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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Unfortunately I do not have, but make sure you get the matching pedistal & timing degree plate with it!
  2. Kissenger mailed his underwear to my Dad at the Nat'l Archives, as the poop was hitting the fan for Nixon & his goons! The note apparently said something to the effect of "Jacobs, you're taking everything else away from us, you might as well have my underwear too!". That's how Dad told it.............😂
  3. Uh, yeah, no. I have worked for tyrants............and I quit every one of them. That is NOT how you better yourself............"dealing" with people like that. At a new job in 1990, I took on a B-C customer list as a new employee. I worked hard cold calling. My boss & co-workers laughed when I called a few "known" customers, that were "impossible to deal with". I worked them, talked to them, did NOT waste their time. Let's say there were five really bad ones like that...........I turned 3 of them into great customers. Two of them were complete & utter assholes at the start. WHEN they yelled at me, I simply pulled the phone away from my ear so I didn't have to listen to them, said "Take a minute (John), take a breath, call me back when you have calmed down." & I would hang up on them. John would call back immediately, screaming. I would say the same thing, hang up. 4th or 5th time, he was trying hard to be calm, to be respectful. I kindly said thank you & helped him with his issue. He became a great customer. My boss at that job, is why I eventually quit, cuz he acted out like that. He later (I continued to BUY from that company for years) apologized & commended me on my sales abilities. I like to think that I was the better man 😉 That character might "make more money", but never in a million years would I treat others that way (that character's attitude is what got dipshit Baldwin in trouble in real life 😆). Interesting part is that every one of those actors went on to do great things!
  4. Correct! The steering column SHAFT is not "clocked" by a flat or a notch............it will rotate 360deg's! The 2pc SHAFT is a federally mandated collapsible shaft/column. The upper shaft is C-clipped in place, the lower shaft will drop out of the connecting splines.........just shove it back in place! As mentioned, set the steering rod & steering box components as near to middle as you can, might need to "correct" previous repairs etc by loosening & adjusting closer to center. Then set you hubs/wheels as close to straight as possible...........you might need to adjust the tie rod ends. Once those components are as straight as possible, put steering wheel back on, but don't tighten nut, as you may need to rotate it a few splines later to straighten/level the steering wheel during a proper alignment!
  5. There is a 1978 510 Wagon on Albuquerque craigslist...................some parts might fit? https://albuquerque.craigslist.org/pts/7547744962.html
  6. I will have a guide. I have NOT looked closely at how they come off. If they "snap" together, they are likely all brittle? PM if interested! TJ Denver
  7. Unfortunately, as we are finding out, yes they are REALLY that stupid! 🙄 Others have made good points about BOTH sides having greedy life long politicians, but the dems have become horrible to deal with. I think TDS has set in so hard in many, that they are completely blinded by their hate. All many listen too is main stream media. I do watch Fox sometimes, but at least I take it with a grain of salt! I have had a couple decent conversations lately with a few liberals, but most are mean nasty & can't support their own beliefs & values. If you are gonna state how bad the Orange Man is, then state FACTS & PROOF! This country is already a mess & they still don't see it................ðŸ˜Ą
  8. I saw Marshall Tucker Band a few years ago at the vintage races at COTA in Austin! Southern rock ROCKS! 😎 Great flag too!! 😁
  9. I saw the interview with Trump...........he was a little verbally harsh on DeSantis. Trump claimed HE got DeSantis to where he is (probably DID help), but DeSantis did not kiss his feet with gratitude. That arrogant response by Trump will get him criticism, as it should. That arrogance is one of the things I do NOT like about Trump...........that & his inability to filter his feelings & comments. But as I have said here & to friends family............that arrogant obnoxious SOB got some big shit done in this country & went up against the lefts agenda, so good on him!! 😎
  10. Do you know if the 4dr is the same? I have lots of 4dr glass, so if same "runner", I can see about grabbing one? TJ Denver CO
  11. Wedding? What is that?
  12. We had family in Brentwood & summer property in Ligonier. After their passing, Mom inherited the estate, I made 5-6 road trips there from SW Michigan, to help Dad with it all. A buddy owns a converted condo downtown in the "vegetable district"..............was a cool place when I last visited 12+ years ago!
  13. Ha.........without any rust! 😆 Welcome bye_pablo & hope you can achieve your dream with a 510! Buy the best car you can afford & YES, one with the least amount of rust (often hidden) you can find, cuz the cost of good body work & paint is always increasing substantially! Find somebody in your regional area ie Stoffregen (posted above), that can perhaps help you with a PRE-purchase inspection of a car.............maybe somebody like him can help you FIND a car! Are you looking for a 2dr a 4dr or a Wagon? The USA spec 2dr & 4dr are basically the same car, the 2dr with longer doors, the 4dr with shorter front doors to accommodate the rear doors. Both have the same wheelbase, same interior, same suspension.........IRS in the rear. You being in CA, you need to be aware that all of the 510's built in Mexico (yup, BUILT there!) were 4dr, had a smaller engine & had a solid rear axle with leaf springs, like all of the Wagons. A Mexican built 510 4dr should be considerably cheaper to buy, if you are not partial to the USA spec IRS in the rear! Not all sellers "announce" that the car they are selling is a Mexican built 4dr, with the solid axle rear.............so beware! As datzenmike suggested, the510realm is another GREAT source for info on the 510!
  14. We had an aurora in SW Michigan , maybe in the very early 2000's, as I was in my house at the time! Stunning, but I don't think it was anywhere near as bright as much further north!
  15. I just started watching these videos (love this ol' English scientist! 😎 & again, thank you dguy210 for continuing to post his stuff!!). I think what he is "CAREFULLY" saying (so as not to get booted off youtube for spreading misinformation (truth)), is that the actual CV virus itself is NOT the cause of these cardio issues.............and he is "IMPLYING" that it is the jab. This is exactly what I have believed since very early on...............the "vaccine" was NOT properly tested, over the normally required time period, to make a proper study! So who is going to be held responsible?
  16. Years ago when I was in British wholesale, I would often visit customers shops while on road trips. I went to visit a very well known guy in Ohio (I think I was going to Mid Ohio Raceway) with a British restoration shop. It was raining that day & as I pulled up, I found three freshly painted cars out front. I walk in, found Jeff, chatted a few, then asked why cars out in the rain? He said for the money he charges for body & paint, there better NOT be any "rust seepage" between panels & what better way to test it................leave out in the rain! FYI Gerson's "funky green primer" on his kfvintagejdm.com patch panels is NOT a weld thru primer! It is our only complaint about his stuff! We media blast all of his panels before we work on them! 😝
  17. So I grew up with British cars...........the metal was decent. I have been around classic domestic cars all of my life & had a 1965 Mustang GT a couple years ago..........that metal was HEAVY gauge! The Datsun metal is pretty darned THIN, thus more difficult to weld without damage/warping. Just takes some messing around with the welder, to get it right! Perfect example of what NOT to do............remove a glass sunroof & attempt to "patch" the hole! We ALWAYS replace the whole roof skin, cuz much much easier to properly weld around the stiffer perimeter of the roof skin! I watched Wheeler Dealers "patch" a sunroof hole on that Toyota Celica (same thin metal) they did & wondered how much bondo they used to smooth it out. Bondo does NOT fend well long term on a big floppy sheetmetal panel..........it WILL crack! Hoods, roofs, large door skins, trunk lids etc..........they are thin & vibrate under normal use, thus skims of bondo do not hold up!
  18. Quick response from a quick read.............being in the vintage race industry (I work at Ignite Performance in Arvada Colorado.........Facebook is the most active social media), when we have a "new" customer that wants to go racing, I open a discussion about how good they might be, any previous racing history etc. Most say not much...........I tell them to build/have us build a car to THEIR DESIRES, because they will likely NOT win a race any time soon! That however, needs to be "within reason". By that, I mean if they don't WIN, other racers likely won't care what they run. If they WIN, they will likely get contested & if the car is not "legal", they could lose their license with that group AND likely need to modify the car to suit. We have had a few surprises with NEW drivers, where they actually did well! You need to decide WHICH race group you want to run with & then follow their rules & regulations in your build. Most groups have a technical inspection, where you could get "busted" for something illegal within their rules. Example...........we run nationally in our 240Z's, where most groups have adopted GTO GTU rules regs, which allowed the use of 15inch wheels. Our local group where we also run had NOT adopted these rules regs, so they demanded we run 14inch (stock size) wheels, which we could not do, cuz of the big brakes we use. That said, we wanted to "support them" monetarily (and of course get to race locally), but we could only run in "exhibition class".................but at least we ran with them!
  19. So for actually door seal to the body, forget trying to find NEW OEM style seal that mounts on the door (I think my assumption of the LATE 510 having the seal ON the door??). Heck, maybe they are available in repop from Asia....??!! Go online & buy universal fit cut to length door jamb "welting" (you should also have this, but remove yours) that has a soft rubber "bulb seal" attached to it. You might find two bulb seal sizes...........buy the larger. This welting WITH bulb seal will replace both your OEM seal on the door & your OEM welting on the body. It can get a little tricky at the bottom of the door jamb, cuz most cars have a "sill plate" aka a "scuff plate"............you can't use the welting with bulb seal across the bottom, if you want to retain your sill plate.............or use your imagination & modify to use both..........?? You should have a stainless steel (or blacked out??) door waist trim with outer "glass scraper" seal (aka window beltline seal). This is the trim piece at the top of the door skin You can buy that "outer window scraper seal" from rubbertherightway.com part #10-205x. Pretty sure you want qty 1 PAIR........my invoice shows qty 1, I got a pair. Installing is straight forward, just monotonous, messing around with drilling & using staples to attach. I have heard of people using rivets, but most rivets stick out the backside & might interfere with re-installing the trim back on the door. If your late 510 has an inner window scraper (fuzzy seal), those too should also be available universal fit, maybe from rubbertherightway.............I've never looked! The 68-73 510 has a rubber inner seal, that is repop'd by Vintage Rubber. The 240Z has the fuzzy seal. If you are also looking for front windshield & rear glass seals, that will be tricky (I assume long discontinued NLA NLS from Nissan??). All of these seals were one piece moulded rubber to fit the particular car, most with complicated "corners" moulded to fit. Worst case scenario, you could potentially buy maybe a couple of the 1968-1973 510 seals, cut to fit your later 510 & glue together in place with black RTV or an actual glass sealant product (sorry, wouldn't know WHAT sealant to use). Hopefully the "corners" are similar shape..........?? Good luck on a dash! Swapping in another model dash will likely be a BIG project, with LOTS of cutting fitting modifying, but I have seen it done in other cars! Hope some of this helps!
  20. My Mom (Mum 😁) would call me a schmo every once in a while, when I was being goofy! ðŸĪŠ
  21. Well, I'm GUESSING because there has not been a full on study yet........?? Wonder if that is because the jab for 5-12 year olds came out much more recently..........??
  22. I am NOT a shmo!! 😝 What that video is pointing out IS that the numbers of heart related deaths HAVE increased. The second Epoch Times video showed the insurance statistics. I do not disagree that young people have heart attacks/issues, but what is currently coming out are these studies illustrating the INCREASE. Mike, like I said, I hate that this is even happening..........but it is starting to look like it is more & more likely, that these issues are on the rise. Exactly why is still left to be seen.........😑
  23. Agree. I too have seen reports of heart failure in teens, which is horrible, but these parents that are having their younger CHILDREN jabbed is beyond comprehension for me................but that is because I saw this quite a long time ago & I know better (at least that's how I feel today). I can't even imagine the level of guilt these parents (I never had kids) are potentially going to have, if/when their children develop issues.............but you are also correct in the level of denial that will ultimately come with it. "It's all conspiracy theories & I don't believe ANY of it!". Then why are your children having heart issues? 😑 It sickens me to even think about this, but these things need to be discussed..............â˜đïļ
  24. I am NOT a scientist, but I have always at least paid attention to what was going on in life around me. My gf & I made the decision early on, to NOT get the jab & we have continued to adamantly read, watch, listen etc to everything that was going on within the larger group of those that did. As time passed, we were GLAD that we made that decision. We both know people DIRECTLY that are having heart issue.........people that should not be having heart issues. The other thing we have seen IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, are the greatly increased numbers of deaths from heart related issues in normal middle aged people, young people & especially healthy ATHLETES! Like he said, why hasn't the main stream media or others started screaming bloody murder about this? Because these facts are continuing to be brushed under the rug, ignored. I am confident that the poop is going to hit the fan, but those directly involved in these horrible decisions will likely walk ie Fauci etc. It is a travesty. It is disgusting. Why oh why was the stipulation made very early on, that the pharmaceutical companies could NOT be sued over complications? When we saw that, we were blown away in disgust & confusion! This has never been & won't ever be "I told you so!" situation for us, in regards to friends & family, but....................😑
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