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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. For what it's worth Felton is a woodsy area and they've gotten a good amount of rain recently (and typically do so) so that's why it looks all dark and wet (the rust must be wet...lovely).
  2. Here's some bigger pics of it guys...it's nearby me but I just don't need another project, plus I recently sold my 521. This one looks a little grimy but still pretty intact.
  3. Let me help you out here...here's your pictures. You're pics are not showing up because you're using the URL link given to you by myspace but that won't work since its something like "http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=54144506&albumID=25484&imageID=16767331" You need to be using "http://a574.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/94/l_0dc2953f66ab72fd4ae1d82fa594895d.jpg" which I got directly from the image's properties (by right clicking).
  4. Yes it does but the cover housing is broken up. I'm not sure if I'll be easily able to find a replacement :(.
  5. Ah I gotcha...lol. I'll send you the VIN so you can tell me what it is. Here's another pic of it at work (where it's safer than it would be at my place hahaha). Then I was messing around with the pic color settings: Trying to make it look like Pac Coast's green goon hahah just kidding: I like how this came out :P
  6. I just checked, it's not the same VIN as yours :(
  7. I was thinking more along the line of since this is in the 510 section, not trucks...but :rolleyes: it's still on a ratsun so I'll let it slide haha.
  8. Dat and Rusty: Thanks guys Not much for pix updates but here it is at my work. :)
  9. Datrod: Yeah I need to clean it up since it just won't wipe off, it smears. 3M makes this great product "Adhesive Remover" but I haven't been able to find it again. I'm going to use it in the truck area first incase it messes up the finish. :) Motavated & ]2eDeYe: Thanks for the compliments! :) Jaimesix (and others), have you not read any of my last few posts? I'm kind of tired of guys coming on here and starting an arguement when there isn't anything to argue about anymore, especialy when I started this thread to show you guys what I and Mark were doing. I didn't ask for inputs other than what you guys thought color I should consider. I know we all love threads with pics so I wanted to have pictures document the project that's all. Then unfortunately there was poorly communicated criticism which was since been settled...we really don't need any more fuel poured into the smoldering ashes of it ok?
  10. Yeah it wasn't quite tight enough after a fill up but it works find. I just need to find a gas door lock or somthing. :)
  11. Nice pics Mark...here's a cool pic of our rides (after paint)
  12. Hey zuum, yeah they're Panasports. I'm not a big fan of Rotas or Konigs, they just look off to me. I'd rather get the real deal. They're 16x7 0 offset, perfect for my bubble flared dime :) Hey sorry for lagging on the pics...it's been a busy couple days with being at the hospital with my mom (she's doing fine now, recovering from surgery). Here's some recent ones. Here's Mark picking me up at the San Diego airport in it, trim less at this point: Some more pics of it at Mark's pad: And here it is back at my place....550 miles later. :) One thing that was bugging me forever was having to use a cheap prop to hold the hood open, like this: But today me and my friend Hector hooked me up with some struts so we put them on. Struts and supplies: All done: Still a lot of things left to do to it...in time :)
  13. I left San Diego around 6am and was stuck in LA's lovely morning rush traffic for quite a while. I would have posted pics yesterday but I had to go straight to the hospital after my dad called me while I was driving home telling me my mom had to go to the ER do to some severe stomach pains. She's got some sort of blockage in her intestines and may require surgery so I stayed until visiting hours were over. By the time I actually made it home, I was beat. I took pics of a mini meet we had in San Diego but I'll post those when I have some time. Ok I also just wanted to say with this CONTINUING back and forth, guys we all need to realize that (one) 72240z did come on my thread sounding disprespectful, I mean using the word terrible is putting down your work. He could have come on here and worded his reply differently and have came off like offering useful advuce. Yes he has since appologizing for coming off that way and that was not his intent and I belive him and told him to offer any other advice he thinks is worth offering. Now (two) yes those of us that know Mark will stand up for him, myself included, we, or at least I am not saying I ever wanted my car to be show award winning. I just wanted something that will look nicer than what I had before, which was a crappy pervious owner purchased Maaco paint job and piss poor bodywork, rust holes, dents galore...so as-is I am SUPER happy with the results. Not only does it look way better than before, I also got to spend time with my friend and get my hands dirty by working on my own car. I loved that. Sure it won't win my any awards but that wasn't the kind of time and $$$ that was thrown at it. I posted this thread to share the process and get some color choice ideas, and some of you are straying from that so let's get back to the purpose of the thread ok? :P HaHa you caught that Bonovo. I'm planning on replacing all the guages to bigger ones which is why I haven't gotten to fixing that yet. It must be wired to the tach so the tach is reving pretty good at a stop so the speedo always says I'm going 25mpg+ and the odometer is always ticking away even when I'm stopped.
  14. Haha, I was just trying to be nice about the non-subject posts :P Anyway to answer your question the supplies can run anywhere between around $100 for single stage stuff to about $450 for middle of the road quality stuff to well over $1000+ for top of the line PPG. That's the quotes/estimates we got from the paint supply store, so there's something available for every budget.
  15. That would look pretty good I think. You might want to start your own thread to get more peoples ideas though if that's what you want. :D
  16. Not sure, I haven't seen or worked on the car since last Wednesday. Mark's been doing all the rest of it...lucky! Should look nice...since white hides a lot of little flaws it could be real nice.
  17. Hey 72, I think they're steel, not sure but I do know they're original. Thanks for the compliments but I don't know if it was fast...both of us working on it 2-3 days then Mark working on it himself for another 3 days of more bodywork, then a full day of paint. A lot of work went into it. :)
  18. I didn't take the pics but yeah that's where it was inside that barn. He had all kinds of classics on there. Most if not all of them were old american cars. Some late 40's, 50's, 60's cars. He must buy/sell since when we went to his house he had new nice cars out side, and his house was REALLY nice.
  19. Now now steroid...let's not provoke anyone. 72240Z didn't mean to come off the way he did, and I think he'd be the first to take it back if he saw it in person. Now on to the good stuff, yes Mark is definatly a great friend, not because of doing all of this, but for just being a really nice genuine guy. I think everyone that I've introduced him to can agree with that and I know I don't have to tell you that!
  20. Damn Mark...what are you going to leave for us to do tomorrow when I get there then? You've done most of it already by putting on the trim!!! Wow, again you surprise me by doing those little details. The steel wool did wonders on that door trim too...wow. I can't wait to put as much of it all together. I've been thinking of taking my grille with me tomorrow but not sure if airport security will let me board the plane with it in my carryon. I'd be pissed if they took it away from me so I might play it safer rather than sorry and leave it here. I'm going to try to find the light bezel trim and the C pillar vents...I know they're hanging out together I just can't remember where right now.
  21. Haha...I was wondering when you were gonna chime in buddy! I know it's like your color but I think yours is original paint isn't it? This is a repaint for sure. Definately come over, we'll have a mini meet of our own. Yeah I'll see which wheels will look best on it...kind of want to keep it small (13" libres or minilites) but the 15" Watanabe's will look good...well whichever wheels go on it I'll be picking your brain on how to lower it a bit. Hey I'm glad that scared people off...actually it's a small patch. It's smaller than the rot Pac Coast removed and replaced on my 2 door so it's not at all an issue. I looked under the carpets, through the door panels and there's no other rust areas like that. It's been in that barn for years protected from the enviornment so it's clean. Plus here in California rust issues aren't as bad as they are up north. Also I'm not sure where you got that it has a dogleg transmission...as I stated earlier it's a standard 4 speed transmission.
  22. Just in for a quick lunch at home (I can't access Ratsun from work anymore....damn firewall!) dwnshfter: Just have to keep your eyes on craigslist. I just happend to be searching around 1:30pm when I found it. It was posted at around 11am that same day...so you have to jump on things and pull the trigger. If you wait someone else will have beat you to it. ]2eDeYe: Thanks...I'll do the carpet and make some panels for now to at least make it uniform. Probably just throw a cover over the rear seat to make it look better than it is right now. I was thinking the Watanbes but not sure how the offset will do on the fenders...only one way to find out though right! Lex: Yeah I knew I had to act fast. If I had waited it would have busted through his ebay reserve and I would have been in a bidding war then...screw that. I'm glad I went out right away. MikeRL411: Wow, that's a lot of great information to know. I appreciate it and may hit you up with some future questions, hope that'll work with you. Datrod: Man I've heard about you and seen your goon by way of Mark...maybe we'll get to see you sometime while I'm visiting Mark again? Well by your definition I got a great deal then!!! I knew as soon as I saw it was a 1968 (which I verified on his paperwork right away) that it was a rare find. Then just to be in the condition it's in now, it was a no brainer. Not very often you see any 1968 Datsuns especially in solid running shape with absolutley everything stock working. The black plates were just icing on the cake for me! 73dat: Thanks, I have a full set of 13" or 14" to chose from on those Libres, as well as my minilites and Watanabes. I may play musical wheels until I find what I like on it. :) 420n620: Yeah they are rapidly going up on value, thanks to the goon thread on here showing eveyone's great rides! I can't wait to get to it but having this and my other 510 needing detail work, it'll probably be a slow project. :) hang 510: Yeah I have extra wheels hahaha...thanks anyway.
  23. qwik510: Yeah it helps that is was local, I was the first one to see it in person so that's what got it for me. 420n620: What can I tell you, you're first bid of a few hundred bucks wasn't gonna do it and with his ebay auction was only up 7 hours and it was getting near his reserve pretty quick. I am pretty sure it would have met and past his reserve soon after I saw it and gone for more than I paid for it if it would have stayed on Ebay. Hell my coworkers already offered me more than what I paid for it! The old saying is true, cash talks and BS walks, so I'll just leave it at that and say that I think I got a deal on a rare 1968 wagon in stock (albeight not perfect) wagon that runs great as is, nothing needed to use it daily. That's worth a lot more than buying someone else's uncomplete or rust bucket project. I think some will agree a barn find like this are not around every corner. Maybe you'll find a stock, straight, non-rusty, running goon in your neck of the woods for what you can afford. Good luck with your search for a goon. :)
  24. Yeah I really like that it's small and not HUGE! I plan on doing the same fix ups Pac Coast did on his green goon monster, clean up the engine bay, starting with simple green and some steel wool. See how far that gets me. If I don't hear back from the previous owner I'll get started on recarpeting using the old carpet that you see in there as my template. I'd love to lower it...maybe I'll ask Clayton for some help/advice since he lives relatively close and has his own goon to show me. I also want to get some wheels on it, not sure what though. As far as wheels here's my options: 13" or 14" Libres 15" Watanabes 13" Minilites
  25. Ah so your friend is one of the 3 guys that called him from out of state. He really didn't want to deal with that so he prefered someone buy it locally. He was even getting a few calls and texts messages while I was there looking it over! I'm glad I saved you a trip to the airport then! Icehouse: I sent you the VIN, check your PM. Guys this thing is very original and is in fairly good shape. This guy had it sitting in that barn for 2 years. He had 20+ old school cars in there. All of them had black plates. It's all stock L16, su carbs, 4 speed tranny with newer slave clutch cylinder and clutch. It drove great on the highway. The speedo works great, I compared it to my Garmin as far as how fast I was going and it was accurate. The blinkers outiside and in the dash work, as do the cluster's temperature and fuel gauges. The wipers work great. The rear bumper license plate light works. The 3 heater slide controls work (Left: Fan speed Middle:Heat On/Off Right: Defrost or Cabin) Light (low/high) and blinker switch works (shuts off automatically) It has what appears to be an aftermarket locking gas cap...still doing research on that. It even has a tiny aftermarket tach on the steering column that works great!
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