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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. I really like the galaxy. I, however, have 5 years of experience with the M5R2 transmission. I went through three rebuilds and three transmissions in those five years. There’s a defect in the way these are designed causing 5th & reverse to disintegrate. They do not tolerate abuse, and dislike long ventures. Commonly the 5th would come apart on the freeway at 65 mph about 100 miles into my drive. I ran a 1989 F-150, 300 cu/in, M5R2, 4x4, 8.8” rear with Yukon locker, 2” suspension lift with 32x11.50 and 33x12.50. I cannot, in good conscious recommend it. Maybe I’m just very unlucky.
  2. Lol, yeah... just wait until the show up to interview you someone to join a certain alphabet soup division. These can go long into the night. I was in the Air Force when my sister joined one. I had, we’ll say a “high” level compartmentalized clearance. It was more than 9 hours with her background investigator. My personal background in the Air Force, which I later read when I moved up, was more than 1,400 pages. Over 400 interviews were done.
  3. I really thought you were a huge jerk by just reading your comments on here. When I met you at Gato’s house, I realized you’re just sarcastic. This is why real world meets are important.
  4. You know I can read this... hurtz muh feelz when you talk about me like this. Had my conference call today an, if I had any hair... I’d have pulled it out. Cliff’s Notes, NO ONE READ IT.... How the f*** are you gonna tell cops to enforce an unenforceable law?!? I’m glad I caught this before it was signed into law. They’re going to send this back and start over again.
  5. Peer pressure is a real thing. One of my Korean War Vet friends passed away during COVID lockdowns and their funeral is confirmed to be 14 August. 21 or 28 August would be much better.
  6. I’ll try to make it, might have a veteran memorial that weekend or the following one. I forgot to put it on the calendar.
  7. FBI, or as my CIA friends used to say... Fucking Bunch of Idiots Get a couple beers in me and ask me to tell FBI stories. I’ll keep going until the sun rises.
  8. Wow... Mike has definitely went all the way into making a 240SX truck...
  9. Ok, it’s sunny up your way from like 1 Aug to what, 10 Aug? 7 Aug it is.
  10. Pick a spot closer to you next month @hobospyder From @]2eDeYe YouTube video I think he’s somewhere north of Seattle. Pick a NW WA location and see if anyone shows. Worst case I’ll be in the WRX.
  11. I’m interested as well. June isn’t great, but I’ll try. I doubt my truck will be ready though. Might just go to chat IRL and learn.
  12. @Racer X 69 trust me, things get much weirder. I’ve been in so interesting situations while I was in the USAF. Ever been to Moses Lake, WA Air Field? @bananahamuck when I was a cop, I was at the prosecution table during jury selection for the oddest trial I’ve ever been in. The prosecutor asked a guy about his feelings over graveyards. He loudly proclaimed that Jesus Christ was the ONLY judge. He pulled a coin from his pocket proclaiming to the Lord to judge the trial. Before anyone could interject, he flipped it, saying “heads the man is innocent”. It was tails. He refused to be swayed on this and was dismissed. That’s been in my shirt pocket for years.
  13. I’ve done enough body work since I was 15 to choke a horse.... filled with Trojan Warriors. That’s why I bought my slightly rusty 620. I don’t fear hard work in retirement. Black, dented Toyota’s don’t scare me. I started body work and paint on a 1968 Bronco I paid $400 for... feel free to determine when that was and what shape that it was in... lol I’m sorting out my paint kit now, once I finish detailing my new kit, post divorce, I’ll show you my work. If you guys have another local meet I’m happy to come over and hang out. If my 620 is in pieces I’ll be in the blue WRX, I’d love to see some of the local cars. Maybe hangout with @hobospyder again.
  14. It’s not the state you have to look out for, the federal EPA Regulations are the hammer. Im calling in a bunch of old favors here to stop the WA State Patrol from adopting the federal codes for enforcement purposes. Here’s my mantra when dealing with gov agencies in the US. “ You cannot attribute to malice what can be easily attributed to incompetence.” Having read a few hundred select pages of their 40,000+ page code regarding motor vehicle emissions, and I think a lotta the issues I have with it were that people writing parts of the code hadn’t read the rest of it. That, or they are picking up a code assuming you’ve read the last thing they just read. I just want the EPA & State regulations to be clear and that car owners CAN ACTUALLY comply.
  15. That’s a REALLY clean D21 Nissan, I think I’ve seen it in the background on Ratsun... more than once... in Ice threads. Once I finish my 89’ Toyota Pickup I’d like to look for a nice early 80’s project like that black one. The lowered 4Runner is great. Whoever has that has a sense of humor. Your 620 is great Redeye, I’m a huge fan. I hope mine comes out as well. Did you paint the tailgate?
  16. Me setting up something, and me showing up are two different things. Confluence Campground in Wenatchee was nice, but I haven’t been there siiiiiiince... 89’? So I’ll do a little more legwork. Anything I arrange is always byob, don’t break the real laws, and due to some beatings I’ve taken, on any given day I might need to stay home in a quiet room. Head injuries and chemical exposures are rough things to live with. I like the KOA idea, so I’ll bounce some ideas off the other dudes at the VFW & Legion to see what they say.
  17. Yes. Virgins only. Neither of us can go....
  18. It’s because you have a yellow 620...
  19. @bananahamuck you brave enough to cross the ridge? First Helga Dog is on me. Leavenworth is open. We could just pick a weekend and go there. Pick a bratwurst stand and time then just grab a table. Im in for any weekend in July.
  20. I met Mike once. I heard him say “he” to me. I’m calling the BC Human Rights Tribunal for him not getting written consent from me that it’s my preferred pronoun. justine “blackface” Trudeau PLEASE SAVE ME!!!
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