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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Here’s the thing, where I worked as a cop in central Washington the “sanctuary state” situation had allowed a large number of Sinaloa Cartel and Knight’s Templar Cartel (former Los Zetas) who fought over the meth and pill trade over the I-90 corridor. These individuals were heavily armed and could/would instantly open fire with fully automatic AK’s. Later, after the Fast & Furious debacle from Presidents Bush & Obama armed them with additional fully automatic weapons. This setup ambushes between these factions. They even ambushed police at different times. These ambushes wouldn’t allow for the revolvers to be feasible, nor would you be able to provide protection because of the fire power differential. This disparity in firepower is why I’m retired at 40. Six of us were shot in about 18 months. We had a team from Rampart division of LAPD come up to help train us in deal with this. We started receiving indirect small arms fire from a rolling gun battle a block over as we walked out to our car. There were more than 300 shell casings collected from that specific gunfight. We could clearly see that the 7.62x51 rounds used had been fired through a belt fed weapon. The connectors were in the street and the sound of the cycling rate were clear. Less than an hour into my shift we’d had shots fired all around us and the LAPD officer with me had me return him to the station and he left. The profession of arms was good to me. Now I just do case reviews as a civilian. I’m grateful for my time on the job, in the service, and as a contractor. I’m thankful for the kind words on here, and for people reading my rants. I only post in here to help. There’s a lotta good people on this forum, and I’d like to see them carry competently to be able to defend their own.
  2. I was born waaaaaaay back in the year of Our Lord nineteen-hundred-and-eighty-one. So I’m a millennial. Just barely, but it is what it is. When I was a cop the AR-15 requirements drove me insane. I get it, the biggest issue we had was trying to find a way to get 100% ballistic energy transfer. For anyone who isn’t a total gun nerd, that means you shoot someone and the bullet doesn’t go through them to hit people behind them. This is impossible because bullets do weird things when hitting flesh wrapped bone. For instance I witnessed a man take a 5.56 out of a Colt 6920 16” barrel to the face less than ten feet from the end of the barrel with a Winchester jacked 55 grain hollow point. The bullet impacted just under his left eye. It deflected off his cheekbone and exited behind his left ear. It caused his head to turn left. We made eye contact and then he charged the guy who shot him. I was on his left side, I saw the entire exchange. This individual was sober, his toxicology came back completely clean, no drugs. He’s still alive today, and he’s out of corrections. The military concept of the mag dump is a TERRIBLE CONCEPT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. I want to make my stance on this abundantly clear. Police need disciplined, competent, effective fire to minimize civilian casualties. When I went through the Basic Law Enforcement Academy in WA State after I left contract work in 10’ there was ZERO rifle training. We had a single afternoon of it at our department after you got out, then you were certified to shoot humans on busy urban streets. It drove me nuts, but that’s the legal requirement. At least the pepper spray and taser courses were three days a piece.
  3. This, now this will get the job done. Winchester Model 1897 > Colt Commando Just ask the German Government.
  4. Ahhhh, I see. I misinterpreted what you meant by “combat kills”. That’s my bad. I thought you meant combat kills by individual combatants. I believe it’s reasonable to assume the average soldier has the ability in 10 years of GWOT to have been in sufficient positions to have needed to use lethal force more than shorter conflicts. That being said, my Generation doesn’t have an Audie Murphy, John Basilone, or even a Jack Pershing. I’ve witnessed what we can now do with the volume of fire afforded by the 5.56, and I assure you Gen Patton would have wanted that. In a firefight it’s become doctrine that the side that fires the most bullets wins. Right, wrong, or indifferent that’s the position our current military leaders hold. Each operator carries many more “chances to miss” with the M4/M16 platform than the M14 or M1. You are 100% correct in your assertion that the .45 ACP and 7.62x51/.308 are more ballistically significant on humans. You’re also correct in the 11.5” and under M4 variants are not great. I’m going from memory on the barrel length I’m about to quote, but I recall that Eugene Stoner designed the 5.56 AR platform to utilize an 18 or 20” barrel. Effectively cutting that in half severely limits the ability to maximize the cartridge powder. In close quarters without a suppressor, you might as well be juggling flash bangs. If you are running a suppressor, it still sucks and you’re playing “let’s make this fucker malfunction”. It’s not a question of if the weapon will foul and fail, but when. From my experience, this is a range toy, not a combat weapon.
  5. I can’t necessarily say I agree with the “combat kills” portion of your comment Frankendat. Many first wave Millennials have now completed 20 years of service. Every day of it was during a time of war with multiple combat deployments. All of my time down range was with 9mm and 5.56. They get the job done. I won’t knock the 1911 though. I also don’t talk trash about Korean War, Vietnam Policing Actions, Panama, Hati, Bosnia, Rwanda, Yemen, Libya, Laos, Cambodia, Turkey, Israel, WW 2, or any other blood thirsty conflict. unfortunately I’m not the biggest badass that’s ever been on the internet. Hell, I’m not even the baddest mf’er on Ratsun.
  6. Can you even have those in the Neutral Zone? Or are you still stuck with these?
  7. Or perhaps a nice Austrian?
  8. It’s probably more fun to do suppressed shooting for new young shooters, more John Wick-ish. I took my niece out this summer, she’s 12, and now she’s playing COD. It was really fun to watch her take one of these out to the range because the recoil is so minimal.
  9. I think it’s time we take her shooting. We’ll go through tactical, zero distance contact shooting. Just in case you encounter alien invasions, Russian invaders, Sasquatch, Howard the Duck, or… clowns. We can use a good German gun like this.
  10. Sure, of the mechanical discharges I’ve seen without human input such as that Remington Model 700 self discharging when no one was even on the rifle aside, it’s hard to say. Anything designed and made by the hands of men can and will fail. I’ve intentionally neglected to include cases where operator error was the definitive factor. Those are typically regarded as “negligent discharges” or ND’s. Desk pops executed by idiots are also something you have to understand in the firearms community. I was witness to an accidental shooting at a public range caused by an intoxicated individual who had a negligent discharge of a 12 gauge into a friend of his. This occurred at a public gun range in the Wenas Valley outside Selah, Washington. I helped the people involved to the best of my ability. I also witnessed an incident where an Air Force guy shot himself in the leg as he drew his service pistol, a Beretta M9 that had been drawn out of the holster with a round in the chamber, the safety off, and an index finger inside the trigger guard. Three strikes, and you’re out. In this case, dishonorable discharge and a limp. Neither of these negligent discharges were counted in my spontaneous discharge examples. Regarding your “pointing a gun” comment, you’d have to amend that to “never permit a gun to be pointed at anything you do not want to destroy” to be safe. ‘Pointing’ the gun could include how you intentionally carry it. A car accident I did a records review on involved a father carrying a Sig P320 in a custom shoulder rig that held the weapon in a horizontal manner. A head on collision occurred and the airbag set the weapon off. His 9 year old daughter was incidentally killed when the weapon discharged. The bullet traveled through the seat back and into the child. I’ve also reviewed a couple of incidents where someone had a weapon discharge from an appendix position, and various 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock positions. Either into themselves or into their fellow occupants. I know in text format I can come off as a “know it all asshole” but I’m just trying to help. I want you guys, gals, or whatever you are to be safe. I’d be fucking sick to my stomach if I had to review any of your cases in my research. Be safe my friends. Here’s a cool MK12 SPR clone I found on the internet.
  11. There’s soooo much I don’t like about this… but I had to see it…
  12. I like PSA, after the pandemic hit I got swamped with calls asking me about guns. I stopped working as an AR armorer a few years ago, but I decided to help a few folks build their own. We got the unassembled upper and lower kits from them and I was pleasantly surprised. I only changed the bolt and bolt carriers on one because the guy wanted one that was true mil-spec and in the military specifications you must do some additional testing that PSA doesn’t do. So he got the parts and the test results from FN. I think I’ve helped people put 12 of those kits together. I like them.
  13. And now you know what that pocket is for?
  14. Are these two Palmetto State builds?
  15. The “weapons can’t go off if dropped” is true most of the time with most weapons. Sig Sauer had that issue with the P320 https://www.sigsauer.com/p320-voluntary-upgrade-program and if you look into it there were reported injuries where individuals were shot by the weapon while it was resting due to a design flaw. The two cases of the P320 spontaneously firing I’m aware of were both settled out of court in personal injury claims and the files were sealed. I therefore haven’t read the evidence. Smith & Wesson is recalling Shield EZ’s for a hammer cracking issue which causes guns to go off spontaneously. https://www.smith-wesson.com/recall-notice-pistols Same with their PPK, 460, 329… honestly just click this one and go through it. https://www.smith-wesson.com/search/node/Recall FMK 1911’s suffered similar issues with the 9C1 model. Taurus had similar problems leading to a class action lawsuit and recalls of nine of their models. PT-111 Millennium PT-132 Millennium PT-138 Millennium PT-140 Millennium PT-145 Millennium PT-745 Millennium PT- 609 PT-640 PT-24/7 pistols Remington Model 700 bolt action rifles made from 2010-2014 were proven in court to fire spontaneously due to a trigger design flaw, more than 7.5 million rifles are affected, the case is pending appeal. More than 12 accidental human deaths have occurred due to this. This is a fairly good list. https://www.thelyonfirm.com/defective-handguns/ I personally witnessed a model 700 tactical spontaneously fire at a gun range in 2013. I was spotting for a friend as we moved out to the 600 yard target we were discussing wind hold for the cross winds. He was off the rifle but it was loaded and pointed down range. It fired. When my department was discussing switching from Glock 17’s to Sig P320’s I conducted drop testing using snap caps. If dropped from waist height and it landed on the back strap, it went off 4 of the 10 times. It thereby failed the drop test. A firearm is a very dangerous tool. I advise treating them with respect.
  16. The rules for knives often change city to city as well. The city I was a cop in had special laws written by utter morons for non-firearm “weapons”. I’d like to weigh in on the topic of caliber. I can cite specific examples of .22 LR being used to end human life using cheap lead loads (such as several of the Mossad Operation Wrath of God assassinations of Black September members). I can also cite specific examples of a .50 BMG being capable of eliminating threats. (Apr 2004 US Marine Steve Reichert killed three insurgents with a single round). I have spent a considerable amount of time doing ballistic testing for my previous job. I dialed in caliber, grain weight, metallurgy, barrel length, powder type, and carry method for very specific situations. These situations typically centered around threat types for close personnel protection security jobs. Here’s the thing, one of the most common assassins weapons is a snub nosed .38 special. Typically 5 or 6 shot. These are lethal weapons. However the Röhm RG-14 .22 LR revolver used on President Regan in 1981 was very nearly fatal, and did eventually cause the death of James Brady. Brady’s 2014 death was ruled a homicide due to his cause of death, a 33 year delay. As far as 9mm v. 45 ACP, depends on the anticipated threat, body mechanics, your physical size, and your level of training. My suggestion for concealed carry ammunition is: Speer Gold Dot 9mm Jacketed Hollow Point 124 grain +P (this designation means it’s a high pressure accelerant type powder). Speer Gold Dot .45 ACP Jacketed Hollow Point 200 gr +P —-> please make sure your firearm can handle +P rounds. These are one of the most commonly utilized duty rounds by higher funded police departments. This means they’re easier to defend using on an aggressor in court because of previous arguments in the Speer Gold Dot’s favor. Keep in mind either will kill human type threats. The 9mm has proven itself capable in the Global War on Terror and many others. The .45 did the same in WW1, WW2, and others. You train with it, you carry it, it fits you, then you do you. If I’m in a church and some fucking shit whistle walks in there thinking he’s gonna kill my fellow worshippers… then get on line. I’ll go shoulder to shoulder with someone carrying a Gold Desert Eagle .50 AR, granny with her .22 mag revolver, Rick with his Python, and even Todd with his .380 Hi-Point.
  17. I bought some side markers from him and he was above board. His parts were nice, and a fair price.
  18. Sooooo…. About the progress to your truck?
  19. How about… an SR20DETTT swap. If anyone can get a triple turbo system in a 521 just before the wrist pins go, it’s you.
  20. How about this Mike, in Canada you can be hauled in front of a human rights tribunal for not waxing a female’s dick based on no pic/video evidence. If someone can be sentenced to death, or worse… public decree of bigotry based on testimonial evidence, why shouldn’t we believe people who say they’ve had group sex with aliens, Bigfoot, and mothman?
  21. Which is why I included the time affecting aliens differently. Besides, I think him being an ageless alien is less insane than some of the things he’s actually done. You’ve been in BC on the islands for a bit Mike, you ever seen any UFO’s?
  22. In the book “Mothman Prophecies” by John Keel, I learned of a strange case of a UFO Flap (which is when a large number of sightings occur in one place) which started in Vancouver BC in Oct 1967. Later, in 1968, two visitors, that appeared to be human knocked on the door of a single woman who was living alone on Keats Island. She had observed a large dark object in the sky in May. She lived in a small cabin and received the men who stated they worked for the local electrical and gas company. The pair installed a pipe in the chimney of the cabin. It was reported in “The Canadian UFO Report Number 13”. After these men in black talk to her, possibly bugging her home, she hears the younger one calling the older one “master”. The stiff walking strange master was seen again the following day with a different 18-19 year old kid. I’ll refer to him here as ‘slave’. Slave is described as being handsome, with an “unusually dark face” and “piercing eyes”. Master pushes Slave behind him and into the bushes when she spots them. This story is presented offhand by Keel, between making two points. It is as if Keel is telling us that the sinister MIB’s from a Canadian Energy company we’re secretly plotting to overthrow the government in 1967. Keel also discusses the fascination of alien MIB’s like Master & Slave with time, and how it affects them differently. My theory on this is, the odd Slave with the dark painted face, is none other than Justin Trudeau.
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