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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. I'll take a crack at this only because I just want to clarify that I am not for illegal immigration, I too am affected like everyone else, all I wanted to initially is call BS to the story posted by the original poster. It's just a messed up way to create fear/anger/hate toward easy scapegoats. I'm not sure who you're refering to on this so I'm gonna leave that one alone unless you clarify. And as for agentalpha, have you let it all out yet? Not sure if you realize it but I live not too far from you so I know what you're talking about but I'm not sure how long you've lived here but this area has always been a big Hispanic community, that would partially explain the large amount of Hispanics living near you. I'm not trying to glorify anything or make heroes out of anyone either but if times were good and there were jobs for everyone, I bet there wouldn't be this amount of animosity on the issue...but that's just my guess. Look we all have our opinions and we're entitled to them so I don't want to get into a whole lot of back and forth, to reiterate I just wanted to clarify and call BS to something that's being passed of as a true story. I hope you land a job and soon. I know things are tough and the huge amount of people willing to do the work for a lot less than you is and will make you earning a decent income that much more difficult, and no it's not right. I strongly agree the government should be taking care of its own citizens but I just don't agree with everyones anger and calls for what sounds like violence to illegals. If there were no jobs for them or benefits do you think they'd be here. I strongly support businesses (big and small) being fined on a progressive scale so as to use that as deterents from bad hiring practices. Cutting off the source of income in the US would result in the desired effect, reverse migration and would do so by getting things back in order as they should be. Trust me I understand the basics of the economics of employment, but there's a lot more complicated things that happened to get us in this rut...and I don't blame you for being angry but being pissed off to no end at one part of the problem isn't going to do you any good.
  2. Looking good buddy, glad to see you using the paint (finally).
  3. LOL...most people can't speak great English...some of us can't even spell "English" correctly.
  4. Nowhere am I condoning crime, so I don't care who's breaking in, shoot them I don't care but the fact that this obvioulsy made up story is being passed around as pardon the pun, 'ammunition' to those that need to feel better about hating all illegals is lame. I hate to break it to you but I didn't pull any number out of my ass, simple research provides that they (Swiss) have up to 40% taxes. Not my numbers...I don't make it up. I know I won't change your mind but I'm not out to try. You'll have your anti (insert scapegoat at the time here) so we'll all go on thinking the same way. I don't want to get into the whole jobs situation but as for myself and most everyone else I know aren't in any trouble of losing our jobs to anyone but I guess it really depends on your skill set to differentiate yourself from the next guy. If you know of employers hiring illegals to undercut wages, then by all means report the employer. Again it's the system you guys seem to be upset about and what it results in but hating and blaming the people who are not only taking advantage of what's available to them is not the same thing as being rightfully upset with the system that takes advantage of them doesn't seem like the right place to place blame.
  5. I find it hilarious how some of you guys on here jump all over completely false forwarded emails/stories as the truth. I applaud pklotz70 for showing you that this information has been debunked but if it wasn't for him then you would have gone on and kept on thinking it was a true story. Sadly you would have probably convinced another person that it was true and eventually dehumanized illegals so much so that the idea of killing is some sort of solution to what many are seeing as scapegoats for our very hard economic times. This completely baseless story reminds me of a previous thread posted on here: http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=7925 As for illegals taking jobs away from you, wow that's just amazing. I can't for one second see how someone who can't speak English, most likely can't read or write English can take a job of a skilled worker, maybe it's time to update/upgrade our skills? Just an idea. I know that there's no way in hell they'd take my job away but that's just me. Saying that illegals are screwing up the economy because they send money back to Mexico or wherever (not all illegals are Mexican but I guess all brown people speaking Spanish must be Mexicans). So I take it they don't pay taxes for all thier purchases? I mean what's the difference between them and I buying gas, that's taxed. What's the difference between them and I buying groceries, that's taxed. What's the difference between them getting a paycheck and me getting a paycheck...oh that's right they use a fake social security number, but they're still getting taxed deducted from thier checks that guess what...they won't be getting a refund because since they're illegal they won't be filing a tax return. What's the difference between them sending $5K back to thier family in one year and me saving $5K in my savings account...it's the same amount that's out of our economic circulation. Camparisons to European (Swiss or most others) is simply comparing apples to oranges. Sure there would be a lot better healthcare/less unemployment/crime/whatever but only if we paid up to 40% of our income to taxes. I don't know about you guys but this past year not only did I NOT get any 'stimulus' check like many of you probably did, but I paid $35K in federal taxes alone, over $4K in property tax and I don't want to have to pay a whole heck of a lot more to be in this Europian 'eutopia'. My job provides me choices of medical/dental/vison insurance options instead of a one stop shop like those governments would give you. Bottom line is that sure illegals don't deserve services or rights that are meant for our citizens and/or legal immigrants but you can't continue to say 'no mercy' for the majority of hard working folks here just trying to provide a life for themselves or family. If you must lay blame on anyone then you can blame your councilperson, mayor, governor, congresperson, senator, etc. They're the ones that are allowing this to continue, not the individual illegal person you may run into on a day to day scenario.
  6. Let me add then when I spoke to Toni (a lady) she said it's been sitting out for 10 years and there's probably some rats nest up in there so I openned the door gently since it's up to almost knee high grass (wet grass). The only door I was able to open was the drivers side from the inside since the window was rolled down (in the rain no less so floors probably are wet and likely rusted). Anyway don't expect a lot of technical info from the owner, that's the jist of this message. :)
  7. Oh I forgot to include the contact info. I think someone posted it for them since when I emailed them they said : Call Toni @ 805-441-2131
  8. Not mine but I thought some of you guys might be interested. I thought they had a typo and it was a 510 goon so I had Friday off so off I went in the rain only to be dissapointed when I found it was 610. Exterior is in really good shape, but interior will need TLC for sure. They told me it's been sitting there for 10 years so I'd be concerned about DMV fees if not registered Non-Op. Oh and they're asking $500obo to give you guys a starting point. Here's the CL ad: http://slo.craigslist.org/cto/1010007948.html
  9. Wow you've done some great work on your goon. Makes me want to go for a KA powerplant on my goon too to match my 2 door. LOL...but it's hard to really go through with it considering how original and stock my goon is. Keep up the good work, and oh yeah...keep the pics coming.
  10. Happy belated bday buddy. I had no idea it was ur bday last week. :) Let me know if you want to meet at Troy's one of these days to do what we talked about for Troy. I got my 'good' camera all ready to go. :P
  11. For those asking about the 1200 please refer to Pac's 2/4/08 3:47pm post where he said "the 2 1200's arent available..."
  12. I call dibs on the plate frame for my buddy Pac Coast for sure....just curious as to what are you asking for the wheels and mirror too?
  13. Yeah I'm donating parts of my 'profits' to Ratsun...and believe me it's not a whole heck of a lot. I basically made them so I could get some that I liked. There's a lot of initial interest in them but that doesn't turn out to be a lot of sales. I told my wife that I asked permission (and got it) to make them but wasn't sure if ratsun would get upset if she used it on her zazzle acct so she when ahead and took it off. She basically made the shirt for me for part of my xmas gifts and left it up, she told me she's had a total of 5 people click on it since. :P
  14. Nah I've been dying to use that picture...I think it's funny as $hit. For sale? I've never posted it for sale. I just plan on keeping it a relatively sedate KA and just keeping it reliable since I've been thinning out my car fleet and I plan on using my Datsuns more and more. I do have to replace the motor mounts as one of them is gone so I will just do them both at the same time. I'd like to swap out the muffler for something less audible....so if anyone wants to trade hit me up. :) I was in a hurry with the seat brackets so I didn't take many pictures like I normally do...I was basically holding up my buddy start his planned BBQ so I didn't want to hold it up anymore than I had to. The brackets were straight forward 3/16" flat bar/beam. We drilled a hole at the stock bolt hole locations and welded screw studs (with no bolt head) to match the stock bolt hole locations which were then welded onto the seat sliders after we cut off all the seat's 'feet' and rivets (we welded to reinforce those locations). It would have gone faster but when you're hanging out with your high school buddy things go slower as you BS about a lot of stuff.
  15. Pacman/Iceman: Thanks for the compliments. I'm loving the seats and bumpers. :P Ice: I just sent you a PM too. :)
  16. Went to the yard with 69FJWagon yesterday and saw this complete Datsun Honeybee at the pick-n-pull in Fremont CA yesterday (1/31) There were also 2 king cab rigs (no pics).
  17. Ok so yesterday was a long day. Woke up early to meet Clayton (69FJWagon) at the local yard for a sucessful find for him. Then I went straight from the yard to Hollister over to my buddy's to make up some seat brackets for my 350Z seats. I've had the seats for a LONG time out in my patio collecting dust and what not...I was relieved they cleaned up so well using Turtle wax foaming upholstery cleaner. Then after all that they fired up the wood burning grill and bbq'ed up some great sausages (regular and deer), chicken, tri tip, complete with potato salad, garlic bread, soda, beer, tequila, and triple chocolate brownies for dessert. It was a great day. I still need to clean up the carpet/mats and more detail to complete the interior but man are the seats a huge interior upgrade. Anyway on to the pics. Seats taken apart to not mess them up with all the welding going on My buddy at work (notice the rear of his baja race truck in his garage): Seats installed (I need to cut some of the seat plastic trim to make them look cleaner and hide the mechanical parts)
  18. Hahaha...maybe, just maybe. I also got 2 new shoes for my dime...the front tires were bald big time. The passenger side was past the belts and was beginning to 'ballon' out :blink: YIKES. Oh and I also got busy with the sweet license plate frame I scored at a swap meet. As it was when I got it: After wire brushing it and JB welding the back between the U and N in DATSUN: Masking it off: Primerd then painted background silver: More masking/paint/etc: I thought I would like the raised letters left alone with the metal shined up: But I decided white letters would be the way to go instead:
  19. Ok it's been a while since I put up any pics so here's a few more guys. So I needed to put the bumpers back on but they were painted black by the prev. owner which I was not a fan of but I didn't know what they'd look like underneath..so I figured there was only one way to find out! Here they are before: Here's a close up of one of the corners: Bubbling paint with Jasco 5 minute paint stripper: So after a few coats of paint bubbling up and primer...here's what it was looking like...kind of promising doncha think?: The bumpers came back to life pretty well huh? oh and I know I need to get around to putting in the side markers on for Mark's sake. :P Here's my 2 dimes parked at home.
  20. Hey Clayton...will do for sure...any particular time I should call?
  21. Ok a bit of an update. So I decided to throw on my 15" Watanabe's and low and behold my 'lifted' goon. See what I mean that it is in desperate need of being slammed :P My goon next to another fellow goon that was purchased from the local pick-n-pull:
  22. Warner2k: Looks like they stick out more then the fender...do your tires rub on your fenders when you hit a big bump?
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