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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. OK, I'll go again..............."convicted" of what? What should Trump be convicted of? πŸ€”
  2. Oh dear GOD!!!! πŸ™„πŸ˜¨ I read it & re-read it. "Brandon.....shooting Trump in the face........."?? Sorry P, now YOU are WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY out there!! Has the President of the United States always had immunity at some level? Yes. THAT is all Trump is asking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see how my "effects" work here!!?? πŸ˜‰). Trump is not asking for anything more. Trump wants to be treated fairly, just like all the others. Trump is NOT being treated fairly. Unbelievable.
  3. Ummmmm, brownie...............?? πŸ€ͺπŸ€£πŸ˜† Nah, just a tad bit of smoke............but only at night!! BUT, our judicial system in the USA is broken. It is a train wreck & Trump is WHY the left (the White House & DOJ etc), are doing what they want to do. Deny all you want..................
  4. How about just a short list of the LAWS that Trump has broken & has been convicted of? Paradime, chime in here too!! Remember..........innocent until PROVEN guilty. And don't forget what John & MANY others have said 100 TIMES OVER..............the judicial system is broken, here in the USA & is proving over & over, to be left biased. You are damned right, appeals courts are the next step. Scotus is already "leaning" towards granting Trump the Presidential immunity, that he deserves. If you name ONE that I agree with, I will step up & agree...............and I'm sure others will too!
  5. These young people & those older that support them, are SCUM. They are NOT the future of America. THIS could be the beginnings of "the civil war", that the left are pointing at Trump to start, when in reality, it is the left, that is AS USUAL, sneaking behind everybody's backs & creating these situations...............just like they did with J6. Does anybody here support these protests? I DARE you to step up & admit that you do...........................😑😀😈😑😀
  6. Is it an NOS or USED?? Be careful with USED, as most old are "peppered" from road driving!!! Find a way to get it to Denver, ie "courier" etc. I may not be going to Road America in July or September, but my old work will be going, could haul in trailer! You figure out any logistics to Denver, I will handle the rest!
  7. It's ok Mike, we would not judge you, if you went to therapy for your "Assumed" mental illness. We will judge you NOW, but not if you admit it & get help. We are here to support you!!!!!!!!! β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‰
  8. Nope, I'm a junkyard rat around here, rare to see A10's!
  9. I won't even START to watch it!! First, I like Tucker (shut up Mike!!). Second, based on what you said (respect!), I know better. Third, I know better.................🀣
  10. Well, THAT explains a lot.............................cuz I'm right there with ya!! 😎😁πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅
  11. Have you tried Murphy's Irish Stout? I first had it IN IRELAND in 1995 & can find it in many larger city areas, in larger liquor stores! This past St Pat's Day, I waited too long to buy my Guinness (I use a can in my corned beef crock pot), but found Murphy's!! 😎
  12. Check out my buddies Moors & McCumber! Pretty sure they play in FL couple times a year................Kort is from here in Colorado, James is out of Minnesota. Most songs are Irish based, they do a group tour in Ireland every year! https://moorsandmccumber.com/
  13. I will respectfully disagree. If the left is not stopped in 2024-2025, I think this country will tank even further & may NEVER be "fixed". The amount of damage to our society, its laws, the open border, etc, since Brandon πŸ˜ˆπŸ’© somehow got in the WH in 2020, is staggering!! I'm afraid that 2028 will be way too late..................... πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€πŸ™
  14. FYI being a 1973 510, the 1970-1972 wiring schematic will not be 100% correct. I am not aware of ANY 1973 diagram. Even Paolo never made it. However, I think the biggest difference will be the added "switch & HVAC illumination" circuit. I repaired a 1973 wiring harness, using the 1970-1972 as a guide, worked just fine.
  15. Yes & also, the dimmer switch (rheostat) can be bypassed, if faulty. All it does, is allows you to turn the dash lights down or off. Bypassing & hard wiring simply makes the dash lights on, as bright as they will go..........but still turn OFF when the headlight switch is off.
  16. yenpit


    Your best bet is to look for a "shorty" header, as those tend to fit most chassis. Headers fit the engine that came in any given chassis. I am not familiar enough with these later engines. I assume your exhaust port configuration is O O O O, not like the earlier NAPZ OO OO (similar to a Buick Nailhead)? That said, look for a "shorty" header for your engine & hope it clears whatever configuration you have, then hopefully the exhaust outlet/collector is easily accessible, in your chassis.
  17. Agree 100%. Last time I got the flu shot, was 2007. Yes, I get sick once or twice a year, but short term & mellow. I too, did not get the jab & never will. I firmly believe in our body's natural immunity, especially when managed with supplements. Yes, I have had Covid, I think twice, both times short lived. I knew people that died from Covid. I know people that are currently struggling with what I firmly believe to be "Covid injuries". So sad to watch them continue to suffer, cuz they will not even consider a homeopathic potential recovery, using detox methods................they can not fathom, that our gov't (and around the world, but I believe it stemmed from here in the USA, thru f**king Fauci & his NIH) used them & lied to them.
  18. There are mentally ill people on all sides, all around & in between!! Mental illness is NOT only seen amongst the liberals, but they sure do know how to manipulate & show it better!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜œπŸ€ͺπŸ˜΅πŸ€“ Me? I'm pretty darned close to perfect..................πŸ˜‰
  19. There ya go AGAIN, labeling us, that hold conservative views..................πŸ™„ I believe in the simple form of MAGA......................Make America Great Again. It is not a cult.............it is believing in what America was formed around...............the Constitution. At this point, Trump is the guy to do that. I have not seen ANY democrat, capable (or willing), to bring America back to its senses. I have not seen any other Republican, capable (or willing) to do that.
  20. yenpit

    710 scam????

    Psssst!! Hey Mike, you wanna me to go take care of this numbnutz?? Weld county is just north of me, I'm in Arvada!! πŸ˜‰ No, I do not know of any 710 Wagon's around here............
  21. An old boss that raced SCCA, had a full size Suburban in the 80's. Truck was BLACK, but he painted the roof WHITE................he said it completely changed the interior temp!!
  22. The big issue today, is companies or people screaming "HE SLANDERED ME!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh 😭 This guy is always careful naming people. I promise you, it was not just one person, making this claim...................πŸ™„
  23. Absolutely & that is why I & others (you?) keep coming back here! We all get varying thoughts & theories, ideas!! 😎
  24. One of my reservations with Vivek Ramswamy, was that his wealth came from HIS own pharmaceutical company. Has anybody ever studied WHAT his company did & how they did or did not protect the consumers?? I have not.........
  25. Another way to look at where we are in this world today.............when I lived in Michigan, my car buddies & I would "brainstorm" with our thoughts & theories on cars & situations involving cars (that's just what we did!). It was awesome & we often came up with solutions! And guess what? MY thoughts & theories were not often correct! It was awesome! Did some stand up & cuss at a certain situation & say "F that, F them"?? Yup. It was part of the process. I hope you are correct, Mike! But I also have my thoughts & theories, that I will stand behind! The beauty (and sometimes curse) of the open social media!! 😁
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