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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. Clay, yeah he's gonna help me get my 521 back up to starting (and staying on)...hopefully. I'm taking the day off to pick Mark up at the airport, then in the morning we're work on my truck and maybe 510. If we finish early we may hit up some yards around here or whatever Mark feels like doing. Later in the afternoon (around 5pm ish) I'll be taking him to Santa Cruz to get the wagon. After that I'm sure he'll be in hog heaven with his wagon. We can meet up at my place after 6:30pm and BBQ something up if you want. Let me know, safeway or lucky's is nearby we can grab something to eat/drink. Hell I can take the grill outside and we can cook/eat and wrench/talk Datsun non-stop! :P I'll call you tonight to touch base. I know Mark would love to see your wagon to bounce ideas off you. P.S. I'm located in Sunnyvale about 1 mile off 101 on Mathilda Ave if anyone up here is intersted in meeting up. Hit me up on sobaycraigslister@gmail.com and I'll give you my address/number
  2. I asked him about that 510 while I was there looking at the wagon for my buddy Mark here, but he's not selling it. It's not his, it's his brothers 510. Apperantly Datsuns run in their family blood...gotta love that!
  3. Haha...'a good friend' what man I get no credit for finding it, test driving it, and paying for it for you? Now I'm not picking you up from the airport! LOL...j/k. Are you glad I had my trusty camera when I went over to look at it? LOL...under $1000 man just tell them how much and make them all jealous...it's not like you're gonna resell it. What I thought was funny was how you posted you bought it when the deal isn't complete quite yet...that would be funny if for some reason it would have fallen through then you'd have to explain why. Tony (the wagon owner) seems like a cool guy, he's down to earth like the rest of his family (remember I talked to his dad when I stopped by there when I initially found all his Datsuns while driving by to look at a Honda CRX I wanted to buy just up on the same street back in early December of last year..hell you even got your first look at the wagon on your thread http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=1554&page=8). It was a good thing I stopped by then and took those pictures, including your future wagon so we had something to reference to the pictureless craigslist ad for this wagon huh? What was good about it was that I looked at it before those other guys he had coming later that day, that plus when I showed him I had the full amount of his asking price (I won't say how much since you haven't) on me he knew we were serious about it. And what worked out perfect for all of this was that my fiancee and I had an appointment with a wedding photographer that morning in Santa Cruz and she knew I wanted to go look at this for you (and didn't mind at all so that made it easy) so it allowed me time for me and my dad to go look at it. Dad tagged along since we thought I'd be driving it home that day, he even thought it was nice since he remembers me buying my first 510 when I was 15 years old not far from where this wagon was. It all appears to be working out...I won't say perfect until you're driving behind me on the way back to my place.
  4. Looking good Mark! Any more pics? :)
  5. When I had my set of staggered 15" Watanabe wheels on my dime I didn't need any special lug nuts. Here they are on my dime... But I always wanted 16" Pansports so I got a nice set and here is my dime with it's new shoes...I still have my Watanabes too though :)
  6. I wish...it's not painted white, it's primered so I can't wax it...
  7. Hey Figbuck, glad to see you're talking some pointers along the way...lol. Yeah I heard everyone's comments about stripping the roof so take a look at what else I did... Getting the area masked off... Getting the first coat of red on... Second coat... Pulled the masking off for the big reveal... Here's some different angles...
  8. Ok I got off my a$$ again and went to do some more work on my truck. I masked off the grill area so I could paint the behind the grill area flat black so that the grill will stand out more once I put it back on.
  9. Yeah he has a KA powered 510 sporting some panasports too. :) I didn't want to pull the cover off but that's what his dad said :P And yeah that shack with the spray painted Datsun on it is full of Datsun parts, at least according to the guys dad. :) It's a good thing I'm not a posting this guy's address, his stash would be in danger..lol! :) Sorry Mark, I am not trying to derail your thread, just wanted to post something along the line of your project :)
  10. Well they weren't exactly secured behind anything, they were all out in the open in their driveway and had the windows either rolled down or broken, but that's why I knocked on their door. I am 99% sure I met the Datsun owner at the Lathrop swap meet last year but I'll verify that next time I'm in Santa Cruz when I'll stop by again. The dad was a crack up, telling me (in spanish) his kid and his friends have all this junk and he'd like to get rid of it all so that he'd get his driveway back. It's hard to see but that green car in the very front is a 510 they're cutting apart and junking.
  11. Hey Mark, I was in Santa Cruz today and had to pull over when 'something' caught my eye...check it out. I knocked on the house door to see if the owner was there but only the Datsun's owner's dad was there...I talked to him to see if it was ok to take pics so here are what I got. I had to do a quick park job on the sidewalk that you can see the girl next door...she was like "WTF are you doing?" :P This kind of looks like a corner of your yard huh? LOL :P This is what really caught my eye and reminded me of your current project check it out...so I busted out the camera's macro mode to show you the details. So I got some upclose detail shots of the bracket on the front A pillar for you to compare :P...I know yours is ALOT cleaner but still just wanted you to see what others have done. Here are some pics of this guy's other truck... And what really caught MY eye, a super CLEAN stock 1969 4 Door 510 wow!!! Even a green station wagon parked across the street..what a true Ratsun enthusiast!!!
  12. 71DIMER

    16's or 17's?

    Yeah but we're only talking about 2-3 feet back at the most...definately not enough to make the difference you're thinking, now if I was trying to estimate the diameter by referencing the horizontal centerline I would be screwed due to the angled perspective of the wheel but since I was meauring the vertical centerline of the oval looking wheel I still stand by it. Also if it was the rear wheels I was referencing I would say you have a valid point. I would be willing to bet good $$$ (or a six pack) that they're 17's on it. :)
  13. 71DIMER

    16's or 17's?

    I say they're 17"...there are always points of reference in pictures (that's the enginerd in me) so I just used the headlights as the reference size in this case...take a look. The headlights are 5.75" so from the picture the wheel seemed to be at least 3 times as big but there was a little overlap on the bottom of the wheel and the top of it is hidden by the fender so I had to do a little guessing on final positioning but 3 x 5.75" = 17.25", so subtracting the slight overlap of that third size reference I can feel good about saying they're 17's...what do you guys think? ...and damnit Fineline now I wish I never sold my Titans!!!!
  14. No worries....AB616 passed the assembly but died in the Senate. :). http://www.semasan.com/main/main.aspx?id=62246
  15. Yeah I didn't remove them when I was preping the engine bay and priming/painting them too...it wasn't until I did all those steps that I decided they relays needed a bit of touching up too. Then I just used some masking tape to mark which wires went to which wires. :) Hell when I did mask off the wires I forgot a pen or marker to write which went to which so I McGyver'd it by using a nearby bolt and dipped it in a little oil pooled somewhere and used that as my pen...LOL... I thought that was being a true RATSUN enthusiast!
  16. Hey everyone...happy belated Thanksgiving. I just got back from Raytown/Mayberry where I tried logging on but was stuck with (gasp) dial up! Man what a pain in the ass that was after trying to post 4 times I finally gave up. Anyway I just wanted to reinforce what Pac Coast Datsun (Mark) said...lucky for me I had some pictures to fall back when I forgot how to rewire some of the wires I just pulled and thought I'd remember them. Well now that I'm back from Virginia...I'll have time to get back to the projects :)
  17. Thanks for the thumbs up datsun_dreamer and shan lxi. :) Let me try to answer your questions dat521gatherer: Yeah I was gonna use the spray adhesive but figured it might get messy and you never know when you want to replace the carpet if it gets a nasty spill or something. Replacing strips of tape would certaily be easier and a lot less painful than being left with a I had to give those some attention as I couldn't stand looking at them all crusty and gross when I knew a little time under the wire brush wheels, some masking and primer/paint would have them looking nice. :) Thanks, I only masked the red stripe on the top of it...then I just sanded the paint off the raised letters once it was all done. Yeah mine were all crusty flat black that honestly looked like ass. I didn't think there was hope so I ended up buying a really nice grille on ebay that I polished but I figured what the hell and decided to try to restore if nothing else repaint the original one and as you can see from the previous pics it came out pretty nice. Here's a pic of the 'nice' grille I got from ebay after I polished it. Hey thanks for the compliment, I was going to paint them just black but it's the little details like carrying with the red accents that I kind of like. Thanks, it's a Herculiner roll on kit that you can pick up at any Kragens/Chucks/Checkers or Autozone, Pep Boys, etc...well you get the idea. I got mine on sale for like $49 with rebate. You really have to get it done in one day/shot because it got dark on me so I figured on putting the brush in a plastic bag and giving it a go the next day and the brush was totally solid by the next day even though it was ziplocked. They kit comes with a roll on applicator but that thing sucks for our (or at least my bed) beds because it seems like newer beds have lower ridges and a roll on applicator won't get this stuff in the groove's valleys, so I ditched it all together and just applied it with a brush. I did 2 full coats on it like the directions indicated and it's really thick and uniform. Here's two closer pics of the inside of the bed...you'll notice I removed the little gas tank access door so that it wouldn't stick to the bed :) Can't take credit for the rear slider, it was on there to begin with. Yes I didn't know the bumperettes were sought after until after I joined NWDE.org Yes it's the original elephant oil cap (original kangaroo water bag too) both in excellent shape. Yep, locking glove box too. :) I was considering doing the little black squares but that would be a pain in the ass. If by package tray you mean that thing that goes under the glove box..no I don't have it...:( Well thanks, I first repainted this gloss black but it really came out bad, so I restripped it and sanded it, primered it and decided flat black would set it off inside better...I'll definatly keep posting pics since no one seems to mind all of my pics (I thought I'd be posting too many) :P
  18. Ha ha...nice tool you got there, it's very specialized looking. I had a set of 18" Titans that I finally sold off, decided I'd rather just keep the wheels already on there, but curiosity wants to know what you have? :)
  19. Thanks Edz280zx...510's are in my blood. Literally...I've busted my knuckles many a times working on my first one when I was 15 trying to get it back on the road a few times...lol. qship510: Sorry man, those seats were tossed as soon as I replaced them with the 1999 Civic seats. They're easy to swap in too...this is how I did that.
  20. Thought of what ]2eDeYe? Hey Clayton, I figured I might as well clean it up since I already had most of the things I needed for it already at my place. The Herculiner was the most expensive part I've put into it and I was happy how easy that went on and please with the results. I'm considering using that to line the inside of my 510's trunk and possibly the under side of the hood if I'm feeling adventerous. But I'm still way jealous of how clean and in good shape Lisa's rig is in...:) Adding subtle stripes to her truck would look great I think! I was thinking of doing the stripes in flat red to keep it looking the same as it did before but went with the gloss red...still can switch to flat red but I'm not sure if I want to change it all over yet. Yeah we should get together soon...maybe you can help me install my matchbox dizzy or adjust my brakes? :P...bring ur tools! Ha ha ha :P. MKlotz...now you tell me about the aluminum foil trick! Doh! I could have used that when masking the individual brake fluid lines next to the MC...that was a bitch!
  21. Hey Fineline, I searched and found pics of your truck with my Titan's on them. Got to say they look great. Did you have to do anything to make them fit, like make bore out the wheels a bit? I know you're in the SoBay, Fremont? I'm in Sunnyvale..we should hang out and talk Datsuns. Hit me up next time you and Clay do a junk yard run. :) I may need to tap into your (and Clayton's since I know he'll help me out) knowledge to get my Datsun running again. Last time I tried starting it, it would turn but wouldn't turn on. I've been doing all these mods but I really should concentrate on getting it running. Also what did you do with your older L series engine? :)
  22. Sure here's a pic of the front stipes when I first got them... And here it is in the background :) And Fineline, here are some pics of the Titans when I had them...
  23. Thanks Fineline, I am considering doing the stripes on the top of the cabin too...still haven't decided to but leaning toward it. Hey how are my old Titan wheels doing? I think you have them now (I think you traded the guy who bought them from me to trade with you for your wheels). :)
  24. Thanks for the compliments guys! It's been fun so far and I love taking pictures along the way...I have way way more pictures of all my progress...just ask Mark (Pac Coast Datsun) he's been the (un)lucky one to get to see ALL my pictures as soon as I'm done with each project.
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