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Everything posted by sick620

  1. Datsun meet Location:Windstead park Between cole and curtis on northview Time: Sunday march 28th at 3:00 pm Info: We will cruise to a resturaunt for some grub after a couple hours of hanging out, bring drinks and snacks if you want Ill bring a couple 12 packs of soda. We will decide where we are going after we meet up.
  2. sick620

    canby 2010

    lol pumkin look The following campground policies are enforced: Each tent or RV site purchased is for ONE tent or ONE RV only. No dogs (Except for service dogs) No bikes, skates, or skateboards No drugs or alcohol No briquettes or open flames (propane cook stoves are ok) http://www.datsunsnw.org/Canby10/indexcanby10.htm?Vendor=Vendors%2FCampers%2FAttendees I guess the tall bike is against the rules
  3. As a unwanted 210 charles had lots of time to think, winters and summers came as fast a daydreams in a wonderland of thoughts. You see charles was as unwanted as a honda to a ratsun member and his mother and father abandoned him. When you have as much time to think as charles did you dream. Charles would dream about expensive kenwood sound systems, slotted mags, sr20 swaps, and candy paint jobs. Time passed, life went on with out charles. Charles grew old but with his age also came his wisdom. Charles was able to sit back and watch life and from life he learned. You see most people live life too fast and dont take time to watch and....think.... Charles became a neighborhood wise man All the 240sx's and other nissans came for his advice. Even though charles never had a dad of his own he became a father figure to many young nissans. Charles finally realized what he was supposed to do with his life. With a little help from his friend pumpkin210 charles got road worthy again, he may have never been able to live out his dreams but he will be damned if he cant help out other nissans and datsuns achieve theres. Give charles a pat on the back at canby this year and be sure to thank him for all he does for ratsun.
  4. now that was some inspiration :crying: im sick as a dog right now yet i want to go wrench on one of the datsuns
  5. sick620

    canby 2010

    anything is possible for pumpkin with enough LSD and weed.
  6. :lol: i like how every thread 72 327 posts is a stereotype of a minority example http://community.ratsun.net/topic/17217-ok-shoot-them-kinda-a-little-well-youll-see/page__p__233959__fromsearch__1entry233959 example http://community.ratsun.net/topic/15983-lady-written-ticket-for-not-speaking-english/page__p__215976__fromsearch__1entry215976 and i know there's more haha
  7. So I have been eyeing this 620 thats in a field with a bunch of junkers for a while now. I see it every day too and from work. Well I have been waiting for a good time to knock on the door. Today I was on my way home and finally decided to stop and ask if the owner wanted to sell it. As I walked to the door I had to go through a gate that was COVERED in "beware of dog" and "no trespassing" signs. There was so many old cars and trailers I barely found the house. I was constantly looking all around for a vicious dog. I finally got to the house and no one answered tho I swear I herd someone in there. I was so freaked out I got back in my truck and split without leaving a note or anything, I still want to find out about that truck and I will probably be going back tomorrow. :unsure: it was a very spooky house and out in the country and I swear there was a noose hanging from the tree. :unsure: Anyways anyone else have any other datsun hunt stories?
  8. Thats dope!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsrPY7cO2d4
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABNcdtT4Z4M it even shows the datsun in the video
  10. one of snoop dogs albums has a goon on the front
  11. I dont want a coupe, they are not cool, I want a panda trueno
  12. ya I think she looks hot either way, I would let her ride in my datsun.
  13. sick620

    canby 2010

    Well I thought I was going to have my blue truck ready for canby but Its a long way away from finished, If I dont get IT done I will get a few things done to my red truck In time.
  14. sick620

    canby 2010

    Hello!!! Why is nobody talking about canby!!?! its sooooo close!!!!!
  15. i think i have one how much will you dish out for one ? :P
  16. sick620

    Goon Build

    pics or it didnt happen
  17. so probably 4 to do a couple layers on the problem areas? Can you tell a difference carlos?
  18. how many rolls would you estimate to do a single cab 620? Im going to do ceiling, door panels, fire wall, and a whole bunch on the floors, Im probably going to use multiple layers on the loudest areas like the floor and fire wall. How much will I need.
  19. sick620

    Goon Build

    any progress on the bird shit goon?
  20. what do you want for that hatch back?
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