gents.
  15. Doesn’t count if you’re not at a WABToW Sanctioned Event. Sounds to me like that was just an amateur bout. You need to turn Pro first. You need to win the Canadian Triple Crown, then you can compete against me at Worlds.
  16. I was a cop a long time ago. I was on a homicide scene where a local reporter was briefed by the Patrol Captain on EXACTLY what had happened. I was less than ten feet from them on the perimeter of the scene. Watched the news when I got home. The very same reporter gave a COMPLETELY fabricated the circumstances of the homicide for the news. Nothing was true except the victim’s name. Couple nights later, I run into this same reporter at a shooting scene. I asked them, “wtf”. The reporter told me that the circumstances of that homicide were “too damaging to the community” to release. In the 90’s, a local news station reported on crimes like this and people moved. So many that the media market for the area dropped down a market. Everyone in the station got a pay cut. The reporter feared losing the almighty $$$ and thus, covered the details of a homicide. Ive ignored them since. I’ve seen lies broadcast on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CNN. Where I was present for the conversation with the authorities telling reporters what had occurred on camera.
  17. I can’t believe I lost my crown at this in 2019. 2020 was canceled due to COVID. I can now pull a tractor trailer with my regulation sized beads wrapped around the bumper. My 3rd ABToW Championship Will be in 2021.
  18. I can’t believe I lost my crown at this in 2019. 2020 was canceled due to COVID. I can now pull a tractor trailer with my regulation sized beads wrapped around the bumper. My 3rd ABToW Championship Will be in 2021.
  19. True, but have a couple beers, glasses of wine, shots of whiskey, joints, lines of coke, hits of acid, or grams of mushrooms and google ‘bus ad mistakes’.
  20. I saw -52 F with 35 mph winds once. I could feel every wound I’d ever taken screaming at me to leave. Thinking about going down another 25 degrees is mind numbing. Kinda like seeing 130 F on a thermometer in the northern, sandy part of Africa. Both extremes made me want one of these bad boys to gtfo.
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