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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. holy shit did anyone else hear that thunder just now?

  2. wow, that things going to need some work.
  3. Jassifrass

    Matt's 521

    Glad to see it made the trip. You scored gettin that truck.
  4. if i did that it might sound like an invitation...then Kelly would have to hurt some people :D
  5. someone should edit this and make it their signature...I'm not gunna
  6. I never said I hate boobies....hers or mine...I just said this thread is still fail :D
  7. I'm a girl...those tactics did not work on me...
  8. you still fail....boobies dont change my opinion :P
  9. Jassifrass

    Skunk's 610

    the lights only turn off in the off position. on ACC and Start the lights are on.
  10. yeay Kelly's home we are gunna make it!!
  11. we might show, not real likely, Kellys off at 9 maybe 8:30 but he's on a 12 hour shift today so he probably just want to come home and get safe.
  12. 4 more days till this site is due... any last min pics??
  13. this is a little old but I'm looking for a kind of old thread so yea... I did taxes for a few years and it's really really easy to type a number in wrong on accident, especially when someone just had a kid and your adding a dependent. Or the person could tell you the wrong number. It was very likely just a mistake. I've seen it happen a few times. I still be cautious just in case, but it was likely an accident.
  14. Thats crazy. That would be so scary. That old couple that couldn't move was sad. :(
  15. oh well then :fu: we need to work out some kind of trade then. (I wish) There are tons of 620s here in Oregon. I see more of them than any other Datsun... I got it, we both get ships....load them up with Datsuns and go on a epic journey to trade :lol: Or we could go halfsies on one ship and i'll do the adventure part
  16. so is that a video of the moonshines drunkenness or another drunken adventure? "How does that work" :rofl: goodtimes
  17. Jassifrass

    Skunk's 610

    my key looks like a pad lock key...its tiny it works for all my doors and crap but its for an after market ignition....I'll get it done tomorrow.
  18. yea a few of those people clearly dont know anything about good lookin cars oh yea sorry for the thread jack....this is a first for me :lol:
  19. I've never worn patchouli, my mom loved it but not me. I was the office manager though. I guess I do have a little bit of hippy in me, I lived in Eugene for 10+years...It kind of rubs off. The one comment about how I'm driving a dogde now really confused me. I sold a dodge to get the datsun....drove my dads chevy for a few months in-between....
  20. :lol: thats funny, I did a google search for "1977 Datsun 610 wagon" to show my old co-worker the difference between a 610 and 710. I found a picture taken outside my work of of my car next to my dads new charger, (just posted the link to the site in my status update actually)...odd since my car is a 710 but whatever. Ended up being an article about the two sides to Eugene Heres the article This was like a month after I got the car so I was really surprised to see it there. Its funny how most people thought the CPA had the 710 and obviously puts money into it, thats why its still around.... :lol: best comment about it is "For some reason, the Datsun just looks more mechanically stout than the Dodge to me. Wonder where the SRT8 will be in 35 years… recycled into a chinese toaster probably." oh and yea I agree that 610 parts should stay with 610's....They are so rare you can't just go taking parts off for a 620...come up with something that wont hurt one of the rarest Datsun's left.
  21. anyone by chance know how much the hatch door from a wagon weighs? I need one shipped and I need to find out how much it will cost.
  22. This site is really cool, they are the ones that took the picture of my car next to my dads new charger and made an article about the two sides of Eugene...http://www.curbsideclassic.com/welcome-to-curbside-classics/

  23. this is really sad. it just gets worse and worse, now its 2 nuclear power plants having issues, only one is leaking radiation though. and there was a surge of water at Depoe Bay in Oregon, a dock got messed up but it wasn't to bad. the worst of it (for us) was at the southern OR coast and CA
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