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    1972 510 Wagons
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    Retired Machinist

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  1. How about using a four button crane pendant with enough cord so you can work both davits from one control pendant.
  2. I have to respectfully disagree with you Mike. The springs were not softer than stock with this modification. The ride was stiffer than stock. Troy Ermish is a pretty smart guy with lots of proven experience and I trust his knowledge and track record. Springs as they compress increase in force, they do not get softer. Reversing the helper leaf does two things. As you stated it flattens the spring pack which is compressing the springs and increasing the spring force. The helper spring is now in a tension state and fully engaged in the pack. Normally the helper spring, when on the bottom of the spring pack, is not engaged until the leaf pack compresses enough for the helper to come in contact with the rest of the pack.
  3. Anybody interested in a set of lowered, by Troy Ermish, 72 wagon springs, mounts, hardware and blocks. Also have a stock set with mounts, hardware and blocks. I went with the T3 rear leaf spring kits for both my wagons.
  4. Had trouble with these weatherstrips for my 510 wagon. Not sure if the 710 wagon has the two weatherstrips like the 510 wagon does. The outer one from the early Z cars works for the outer one on the 510 wagon. Used this one from Vintage Rubber: https://vintagerubber.com/datsun-240z-260z-280z-inc-510-wagon-rear-hatch-body-seal-one-piece/ The inner one I was not able to find a good one that worked. The profile picture you posted looks the same as the stock 510 but I couldn’t find a good functional match. Ended up using a generic one like this and it worked well. Amazon carries them and they’re a lot less expensive then the aftermarket ones for a 510 wagon. This is the one I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V2N1N6L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  5. Stock are metric but these work fine. I’ve used 7/16” diameter and 1/2” diameter on 510 wagons. The 1/2” diameter might be better suited for the 620. Measure the hole size in the lower plates that the u bolts go through.
  6. RLJ

    Steering wheels

    Thanks for the info Mike.
  7. RLJ

    Steering wheels

    Will a steering wheel from a 1978-1980 510 bolt on and work on a 1972 510?
  8. RLJ

    85 720KC Revival

    Nice find and great deal for $100!
  9. Interested in the Z22 crank if you want to sell it.
  10. https://zcardepot.com/products/timing-chain-guide-retainer-tool-240z-260z-280z-280zx?_pos=1&_sid=b6ff1196f&_ss=r
  11. Nice idea! Looks good. Think I’ll do that for my wagon. Can you give more specifics on the magnets.
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