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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Seat belts cell phones cock vibrators cmon shit. Now lets go over to the other thread were now its asking what's the fastest you ever been, you guys are copping your selfs out, And I believe old king rat here has the fastest speed, but wait there's more now he and others will say it was on a track. I brush my teeth when i drive so there.
  2. I did 158 mph on my gsxr750 many moons ago My FJ20 521 I did 115 mph going down the 91 with a lot more in it. I have taken my SS trailblazer 148 down the 110 back home one morning runs out of rpm though.
  3. Great family, it's nice to get along with all family, wish I could say the same..love the rabbit ears to.lol
  4. So you like the white side better right,,lol Just kidding just kidding i dont want you to smash in to my truck when you see me.
  5. Im busting your balls wait sorry wrong gender..lol. Looks like you guys were having fun.
  6. Wow Ricky boy jealous I have people to work on my Datsuns?? And for record I have been hit 3 times in 3 different cars from behind, all women I might add from changing cd's to putting on make up..what if you were getting a blow job in the car, should we wait until we get home.RIGHT. Rick remember my slogan, is Bought not built. Kind of catchy don't you think.
  7. Is that you on the right in the picture?
  8. I can see it now no cell phones at Canby.. Mike will be hiding and not letting all the Datsun guys in if he seen them on there phones driving to Canby. Technology is here to stay and also datsuns. Cars will get and are safer yet drivers are not that's why now cars park them selves, next is you don't drive the car will do it for you then what ,sleeping and driving will be the new complaint. Give me a fuckin break. You guys need to change your points or something on your L block.
  9. That fuckin has Obama all over it..fuckin dems..lol
  10. That's the exact same battery I got.. Thank you
  11. Mark I would normally say he'll no to hubcaps but that sunny looks real good. And keep up the good work on the wagon, I got all the panels other then the cab itself bead blasted and primed and just about ready for paint but that's were is stands right now..just buying parts to make it right..
  12. The truck. This Wagon is a basket case right now. Still don't even know what motor I am going with.
  13. NOPE, just pulled my pants down at bent over. Thats ok what goes around comes around.And twice as hard.
  14. No that was some one being stupid, that was going to get done but in the end nothing happened.I got fucked and that was it.
  15. You meant to say the drag link is rubbing on the oil pan. Do you have the right oil pan. Some will chime in and post a pic of the right one.
  16. Make sure you don't sneeze while driving.
  17. Getting her all cleaned up from sitting at a shop getting nothing done to it for over a month. Got to change out the shit relay for the fuel pump it seems to stick open when it gets hot.Starting to get it ready for the JCCS show.
  18. I had this cross member sitting for a while now.
  19. More NOS shit. No amber crap though. Got more stuff on the way.
  20. mrbigtanker

    JCCS 2014

    You will be fine young man, it's mixed colored body panels and rust and stuff like that your truck will be more then welcomed at the show.And I will see you there.and be nice don't make trouble.lol
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