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goes2fast last won the day on December 25 2023

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About goes2fast

  • Birthday 02/18/1949

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  • Location
    1 Mile Up
  • Cars
    71 1200 Sport Coupe, 15 Audi Q7, 03 S10 Xtreme Xcab, 57 Chevy Belair, 64 Ford Fairlane
  • Interests
    Hot Rods, 4 wheeling, 70's Datsuns, All Motorsports
  • Occupation
    Retired from United Airlines

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  1. If I could move that fast maybe I could get something done! 🤣
  2. The damper will only mask the problem. You have wear somewhere, or an alignment problem causing the death wobble. your safety is at issue here along with others, so fix the problem, don't just put a bandaid on it. When I had my Jeep many had the dreaded death wobble and the best cure was an aftermarket track bar that was better quality than what the cheapo Chrysler factory part. Your van doesn't have a track bar, but something in your steering or suspension has slop in order to cause the death wobble. Back when I was a youngster my grandfather called it shimmy and that meant a trip to the alignment shop.
  3. Pretty good engineering for an aging hippy. 😂
  4. We only got about 1.5 inches and DIA got .5. My friend who lives near Monument got 5 so I guess most of the storm was south of us.
  5. Looks like you got more snow than we did from that storm.
  6. Lots of driver errors but still amazing Euro diesel trucks. 😁
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