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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. oh and who the hell ended up with my coffee cup? it was the one that looked disposable but had a purple band around the middle...couldnt find it just its lid....
  2. This year was awesome. Sixq20's truck broke down and we did an engine swap in the field there. Everyone helped a little. A part here a hand there, and the truck is up and running now. James (the510keeper)and Victory won the 1st place ratsun award and Tdaaj won 2nd place, I honestly don't remember the rest (Sixq20 won the tough luck award obviously) I took a bunch of pictures with my phone but it wont let me take them off...Im trying I promise here im tired and lazy but enjoy http://s893.photobucket.com/albums/ac137/Skunk-Jassifrass/Canby%202011/
  3. there are plenty of guys out there that can't do shit to a car. there are plenty of guys that need special tricks for shit because they aren't strong enough otherwise (or air tools...they fix everything) I hate it when the auto parts guys talk down to me even though I know way more about my car then they ever will...they think I'm a girl so I know nothing and that is the worst
  4. sweet thanks. I'd rather put it on over there too if thats cool
  5. yea theres a few spots that need some touch ups. The panel stickers are driving me nuts...the brown spots....Im hoping to get a can of white and fix it today...we'll see...
  6. I'm done with my finals!! Video games and Canby, then more video games here I come!

  7. it was before I had any so there :P
  8. I did the same thing Adam...I just did't leave a card. I see him all the time
  9. Nice! Looks great :thumbup:
  10. yea when i took mine off it was still in the car so i bumped the starter to get the bolt loose then smacked the shit out of it till it fell off....not fun
  11. yea I only told a couple people before I did it. I wanted some photshops of it so I knew how I wanted it.
  12. BFH I don't know if you did this yet or not but I have a few times. Kelly's came right off with the 610 but I had to spend like 10 mins hitting mine with a hammer to get it to come off.
  13. my seats are so messed up. the drivers side leans really bad. I think a very voluptuous person owned it before me...I have tried a few others but i'm having a really hard time finding ones that work without to much modifying. I don't mind drilling holes but i'm not cutting anything out for seats.
  14. yea it's the first time I've seen the sun done on a wagon like this. I love it this page needs more oics of it lol
  15. its a little darker now that its really good and dry, doesnt match the paint but its a lot closer
  16. we need to park next to each other...we match lol i'll be there with this Skunk will be there with his 610
  17. I'm hoping it will be sunny this week to fade it a bit before I clear coat it. that way it'll match the other paint a bit better
  18. Jassifrass

    Rising sun?

    Kelly has these down
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