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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. I'm so bakee I'm Blaked, Thats when your so high, you leave your gun back at the restaurant.............

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freetheoranges


      you must be from a strange land.. bakee and blaked had me thinking you were baked but if you can't spell well wel well well wellwell

    3. captaingamez


      Robert Blake joke, Sorry, low brow.

    4. captaingamez


      I also misspelled baked

  2. My buddy has an HK91 with a G3 conversion. Sweet stuff
  3. Very nice Less recoil than a .556 to my understanding? You spent a nice chunk on that Tanker. I am jealous. I hope I have an opportunity to shoot one soon.
  4. Their nice... til they sneak up and kill the next Paul walker or James Dean. Too soon?
  5. this video is full of dreams.
  6. Oh, its not that bad, The last upholstery shop quoted me like $15 per belt. And that was to rebuild with me providing the webbing, not just to sew the ends. I cant imagine it being more than a few bucks.
  7. The worst part about this is that hes actually a really nice guy.
  8. Its like they are stuck in the first fast and furious movie, in that alleyway where all the cars meet up. We have a guy that comes up to the local show like this too, EG hatchback ALL CHROME, autopower cage CHROME, 4 subwoofers CHROME, engine bay CHROME, We call him "Chrome civic guy" supposedly the story goes that he got a settlement like ten years ago while the FNF shit was still hot, he built that car, and never looked back. Wipes it with a diaper every week and hasnt turned a bolt on it in ten years. He only drives it to the local car show.
  9. Justin McMartin You are a massive fucking pussy fart. Your kind is what is wrong with the interplanet (combination of both the internet and planet obviously) Hope you eat shit and die bitch. That said, now I hope he has an issue with me. Cause that will be then end of ALL his issues. He hasnt understood the term "out of fucks given" until he has met me.
  10. We have determined the approximate cost to be eleventy billion yen.
  11. Oh, yeah, the brits have been leading the rice rocket race for years now. its ALL rice over there in my experience. Ever see "Ali G Indahouse" Fuckin hilarious.
  12. Looks like they are so far gone they are mostly worthless now.
  13. Yeah, and nobody is researching how to do it cheaper and safer because of the green rush to electric. Its like jumping off a burning sinking ship, to a burning sinking ship that is burning a little less, and sinking a little slower. Its ridiculous, Hydrogen is a real viable alternative for ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS ON THIS PLANET. Lets just ignore it.
  14. Just go to an auto upholstery store and get new belt webbing in the right size. Then take your old belt off and take it to an auto upholstery shop and tell them you need the new web on the old belt and it sewed back up to DOT spec. Belts must be sewn in DOT spec, a cop can write you a ticket if they are not.
  15. And then theres the whole issue of "foreign oil" Well that is a huge pile of horseshit too. We dont have a dependence on foreign oil, we have enough oil in our country to last us hundreds of years. But the middle east produces it cheaper, so its not really highly economically viable for us to drill it until they go up in price enough. Its called supply and demand. We COULD drill more oil, but it would be a losing venture. Why would you spend money to compete and lose?
  16. Pretty much. And I hate to say this too, but minimally pollutive. Batteries and electric are not at all!!!!! make the batteries, transport them to 4 different manufacturing plants, then charge them using "renewable" resources? Not to mention that all that electricity travels through copper, one of the most destructive minerals to mine in the world. that list goes on and on and on. The terms "Environmentally friendly" and "electric" do not currently go together. As Seasick Steve said on Top Gear --"You can drive your 51 Chevy for this life and the one you had before and still not create as much pollution as it took to make a Prius"
  17. Meh, electric, the tech is older than the gasoline engine. Bored. Waiting for new and actually viable tech to take off.
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