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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Wayno I am 300 lbs I pay people to clean it.
  2. Pull that front plate off and toss it, and get that grill polished out for like 40.00 bucks at a polish shop. And no not your teeth the grill on your truck. :rofl: Looking good one day i will have a truck like yours.
  3. We're are the pics of the trucks for Pete's sake.
  4. Just so you know Nissan always did well on the islands,Toyota not so well. Just Toyotas were more popular and cuz your truck is cherry cuz.
  5. Campers and titans.... It's like cocks and balls..lol
  6. I can assure you I'm not at the least worried. I know what I got it will be bitching when it's done, or like I said before I will scrap it..
  7. Mike please for the love of god lock this thread this dems versus repub's and no one is going to win.. Shit there's a cop let me put my IPod down and stop typing. Wow that was close
  8. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    We'll John you know them better then any of us here and that will keep a lot of people from going or even giving a shit. Your car my cars none are even close to perfect there asking a lot out of people that fuck with cars and most are on a shoe string budget as it is. We will see how it goes and what is let in and what is not this year or in a few weeks for that matter.
  9. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    This would be great just a show and shine, he'll ya.
  10. Your the one guy I strive to make happy and I did not, shit I failed you again.. I am going to go over here now and kick myself in the ass.
  11. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    Yes they do, and its not perfect cars.Just not beat up pile of shits like they do get a lot of which i for one dont want to look at.
  12. At least it still shines brother. Work in progress.
  13. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    Go big or go home. If I'm going to do it I'm doing right.its getting done bad ass or all scrap it.
  14. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    So is my birthday it's the 26th. I got more shit coming in the mail as we speak. The wagon is getting expensive.
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