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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. Fineline is totally correct, you're responsible to smog it before selling it (always seller's responsibility to get it smogged before a sale) but if they're willing to buy it as-is with no smog certificate from you then that requirement falls on the new owner...so if you already filled out the title transfer (pink slip) he's the new owner.
  2. The way the DMV states it is "The seller is required to provide the buyer with a valid smog inspection certification at the time of the sale or transfer." So if that seller would have bought it without the smog certificate then it's not the previous owners responsibility...hence this guy doesn't have to do anything. If the new buyer would have said "I can't buy it from you until it passes smog" then this guy would be responsible to smog it but as is, it's on the new owner. Why would anyone buy a car, hand over the money, sign the paperwork all without a valid smog certificate in hand? That's just plain dumb on their part.
  3. Sounds to me that if he bought it from you, in other words you have his cash and he has your 'pink slip', the sale is done and over with. If he bought it from you without a smog certificate and is now coming back to you claiming that he can't pass smog so he can't register it, too bad for him. It's a used vehicle so there are no guarantees on a as-is car or truck. Granted it is California law that a seller is supposed to provide the new buyer a smog certificate but that is before the sale takes place. If it was me and I sold it to someone without a smog and they later came back complaining it won't pass...I'd say sorry it's not my car anymore, you bought it as is...well maybe not that hardcore but I'd let them know that they bought it knowing they would have to get it smogged and if it's having problems doing so it's up to you on how much you want to help them. I would be somewhat helpful but not bend over backwards since they should have known better before buying it. Not trying to sound mean but they really have no claim on you.
  4. Ask and you shall receive! :) Take a look at the site, in the very top. Glad to put some tank tops in there for you guys.
  5. Hey fellas I'd love to see the shirts you guys all bought...plus I'm sure others might want to see what they look like on someone rather than just on your monitors...so post them if you got them! :)
  6. Well when ones are currently at $20k bids http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-510-DATSUN-510-SR20DET-LSD-BRIDE-DEFI-GREDDY-SHOW-QUALITY_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1071Q7c39Q3a1Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c240Q3a1308QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem330260147387QQitemZ330260147387 granted it's SUPER clean, for a decent 510 like the one in Seattle (if it only needs bodywork and paint like ad says) it's not bad at all. I'd rather get the Seattle 510 for well over half as much as the current bid or less than 1/3 the seller's reserve price and fix up the body and paint it my choise of color. I'm pretty sure it would still be less $$$ than $28K by a good amount don't you think?
  7. Damn, I wish I would have waited 3 years...lol. I would have gladly paid that when I was looking for my 510 then. Now I have too much into mine but I'm still happy with the KA24DE in it...I'm sure I'd love the SR20DET more though :( hahaha. I wish him luck with the sale.
  8. I would BUT I've been out to the yards the last two days and I need to spend some 'quality' time with the lady (and puppy). Sorry.
  9. This was at the pick n pull in Newark CA (Fremont). I saw when the forklift dropped it off and went to check it out. It was totally complete. I called Mark (PacCoast) to see if he wanted any parts so after much floundering on AIM last night I got his and and Guy (don't know if he's on Ratsun) wish list. So I pulled the fenders, the grille, the front valence, the rear KC windows, and the rear window gasket for them but had to leave some of the pulled parts there because they were a little too much for them. I personally grabbed the center console and arm rest which were in really good shape. That door bubble thing was cracked alongside the window and it only had it on one side, and the glove box was all torn up inside. Still there as of 2pm today. :) Lucky for you guys I carry my camera in my tool box at all times! :) I saw this in the parking lot...the owner of it came up to the truck as I was pulling the last part of it and was bummed I had pulled the fenders because he needed one of them but he was happy when I came back to him and told him he could have them after Mark said to leave them.
  10. Hey Mark I thought I'd post the pics we took of our little informal Datsun meet at my place just after you picked up your goon. :)
  11. Good deal Justin and Banzai...hope yours turn out well and you enjoy them!
  12. Opps...you're right ggzilla, wrong topic...I'll repost it on the right place. :)
  13. Wow, all I can say is wow, you have a truely clean truck for sale there. Man if you were in Cali that thing would have been sold pretty quick I'm pretty sure. I just sold my 521 that is nowhere near the same ballpark of condition as yours and I got my full asking price of $2000, and there's no way $3000 on top of that would get it in the condition as yours (unless I did all the bodywork/paint myself but I don't have that skill set). If I was you I'd take the other guy's advice and try your luck on Ebay (with a reserve or a buy it now price). Man if you were only in Cali...and I didn't already have way too many cars, I'd be proud to add this to my collection for sure. Best of luck in the sale!!!
  14. Man that looks to be a sweet ride! It cleaned up pretty damn nice. I love my Ratsun but I also love getting about 48mpg in my Honda CRX! :P
  15. We traveled to visit family there many times in our own personal cars and never had any troubles but yeah I wouldn't take your sweet little green car. :) Moisabamf: Have fun!!!
  16. I'm not sure, there's someone else in the San Francisco area selling one just within a week for $400 or so...looked pretty darn straight. I'm pretty sure it's PL521SSS who's selling it. Here's what it looks like to give you an idea what $400 will buy you.
  17. Guys I've been trying to let you know this guy is ONLY after making money on us here on Ratsun. One by lowballing us on a sale then selling it for more. He's a true scumbag...I'm glad you guys caught this guy on his own idiot moves. :)
  18. I know you know the feeling...I just finished watching her drive off and it was kind of sad. I've had it for so long and put a lot of time/effort on it that it was weird to watch all my blood/sweat/time drive off into the night. I'd like to give a big thanks to you Mark (Pac Coast), Hector (non-ratsun friend), and Clayton (69FJwagon) for lending a helping hand when I (my rig) needed it. The guy who bought it (Carl) is a welder by trade so he has plans to shorten up the steering shaft since there's not a whole lot of room for us bigger guys thanks to the extra bolstering the 1999 Civic seats provide. He's been into muscle cars but is new to Datsuns and he asked about the difficulty in getting parts, so I told him about this site...hopefully he'll be joining it in the future. Yeah I'm sure it won't be going to Florida! Hahahahahahahha!
  19. It's been sold! I got some decent offers pretty quick on it but I held out and sold it just a half hour ago for my full asking $2000 price. The guy came from about 100 miles away and gave me a $500 non-refundable deposit. He'll be picking it up tonight. I think I'll be a little sad to see it drive away from me but now I can work on my 510 some more! :)
  20. Haha, yeah I'm getting hitched this October, man it's coming up fast. I remember you saying that if he didn't take it you would Clay...you thought it was in good shape enough that you would have considered buying it. If I had it now I would have repainted it the same stock color for sure!!! :) Well I hope to remain in contact to eventually see what he does with it. He did PM me a while back but haven't heard back from him in a while. I'll give you a call soon to see how your and Lisa's rides are doing...and just to say hey.
  21. Man I need to ask Nick to send me one too...well I'd pay him of course. Man I'd love to see if he'd done anything with my old 510. That thing was shitty looking but man was that thing straight. I still remember how easy the damn doors shut no that thing. I have to slam the heck out of my current dime.
  22. Ha ha good pic! Johnny don't even bother PMing me as you're wasting your time (if that's even possible)...I just delete them.
  23. OMG...you post something and get all worked up because no one replied in a 4 minute span...damn relax Johnny. Why don't you go sell another Datsun you bought for super cheap for a ton of money!
  24. Wow that is a CLEAN stock goon...man all you goon guys are gonna drive up the price on them really quick! :P
  25. Ha ha ha...Mark paid the ASKING price!!! :P
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